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Chapter 19 Preparation

Tao Enhai used to be a top doctor. He was the chief physician at the Neurosurgery Department of Ditan Hospital. At that time, he was less than forty years old. For a "doctor", it can be said that it was the best years - both in terms of technology and physical strength.

They are all top-notch. He has developed several neurosurgical techniques and published some papers.

At that time, surgeries were going on all the time, and I was so busy every day that I almost fainted.

But at that time, I was undoubtedly happy.

Even today, Tao Enhai can still assert this.

Every time he saves a life, he feels that his value has been realized.

In fact, some people from research institutions approached him for cooperation, hoping that he would switch from clinical practice to scientific research. Once, he was almost convinced. The person told him that brand-new technology could save more people. In this way, he was almost convinced.

Much more efficient than he was on the operating table.

Tao Enhai admitted that he was indeed shaken at the time.

The progress of medical technology is more effective than the personal struggles of doctors.

However, Tao Enhai ultimately rejected that opportunity.

He still remembers reading a short article when he was in elementary school.

One morning after a storm, a man came to the beach for a walk. He noticed that in the shallow puddles on the beach, there were many small fish that had been swept ashore by last night's storm. They were trapped in the shallow puddles and could not return to the sea.

Before long, the water in the shallow puddles will be sucked dry by the sand and evaporated by the sun, and these small fish will die. The man saw a little boy in front of him, walking very slowly, and kept swimming in every water

Wa Bean bent down - he was picking up the small fish in the puddle and throwing them back into the sea with all his strength. The man stopped and stared at the little boy, watching him save the lives of the small fish.

Finally, the man couldn't help but walked over: "Son, there are hundreds of thousands of small fish in this puddle. You can't save them. Who cares?"

The boy's answer was: "This little fish cares! This one cares, and this one, this one, this one..."

This is Tao Enhai's creed. "This little fish cares," he finally told the institution. Researching new technologies does not require such a strong level of clinical practice. That is not a job that must be done by him. On the operating table, however,

There are indeed patients who “must have him”.

At that time, Tao Enhai was still very conceited about his skills.

If in order to "save more people who can be saved by others", and ignore "the people in front of us who can be saved and must be saved by him"... Tao Enhai feels that this is paying too much attention to the "means" and forgetting the "purpose"


——How arrogant.

When the knight Tao Enhai, who was lying in the sand, recalled this episode, such thoughts flashed through his mind.

Of course, the ending of this period of time is not so happy...

The most profound memory of that hospital was a knife. He was very familiar with the knife that saved people, but the knife that killed people... he had only seen it once before he was seventy years old.

after this……

In the dust, a man walked over. When he saw Tao Enhai, he leaned down and said, "Master Tao, how do you feel now?"

"Fortunately." Tao Enhai waved his hand: "If there was no continuous high-voltage electricity, the process of Ivo cell erosion would not be accelerated. They are just steadily eroding my brain. It won't be anything bad."

Speaking of this, Tao Enhai wanted to curl his lips or roll his eyes.

There is one bad thing about the baseline people - due to the metal-based proteins, the baseline people cannot withstand MRI. This thing is more harmful to them, causing serious neurological signal disorders, and in severe cases, even causing damage to the brain.

Leaving permanent damage. In addition, the metal-based protein itself will also interfere with the results of nuclear magnetic resonance.

Of course, later on, my team also developed many other examination methods to replace nuclear magnetic resonance. For example, relying on the stronger radiation resistance of the reference person to do radiation imaging; or using the reference person's resistance to mechanical damage to directly do

Traumatic examination.

However, some functions of NMR are still irreplaceable.

Tao Enhai felt that if an MRI examination were performed at this time, a more accurate diagnosis could be made.

Instead of waiting to open the organization and observe the situation like now.

"What's wrong? Xiao Lu, is he ready?"

"This... Mr. Lu said that he still needs to make some preparations."

"Xiao Lu" is named Lu Xiu, and he is Tao Enhai's assistant for the past thirty years - according to Jianghu terms, he can also be regarded as a "disciple".

Later, Lu Xiu will perform brain separation surgery on Tao Enhai.

Tao Enhai shook his head: "I feel sorry for him. According to the past rules, doctors were not autonomous, and they would not perform major surgeries on blood relatives or close friends. But now I really have no conditions. I feel sorry for him."

Due to the limitations of the development of science and technology, "medicine", especially "clinical medicine" is still a subjective place. The skills of clinicians are of abnormally high importance. In many cases, the complex human body is only

Can rely on the clinician's judgment.

