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Chapter 43 Escape

A long time ago, "surrounding the knights" was considered to be something that "requires a high price".

As long as the balance of power between the two sides is not so desperate, the knights will always have a chance to escape from the encirclement.

It's not because of anything else, it's because the knight can rely on his absolute advantage of individual soldiers to carve a road out of the enemy's formation.

When a knight kills an enemy soldier, he only needs to wave his hand, and this action does not affect his forward speed at all. So at this time, he rushes through the entire army as easily as crossing no man's land.

If you use an iron nail to dig into an iron plate, the iron nail will be easily damaged. But if you use an iron nail to pierce the tofu, the nail will hardly feel any obstruction and the wear and tear can be ignored.

There are also martial arts masters in the army to assist. However, the number of these masters is not that large. They cannot spread all over the entire defense line and can only wait for orders at fixed positions.

Of course, if knights want to do this, they also need to create some environmental advantages. "Interfering with the information command system" and "shielding vision" are the core. The former can prevent martial arts masters from setting up military formations and creating "

The whole is greater than all its parts. The latter can prevent itself from being overwhelmed by endless firepower.

When this effect is achieved, all that is left is the simplest "rushing into formation".

The most primitive impact is enough to turn everything upside down.

Jardel was running forward like this.

Everyone knows that as long as they cross this blockade and get back into the sand, they will be safe.

The first vehicle exploded directly in front of the convoy. Just as Jader had predicted, the vehicle hit the protector's fortifications.

The explosion blew apart the fortifications and opened up a road.

The knights were all very excited.

But after crossing the fortifications, they were still flooded with enemies. Even if they lost a good location, they were not depressed at all - maybe they did not retain the emotion of "frustration" at all?

It almost happened in an instant. The vehicle driven by Chai Lao, a martial arts warrior, and the knight who had learned the battle path seemed to be too eager and rushed too far, so the three warriors seized the opportunity and overturned it.


The two knights did not sit still and wait for death. They immediately opened fire and cleared the surrounding enemy soldiers, opening a way for their companions.

Jadel wanted to help the two knights. However, the enemy was able to overturn the chariot because they used the throwing method to use force and the impact of the chariot to overturn the chariot.

Jadel's prosthetic body was momentarily weak and unable to lift it back at once.

If the time and place were changed and Jardel was given the opportunity to move slowly, he could slowly lift the tank with the help of the hydraulic power system.

But the enemy warriors and soldiers would not give him this chance.

The underground Pixiu drove the chariot and crossed the vehicle with everyone.

When Jardel turned back to break an enemy's spine, he saw the knight who had learned the battle path slide out of the side door. But the place was already surrounded by infantry. The knight struggled to kill more than thirty enemies.

He was knocked down.

Jader did not continue reading. He could not bear to continue reading.

The remaining knights advanced several dozen meters. Then, there was a violent explosion from behind. The shock wave stirred up the aerosol.

"**!" Jardel couldn't help but yelled.

But, we can't stop.

——As long as you kill...

He killed two soldiers with ease.

——Just kill through...

He dodged an oncoming anti-tank missile.

——As long as it can be killed...

With the help of Ah Tan, he captured the long soldier of a cavalry commander in front of him.

——As long as it can be worn...why haven't you worn it yet?

For a moment, such emotions flashed through the knight's mind.

In the midst of the fight, his self-awareness seemed to have completely become the input port and pointer of the martial arts algorithm. He had no memory of how he got through the last leg of his journey.

When he came to his senses, he was already running with the last vehicle in the wind and sand.

This last vehicle was originally the one with the best armor. But now, this vehicle can only be described as "miserable". All the reactive armor exploded. This kind of armor with explosives on the outside will not survive a heavy hit.

When it happens, it will explode on its own, pushing away the enemy's attack. Every explosion of the reactive armor means that an attack that might have penetrated the outer armor has been pushed away. In addition, bullet holes and cracks are all over every part of the tank.


"I'm still alive..." Jader murmured.

He looked at the endless yellow sand around him and said: "We fought out? We...we fought out! Oh my god! We succeeded! Carbon Hero, we..."

Jardel wanted to find someone to vent his ecstasy.

But before he finished speaking, he stopped.

Even the footsteps stopped.

He remembered.

It seems that during some wave of offensive, Ah Carbon was swept away by the infantry formation.

Maybe... there is no hope of survival.

"This..." He looked around: "I also took a spam message from him."

