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Chapter 27 Communication

The development of the brain is "high-level functional areas wrapping low-level functional areas".

In other words, most of the evolution of the central nervous system is based on the outer layer of the "original structure", and then evolves into a higher-level structure. "High-level structures" generally cover "low-level structures".

The most primitive reflex center that regulates cardiovascular exercise, breathing, swallowing, vomiting and other important physiological activities.

On top of this, there is a movement center that adjusts fibers, corrects the movements of related muscles, adjusts joints, and maintains coordination of voluntary movements.

The higher level includes the nerve center that regulates endocrine and interacts with advanced thinking activities and emotions.

The next layer up is the striatum.

This involves the evolutionary differentiation of a species.

In mammals, the striatum is mainly a nerve center that receives signals from the cerebral cortex and thalamus and regulates movement. It is also responsible for generating "non-declarative memory" [memory including muscle memory that is difficult to express in verbal symbols]

】.What it receives is generally the "background information" of the brain.

However, the striatum has been greatly developed in the clade of diarchs-dinosaurs-birds. For modern birds, the neostriatum is enough to support more complex psychological activities.

Mammals, on the other hand, have not worked deeply on the striatum. Outside of the striatum, they have evolved a higher-level functional area, which is the "neocortex."

For humans, the deeper the nerves, the less important they are - because they are related to the body's instincts and the brain's ability to command the physical body.

But in the era of prosthetics, these are no longer important. The biggest advantages of natural spine are "high quality and low price" and "high cost performance".

Within the laboratory, better data transmission equipment exists than the spine.

And when the biological brain has suffered some irreversible damage, and the damage will gradually worsen, "abandoning part of the brain" is also an acceptable option.

As long as the neocortex that generates self-awareness is retained, people can still be considered human.

This is the minimum.

Of course, this standard is limited to "high transformation rate prosthetics".

For natural people, those low-level parts are basically involved in the most basic functions of life support. Injuring the neocortex may lead to amnesia, drastic personality changes, and insanity. But if those primitive parts are injured, it may lead to

Directly died.

For prosthetics, it is "which one cannot be replaced by mechanization and which one is precious".

Xiang Shan was startled: "This...ah, that's right. Technology can indeed achieve this step. It should have reached this step in the first place."

However, this is undoubtedly a very difficult operation.

Because the neocortex that you must retain is the outermost layer of the brain. The autonomic nerves and motor nerves that you need to discard are covered by this layer of neocortex.

This is like "hollowing out the flesh of an apple without damaging the skin" multiplied by a thousand times.

Xiang Shan looked at Tao Enhai: "How far are you prepared to give up? The bottom line?"

"Well, with current technology, in the worst case scenario, we can dig out the hippocampus." Tao Enhai thought for a while, shook his head and smiled: "There is also a considerable part of the high-level cortex responsible for movement, feeling and the like. In theory, the minimum is to 'retain'

Part of the frontal lobe and temporal lobe cortex'. But to be honest, humans have not completely cracked the brain's algorithm. The frontal lobe and temporal lobe cannot support thinking."

The implication is that the rest can be replaced by mechanization.

"What about martial arts cultivation? The familiarity, acquisition and selection of complex movements are all closely related to the striatum. The transformation of long-term memory is responsible for the hippocampus..."

"Yes, if you lose these, you won't be able to remember things with your own brain, and your external skills will also be affected. But at least you still have a hard drive. It's better than death." Tao Enhai shook his head. He stood up again, and by the way

Grabbing Xiang Shan: "And you... you'd better tell me your true experience. It's hard for me to look down on you if you are wearing someone else's skin."

"I can explain something about this matter, but it must be kept strictly confidential." Xiang Shan looked at Tao Enhai: "The data line is directly connected. I only accept this form of conversation."

Tao Enhai was silent for a moment. He said to his disciple: "Lu Xiu, give me a data cable."

Hearing that he did not need surgery immediately, Lu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He did not dare to look at his teacher, lowered his head and pulled out a data cable from his waist.

Tao Enhai raised his hands to the other knights: "I'm sorry, brothers, this matter involves some past events. I want to talk to this guy alone."

With that said, he and Xiang Shan walked into the operating room.

The walls of the operating room are covered with plastic film to isolate it from the soil. The space is very small and can only accommodate two or three people. A small number of instruments have already filled the space. If you want to perform surgery, you must bend down and lower your body.

Bend your body.

Only prosthetic doctors can perform surgeries in such a harsh environment.

Tao Enhai sat on the ground and pointed to the opposite side.

