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Chapter 137 Waiting for the wind to blow

On the fifth day after the leader of the Mana Knights was assassinated, and also the fourth day after the city was under martial law, a rumor emerged in the slums in the north of the city. A new parts dealer appeared in this place. This vendor had quite a lot of money.

There are many parts, and the quality of the parts is quite good. It has no metal fatigue and can be used for at least ten years.

This news quickly attracted the attention of the Jayhawk City intelligence department. On the sixth day after martial law, they came to the slums and called the surveillance system to observe the legendary vendor for a while.

Then, they came to the conclusion that this hawker should not be a knight, but might have some connection with Green Forest.

Most of the parts in this guy's hands are new and not old. Some of them are common specifications for prosthetics used in martial arts, but few of them are government-standard and military-standard, so they shouldn't be obtained after killing soldiers.

"It is suspected that the old parts that have been discarded by Green Forest." An intelligence officer recorded in the memo: "Those gangsters buy certain parts that are difficult to dissolve and recycle as scrap products. This vendor may just be their route for selling stolen goods.


"The only doubt is that the wear rate of these parts is not very high. But if the green forest organization pursues martial arts, it is possible that the parts will be eliminated at a faster rate."

"Considering that the asylum seekers may organize a campaign against Green Forest within three months, someone should be sent to monitor this vendor. But there is nothing noteworthy about this vendor himself."

The above is the evaluation of the Jayhawk City Intelligence Department.

Xiangshan swaggered like this under the surveillance of these eagle and dog figures, leaning against the small space surrounded by plastic sheets.

He had discovered those monitors a long time ago. Now he has stored all suspicious items with Matsushima Hiro. He only has a few parts on his body [randomly removed from Green Forest], and his face is also decorated with Matsushima Hiro's face.

I made a more realistic disguise, so I'm not afraid of those guys coming to check.

He resisted the thought of looking at the monitors through the translucent plastic film.

This is a house in a slum. It looks a bit like a small plastic greenhouse, with plastic sheets of different colors directly surrounding it as a "private space".

Baseline humans have a higher demand for temperature. After becoming prosthetic, Cybermen's oxygen consumption is greatly reduced, but they are afraid of wind and sand. Therefore, this kind of system can block the air flow, but can transmit light and keep the photovoltaic panels operating.

The residence is particularly suitable for these humans who only have a few photovoltaic panels left.

Of course, if the degree of prostheticization is not high enough, there will be some problems living here.

According to Matsushima Hiroshi, people who are not sufficiently prosthetic often sleep in such greenhouses until they die from lack of oxygen.

If the degree of prostheticization is not high enough, it is better to try your luck on the lower floor of the building open to the lord. It is harder to get sunlight there, but at least the ventilation is good.

In this slum, people with nothing live and die, and the population mobility rate is very high.

People who have nothing can just find a shed with nothing and crawl into it, which is equivalent to having a home.

This place is very suitable for hiding someone.

If Xiangshan had an energy source like an isotope battery whose working time could be counted in "years", then the underground river would not be bad either.

But at this stage, Xiangshan still needs to rely on sunlight to generate electricity.

After the assassination at the Methodist Building, most underground river mouths or sewer mouths are now under surveillance.

If you go in and out frequently, the risk of exposure is also very high.

So after Matsushima Hiroshi's guidance, he came here.

It is said that Matsushima Hiroshi also said hello to the small organizations of this generation of residents. [This kind of loose organization has almost no real power and is difficult to ban, so even if it means to go beyond the Dyson principle, the asylum seekers will not go too far.

get to the bottom】

At this moment, Xiang Shan was completely relieved.

Xiangshan is now waiting here for the next dust storm.

He has nothing to do in a hurry now, nor does he need to prepare disposable weapons such as bombs. He does not need to educate his disciples.

The research materials on the Mana Knights have also been handed over.

Ah, by the way, Xiangshan also left a backup copy of the first-generation Yuding fungus with Matsushima Hiro.

This backup is installed in a special test tube. In that test tube, the yeast absorbs the nutrients from the culture medium and gradually grows. During this process, the water in the culture medium will continue to evaporate. The inside of the sealing cover of the test tube

There is a dark compartment that contains metal salts that can combine with water molecules. This dark compartment will absorb evaporated water, making the culture medium drier.

When the culture medium is consumed to a certain extent, the fungus will stop its life activities, split into spores and continue to lie dormant.

At that time, you only need to stuff it into the refrigerator where medicines are kept, and it can be stored for many years.

