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Chapter 126 Smoke and Dust

After Xiang Shan casually killed a guy who was following him, he sent a signal behind him.

Only then did the original person come out of the shadows and said: "Senior's skills are indeed extraordinary."

She was watching Xiang Shan's actions just now. Xiang Shan relied on the performance of his prosthetic eyes and the vague memories of those minions to first lock onto the hidden stake that was being followed, and then used the terrain to keep moving within the blind spot of the opponent's vision.

For example, athlete warriors like Matsushima Hiro and Lao Zhui who have participated in the "Visualless Arena Competition" can probably filter out the movement beyond the background noise of the environment through sound. But these wild gun warriors are not so particular.


Gun warriors pay more attention to vision.

However, Xiangshan deliberately made a big noise, leaving a sound without any sound, and finally used the convoy to make the enemy's attention jump back and forth, and the final blow was sure to kill. It is indeed a classic.

Even in the last step, Xiang Shan ensured that the enemy's body was half-wrapped with the inner lining of his cloak that could reflect electromagnetic waves in commonly used frequency bands. Even if the enemy reacted before death and issued a warning, it would be difficult to reach Dazhai.

Xiang Shan and Yuan Wenren set out ahead of those riding vehicles to eliminate possible hidden piles on the road. The others were responsible for pretending to be the minions and sneaking into the green forest village.

Yuan Wenren and Xiangshan's prosthetic bodies are still "light" in terms of specifications, but they are far different from humans with low transformation rates. As a gunnery warrior, Yuan Wenren's base must be more stable than that of ordinary close-quarters warriors.

The center of gravity is lower. Xiangshan's prosthetic body is taller and much stronger than an ordinary person.

The other people's prosthetics are closer to the human form.

Xiangshan pulled out the storage device from the puddle of silver slurry, wiped it on the camouflage cloth that the guy was wearing, took a moment to read it, and then pulled out another component from the other person's neck and adjusted it slightly.

He connected the wiring, connected a port to his wrist, hacked it with internal force, and sent out a "everything is normal" signal.

Xiang Shan walked down the high slope and said, "Is everything normal?"

The original reporter nodded.

"Now we only need to wait for three more minutes." Xiang Shan said: "In ten minutes, we will go straight in."

Due to the lack of professional materials, the silicone layers on the faces of those who have sneaked into Dazhai are not that realistic. Of course, it is okay to look at it from a distance, but if you take a closer look at it, you will notice that these "faces"


This can minimize the distance between the "straight corridor in front of the gate" that must directly withstand gunfire.

The average level of martial arts of those young knights is much higher than that of Lu Lin. As long as they occupy favorable terrain and make it difficult for Lu Lin to take advantage of their numbers, there will be no problem at all in a stalemate between the two sides for a period of time.

And this period of time is enough to rush into the mountain.

Xiangshan and Yuan Wenren quickly found the entrance to a corridor. A faint muffled sound came from inside. That was the attenuated sound of gunshots.

Xiang Shan nodded to the original listener and started running wildly inside.

What happens next is very simple.

At the highest speed he could reach, Xiangshan crossed the battle line organized by Lu Lin inside the gate, and then used his huge advantage of internal strength to conquer the server of this village like a mammoth enemy.

Afterwards, things became very simple.


At nightfall, Balbo launched his battle array in the wilderness.

The hunt for the knight-errant was unusual.

In the old days, "weapons" have been narrowing the gap in combat power between individual soldiers. After all, the physical rules and logic of this world have made "attack weapons" develop faster than "protective equipment". But when thermal weapons dominate

After the battlefield, the dense formation was completely abandoned.

But when Wu Zu designed cyber martial arts, it was equivalent to using technical means to open a new "technology tree" on top of the original military command system.

All military concepts in the past were based on the fact that in most cases the quality of individual soldiers is not much different.

But cyber martial arts completely destroyed this foundation.

With stronger senses, you can spot the enemy one step ahead.

With the more powerful mobility of the prosthetic body, the battlefield is constantly divided.

Through the well-honed strategy group, you can widen the skill gap with individual soldiers.

And, most importantly, through the prosthetic body's defense power being far greater than that of the physical body, it can withstand "ricochet" and "grazing bullets", increasing the tactical error tolerance to a level that old humans could not imagine.

"Skirmish line", a formation created to reduce the effectiveness of thermal weapons, is precisely what cyber martial arts restrains.