"Although he carries all kinds of flavors in his pocket, he still likes soft flavors." Pixiu said through the loudspeaker from the underground in the carriage: "Let's keep it as a souvenir."

"That's it." Jardel nodded: "At least we survived."

"Indeed... we survived."

If Bai Man was here, and according to their original plan to charge into the battle, the final breakthrough wouldn't have required such a huge price.

But history does not tolerate the word "what if". If Baiman does not attack the main force of the protectors head-on over there, everyone here will fall into the pincer attack between the main force and the troops stationed on the blockade.

This is already a good result.

Jardel's movement and the sound of the speaker next to his hearing organ woke up Lu Xiu who had fainted.

Lu Xiu was in great pain now. His spine was penetrated by a bullet. This kind of physical pain was rarely experienced by prosthetics. But at least the injured area was relatively lower. He soon realized that there was something

He grabbed his neck with one hand and fixed himself to the chariot.

"Young Master Lu, you are also awake."

——Underground Pixiu's tone was a little too calm. This doesn't seem to be his usual character...

Lu Xiu thought of it for no reason.

"Your lower body is gone now...be careful when you untie the hand around your neck." Pixiu said.

"What..." Lu Xiu opened the hand on his neck, supported the outer armor of the tank with one hand, and then turned to look.

A dead man.

Xingyi had been dead for a long time. His head was scratched with a hot weapon, and the serous fluid in his skull was almost gone.

"Ah... this is... ah..." Lu Xiu was stunned.

"Brothers Xingyi?" Jadel walked over.

He sorted out the chaotic memories just now.

It seems that during the second half of the impact path, Lu Xiu had one of his legs broken by a cannon, which greatly affected his speed. Therefore, he was captured by the Gunsling Path warrior from the protector's side and took a bullet from the drum. His spine

It was at this time that I was interrupted.

Then...then it seemed that Xingyi took advantage of this young knight.

However, it seemed that Xingyi had no chance to fix the young knight somewhere. He held Lu Xiu in one hand and a gun in the other, and fought until the last moment.

The single-killer king reached out and flicked the warrior's gun. The last bullet casing popped out.

"At least the last bullet was emptied." Jardel said. He patted Xingyi's prosthetic body and said, "Well done, old man."

Before coming here, he and Xingyi had been together several times, and they were already familiar with each other.

Lu Xiu unconsciously grabbed a crack in the vehicle's outer armor with one hand and stared blankly at the knight.

"He said that he was here, and before he died, he did try his best to protect us." Underground Pixiu said.

Jadel took off Xingyi's body from the vehicle, then picked up Lu Xiu and returned to the vehicle.

He said to the young knight: "I will bury this guy later. Be happy. At least he understood before he died that his sacrifice was not in vain. We have achieved almost all our goals... As long as Baiman Da

If the hero also escapes."

The young man let out a suppressed cry: "I understand."


Bai Man waved his hand and forced away the warriors beside Xiang Shan. The reason why he descended was not because he was shot down by a sniper, but because he realized that he had no chance to kill Fraser.

The quality of Fraser's vector jet is obviously better than that of White Man. When Fraser is determined to fight, this advantage is not so obvious. But when he starts to escape with all his heart, the gap widens instantly.

Baiman, who was better at close combat but didn't have enough firepower in his body, didn't have the means to kill Fraser with a single blow from a distance.

If chasing Fraser, he could easily be targeted by a sniper ten kilometers away. If any part of his body is damaged, the situation will be reversed.

Therefore, he quickly lowered his height and came to Xiang Shan. Bai Man quickly killed a warrior.

At this time, Fraser once again closed the distance. He planned to rely on the remaining thermal weapons to fight the enemy.

Bai Man didn't want to be entangled any longer.

Xiang Shan had told him before that if things couldn't be done, Bai Man would have to come down, catch Xiang Shan, and then take Xiang Shan out with him.

The huge palms grabbed Xiang Shan's waist like pliers. Xiang Shan was pulled by Bai Man and accelerated to several times the speed of sound.

Bai Man instantly rushed into the aerosol.

The shock-absorbing performance of Mukayama's prosthetic body was not that strong. In other words, Mukayama himself did not expect that he would be involved in a battle with such terrifying acceleration so soon.

This immediately brought out the concussion.

Xiangshan's consciousness began to blur. He looked at the silver curls around him. Tiredness also surged up.

Perhaps it was because the string that had been tightening was broken, and Xiangshan fell into a coma.

This chapter has been completed!
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