If there are any discerning knights in the future, Matsushima Hiro can give them a share of these spores.

In this way, this strategic resource can benefit more people.

Of course, it's not that Xiangshan doesn't want to put it directly into nature and let all those in need take it.

Just doing this will produce unpredictable results.

Microorganisms have a terrible mechanism-the horizontal transmission of genetic information.

The genetic information of normal organisms can only be transmitted vertically, from parents to children, and from parents to children.

However, microorganisms can achieve horizontal transmission of genetic information - individuals not only obtain the genetic information of their parents, but also obtain the genetic information of "brothers and sisters" and even other people.

In the old days, the reason why "superbugs" with strong drug resistance emerged in endlessly was because bacteria could easily transfer genetic information horizontally. After a bacterium accidentally acquires drug resistance, this characteristic will quickly spread to other microorganisms.

Some parasites can also cause horizontal transmission of their own genes and host genes.

Retroviruses can also lead to the horizontal transmission of genetic information between more advanced organisms, but it is not as simple as between microorganisms. [However, there are also theories that the horizontal transmission of genetic information may be another key driving force for evolution——

Even the reason why humans are humans is because our ape ancestors were infected with a certain virus and acquired foreign genetic information.】

Yuding fungus is a product of highly intelligent design. It contains many genomes, which are completely original to humans and do not exist in nature. If it is put into the wild environment and is not completely destroyed, then genetic information will be transferred horizontally, and something will happen.

No one can predict the consequences.

Of course Xiangshan would not do such a horrific thing.

He just stayed in the shed and waited quietly for the wind to blow.

And read your own memory.

His spirit slowly sank, and he once again fell into his past self.


In December 2043, at Haneda International Airport, the 12-year-old Kanhara Yanye stared angrily at the strong man in front of him, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

Kanbaru originally wanted to pick up his daughter, but Kanhara angrily opened his father's hand.

"Yan Ye!" The young woman on the side was a little angry: "Dad is going abroad now, to a very dangerous place. Are you going to send dad abroad with such an expression?"

"It's not the first time anyway." Kanyuan Yanye roared in a low voice, with an expression like a ferocious small dog.

Shen Yuanzun felt quite embarrassed. He lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry..."

The little girl still ignored him.

Kambara stood up, looked at his wife, thought about it, and said, "I'm really sorry..."

"No need to apologize, dear." The woman shook his coat that was wrinkled due to squatting, and said gently: "This is a very important thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Kanbaru sighed: "I can't even tell you 'this is the last time'... I can never guarantee that. The humans on that land, and the language. My destiny is very

I have long been intertwined with them.”

"That's why you never send me to school." The little girl muttered.

The woman frowned: "Yan Ye, you..."

Shen Yuanyan's mouth dropped, and he turned around and wanted to run away.

But at this time, another person held down the little girl's head and at the same time stuffed a set of exquisite toys bought from the airport store into her hands: "Children, please stop running around! Stay close to your parents."


Kanyuan Yanye was stunned for a moment: "Thank you... No, who are you?"

The little girl was very vigilant, suspecting that she might have just run away from home and encountered a legendary child abductor before she had even taken three steps away.

But the father quickly shattered the little girl's delusions.

Kambara-san shouted in surprise: "Xiang? Why are you here?"

After saying this sentence in Japanese, Kambara-san was shocked to realize that he had used the wrong language, and quickly said it again in a language that the little girl could not understand.

"Oh, this." Xiang Shan pointed to the timetable: "Transfer. I saw your news on the official website of your institute, and I was wondering if you would also go to the United States today, but I saw you as soon as I got off the plane.

.Oh, I was just thinking of buying some gifts to greet you, but then I saw you and your daughter...this..."

Kanbaru-san's wife held her squirming daughter with both hands, still maintaining a somewhat polite smile on her face: "My dear, who is this?"

"Oh, this is my former colleague at the United Nations, Xiang Shan from the Republic. When we got married, the confidentiality level of that project was not low, and they couldn't leave at will. But Yan Ye came here once when he was four or five years old. You probably don't

I remember." After introducing Xiangshan, Shen Yuanzun said to Xiangshan: "I don't know if you still remember, but this is my wife, and her name is..."

"Long time no see, Ms. Meijiu." Xiangshan stretched out his hand and shook the woman's hand.

"Ah, I'm really sorry. Look at my memory." The woman bent over apologetically: "I've actually heard my husband mention your name a lot, but I just didn't remember your appearance."

This chapter has been completed!
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