Xiang Shan also sat down.

Tao Enhai inserted a section of the data cable into the side of his head - if it were a natural person, it would be behind the ear. Xiangshan inserted the other end of the data cable into his wrist.

[Who are you?] Tao Enhai asked; [Every guy who claims to be Xiangshan actually knows that he is not Xiangshan. In their hearts, they all have their own childhood as the 'other'. Xiangshan's memory online now,

There are very few things from childhood. This part cannot be covered. The so-called "God of War" only identifies more with Xiangshan's youth memories. You should also have that kind of memory.]

[Tell me, who are you? Use your identity in that memory to speak.]

At that moment, Tao Enhai was sure that this guy was a "true personality mask". The signals he transmitted showed the feeling of "internal strength". As of now, the fake personality mask cannot use internal strength.

Xiangshan wanted to smile bitterly: [To be honest, I don’t have that kind of memory. I also doubted whether I was someone else.]

[Nonsense!] Tao Enhaidao: [Are you ashamed of that "memory that is not Xiangshan"? If you really think that you are Xiangshan, then this idea is shameful! At least those guys who imitate it more-

—I mean those called “Gods of War” will not hide this!】

[No, what I said is the truth.] Xiang Shan said this.

He recalled his "first memory" - the memory of being picked up from the garbage dump by Yuki.

——Blank...blank...blank...water...a little light...

Then there is the matter in the recycling station town. Yulia’s conversation with the mayor...

[Because it is directly connected, I can only "conceal" it, but cannot "fictitate it."] Xiang Shan said this.

"Fiction" evokes special neural activities. On an emotional level, fictional stories have completely different manifestations from factual experiences.

Perhaps a genius liar can construct a fictional story in an instant and remain calm on the surface. He can even pretend to be true through "selfless performance" in a short period of time.

But fiction is fiction.

With a stable connection, internal skill masters can capture this fleeting and subtle performance.

[Being picked up from the garbage dump? What a joke.] Tao Enhaido: [Are you the protagonist of a science fiction comic?]

[Although it’s hard for me to believe it, it’s just the way it is.] Xiang Shandao.

[With all due respect, were you executed by someone and put there after being instilled with a wrong self-identity?] Tao Enhaidao: [This is the best explanation I can think of.]

Xiang Shan nodded unexpectedly: [To be honest, I think this guess is quite convincing. But the problem is that there is no "memory that does not belong to Xiang Shan" in my brain. 】

[A large amount of dandruff-reducing enzyme can explain it.] Tao Enhaidao: [You may have the original memory, but it was reset when the dandruff-reducing enzyme restored the brain. 】

Xiangshan felt a soft sensation on his "chest", like the touch of bubbles.

This is "sympathy".

Tao Enhai was "sympathizing" with the nameless people who suffered "such things".

Xiang Shandao: [However, there are still doubts. For knights, pill-returning enzymes are very valuable resources. If you want to completely reset an adult's memory, you need a lot of pill-returning enzymes. Let alone that.

After that, I have to carve Xiangshan’s memory into my brain. If it’s just to execute the “traitor”, the knight can’t be so extravagant.】

[The asylum seekers... don’t look like that either. At least the local asylum seekers just thought I appeared suddenly and didn’t recognize me at all. Is this some kind of psychological experiment by the Scientific Research Knights? And the level is lower than that of Jayhawk City.

What kind of knighthood is higher?】

[The devil knows.] Tao Enhai snorted coldly in his heart: [I just hope you stop pretending to be Xiang Shan.]

[I really have no other memories.] Xiang Shan said this: [In fact, even Xiang Shan’s experiences in his youth were obtained from other channels. If I don’t think I am Xiang Shan, I don’t know who I should be.

For the sake of my own mental health and to avoid identity confusion leading to mental illness, I would like to continue calling myself this for a while until I find my memory.]

[Huh, whatever you want.] Tao Enhai said: [But you must remember! You are not Xiangshan. You are yourself. Don’t expect Xiangshan to take over everything. Human freedom and dignity must be fought for by yourself at the moment! 】

Xiang Shan said: [Speaking of which, do you need my help with the brain separation surgery? From your perspective, your disciple’s hope is not very high.]

In addition to communication at the language level, the two parties also exchange various potential thoughts. As long as the thoughts appear near the surface of consciousness, they can be captured and transmitted by the algorithm.

[You saved a little girl before? You seem to have trouble with brain surgery.]

[No, Dr. Tao.] Xiang Shan said: [After seeing you...I remembered the memory about the surgery again.]

This chapter has been completed!
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