These judgments bear the weight of life. Clinicians' decisions can be said to bear the weight of life - which is already a terrible pressure.

If the weight of "private feelings" is added to this weight, the doctor himself may not be able to bear it.

Therefore, there were unwritten rules in hospitals in the old days. Doctors were not allowed to perform major surgeries on relatives and friends. In some strict places, doctors were not even allowed to enter the operating room.

Tao Enhai is no longer subject to this restriction now. In the past two hundred years, he has gone through many twists and turns, and his life has been ups and downs. He has no intention of leaving or leaving, and he is unfazed by favors and disgrace. Even if he has to operate on his own son, he can still do it as usual.

But his disciples are not yet able to do this. Their experience is still not enough.

But there is no better choice.

Among the heroes from Earth who came to the rescue, no one could perform such an operation - there were not even many people who could perform neurosurgery.

"Also, has Whiteman Hero's prosthetic body been prepared?"

"Bai Man asked me to tell you that his prosthetic reconstruction work is nearing completion."

"That's good." Tao Enhai was very happy: "That thing is not wasted."

Tao Enhai's original prosthetic body also had a small star simulator - this star simulator could even power the aircraft. As long as he sat in the control seat of Fei Chuang, the spacecraft would have an endless supply of power.

His original prosthetic body was destroyed by the Speed ​​King, and the star-simulating device naturally fell down.

Tao Enhai can either turn this thing into a nuclear weapon and kill a few people, or he can entrust it to other knights.

The doctor naturally chose the latter. A nuclear weapon, or a small-yield tactical nuclear weapon, would not have much impact on the situation, and it could be replaced by getting more explosives.

But the star-simulating device in the hands of the knight can play a greater role.

"White Man" is the earth knight who inherited the star-simulating device. He was originally active in the old continent. He came to the new continent a year ago and wanted to go to the south to do something big, but he never found the opportunity. When Tao Enhai fell to the earth

, he is just in time for it.

And this Mr. Bai Man is the one with the best martial arts skills among the earth's knights who came to help this time. He is the knight most likely to control this thing.

However, there are certain things that need to be done to install a star-mimetic device into a prosthetic body. The remaining earth warriors also contributed their efforts to help Bai Man create a prosthetic body that can match the star-mimetic device.

After Lu Xiu completes Tao Enhai's brain separation surgery, Tao Enhai's high-level brain functional areas will be handed over to Bai Man, who will be responsible for rushing out.

And other knights will also break through individually.

In a sense, these knights can be regarded as "baits". The most important thing is to send out Bai Man, who is so reborn and is about to enter the realm of land gods. The existence of such a knight can give the guardians of half the earth

Take away the pressure.

Other knights may die.

Of course, every knight knows this.

Every knight admits this.

"Silly children." Tao Enhai shook his head: "Also, Brother Ah Tan... there shouldn't be anyone coming again, right?"

Ah Tan is the knight responsible for patrolling the outer perimeter. Their mission is to find the knights who come to rescue, bring those knights over, and concentrate their efforts to avoid unnecessary losses.

This was also initiated by Tao Enhai. The original purpose of the Earth Heroes was to create chaos in the periphery and give Tao Enhai a chance to escape.

But when the protectors used the "fuelling tactic" to create a dragnet and surrounded the knights, Tao Enhai took the initiative to find those knights.

He distributed the technical information he brought to each knight, and agreed that no matter who escaped, he would share these technical information with the entire world.

Every knight has it. In Tao Enhai’s words, people can’t come in vain.

"Brother Ah Tan hasn't come back yet. However, all the knights who can come in a short time should have come. Those who haven't caught up will not come here again, but like the knight who assassinated the deputy leader of the Mona Knights.

Same, fighting guerrillas a little further away." The knight sighed a little.

There will be no more reinforcements.

"That's fine. When Brother Ah Tan comes back, Brother Bai Man's prosthetic body will be healed. My apprentice will have to send me to the operating table."

Tao Enhai smiled: "Then I can lie down for a while and miss my old friends."

The doctor continued to be immersed in memories.

——Speaking of which, the first time I met the boss, it was for food...wait, it seemed to be in the conference room. Oh, yes, the first time I met the couple, they were eating Peking roast duck...


At this moment, dozens of kilometers away, Xiangshan and his party were approaching the government's blockade.

"About thirty-one hours ago, they were near here." Xiang Shan said: "If you want to rush over, you have to be careful."

This chapter has been completed!
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