The opponent has stronger mobility and reflexes, and a higher error tolerance, so it is difficult for bullets to hit.

If the martial arts is really good to a certain level, the cyber warrior can easily kill through the line of skirmishers.

When hunting down a knight, the most important thing is to maintain the density of the formation.

Especially when the long-range firepower of the protector must be much greater than that of the vigilante, so there is no need to worry about the opponent's firepower suppression.

Under normal circumstances, a group of soldiers line up in a row, with a distance of no more than half a meter from each other. At the same time, there will be a row of soldiers behind them, and the formation is slightly staggered from them, leaving room for "shooting".

Under this formation, a small team will maintain a number of about twenty people. The distance between each small team will not exceed fifty meters, so each other can quickly support each other.

And every thousand people will form a regiment. Each regiment is accompanied by a number of heavy tanks and warriors.

There are also many drones in the sky.

Each wing operates independently.

They marched at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour.

It's not that it can't be faster. If you don't care about the wear and tear of parts, the regular marching speed of the robots is the same as the "motorized troops" of the old era. But the problem is, they are searching for the robots.

The kind that doesn't require much oxygen.

If the vigilante is really brave enough, he can bury himself anywhere, shut down his entire body right there, and set it to wake up after a few days.

This is indeed risky, but it is still a method.

In the protector's own exercises, the warriors playing the role of "Xia Ke Fang" did indeed escape by this method several times.

A small number of masters who have surrendered from the martial arts world have also introduced similar experiences.

Therefore, if you don’t set up your search line with a “dig deep into the ground” attitude, you will easily miss clues.

The trouble doesn't stop there.

The search area that Jayhawk City needs to face has expanded invisibly.

The reason was actually the broadcasters they had looked down upon before.

Today, broadcasters continued to rebroadcast the content of the old crab. At the same time, there were three broadcasters who loudly announced that they were with the knights when they were off the air, and asked the government to find them if they had the guts, or directly call them

Send tactical missiles over.

These words are most likely a pretense and false. However, the patrons cannot completely ignore it.

They couldn't even send a tactical missile directly over as the other party said.

The reason why the old crab was easily killed was because the content he broadcast exposed his vision, causing him to be locked by the satellite.

But those broadcasters, at best, only revealed the general location.

If these broadcasters dodge when they see missiles appearing on the horizon, the role of tactical missiles will be limited.

They eventually expanded their search.

This further dilutes the density of the troops.

"It seems that these days we are a little too tolerant of those who engage in Mi Mi music." Balbo thought.

He continued to receive feedback from various units in the tank.

"Report to the chief... sizzling... we have completed... sizzling... about to... sizzling... area E9..."

"Here it comes again." Balbo was a little angry. He directly connected to another channel. But after finding a sizzling sound in this channel, he jumped out of the chariot and shouted: "From the technical class? What is this communication failure?

What's going on? Have you found out the reason?"

Soon, a prosthetic man who looked like an army officer ran over and said, "Sir, something seems wrong about this matter."

"Oh? What's wrong?"

But the man spread his hand and raised a black block, which seemed to be stained with sand and dust: "Look, sir.",

"This is..." Balbo touched it with his finger and felt the magnetism: "Magnet? Do you use this thing to collect metal dust in the wilderness for analysis? Are you a scientific research knight or something?"

"No, sir, the metal dust on it is all in the air. And if there is light, you will find that its reflectivity is definitely not natural metal dust." The man said: "This is diluted iron


"Tiehua?" Balbo looked around: "There is no particularly conspicuous smoke nearby..."

"'Diluted', sir." The technical officer said: "In most cases, most of our common dense fog-type metal aerosols will settle normally, but a small part will float with the wind and form in the air.

Small aerosol clumps continue to dilute and eventually disappear."

"Has someone used metal aerosols on a large scale?" Balbo first denied this possibility: "No, in that case the satellites should be alert. The presence of large clusters of metal aerosols on the ground will definitely trigger the celestial punishment system."

"Perhaps it was released after dark?"

"No..." Balbo quickly became alert: "These guys should have modified the release parts of the metal aerosol to release the metal aerosol slowly. Today's wind speed is relatively high. This ensures that aerosols will not form.

Large clumps. And small aerosol clumps... they have very low density. If there was no light, we would just think it was a plume of smoke."

"But if there is enough smoke and dust in a wide area, it will still cause serious communication interference."

He suddenly thought of something and said: "Now, separate the microwave radar from the fire control system immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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