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Chapter 49 Team

"Mr. Voigt?"

Tao Enhai was not sure whether he screamed just now. He thought he should have screamed very loudly.

Fortunately, everyone in the box didn't all look over, otherwise Tao Enhai might have been embarrassed to death.

Yawgmoth turned around. He glanced at Tao Enhai: "Hello. Have you thought about what you are going to do?"

He seemed to have roughly listened to what Xiang Shan said.

"Ah, this... I don't understand the company's business yet... It all depends on organizational arrangements..." Tao Enhai said nervously: "Also, your Chinese is really good."

"Well, after all, I have been studying for ten years." Yawgmoth nodded.

"But it's up to you to choose a research project." Another voice came from the side of Yawgmoth, which seemed to be the person who just talked to Yawgmoth.

She was an African-American woman with a relatively strong build and about the same age as Yawgmoth, but her facial skin looked rougher due to exposure to wind and sun.

But Tao Enhai trembled: "Ms. Ndebele?"

Nyaguti Ndebile, a woman born in a small African country, immigrated to the United States with her parents at the age of six. She was later admitted to Harvard Medical School and was one year older than Yorgmov Voigt. The two of them were

They got married when they were in college. But about 30 years ago, the two seemed to divorce because their relationship had come to an end. After the divorce, it seemed that the topic of "Yawgmoth Voigt plagiarized his ex-wife's paper" broke out.

But afterwards they claimed to the media that they just happened to conduct similar research on the same project at the same time. After resolving the misunderstanding, the two shared the research progress and used this project to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in previous years.


Although there are rumors in the outside world that Yawgmoth Voigt relied on his government background at the time to use public power to silence Nyagudi Ndebile, a rare female scientist. [In fact, until today,

, this is regarded by some radicals as the persecution of women or ethnic minorities, and it is a stain that cannot be washed away on this great scientist]

But judging from the atmosphere that these two people can sit in a box and eat roast duck, those rumors may not be true.

Nia Guti said: "The research department of Superman Enterprise divides a large project into many small projects and uses an information management system to coordinate the progress of different projects. Researchers can decide which project to participate in based on their own interests.

After applying to the project leader and receiving permission, you can also quit the current project and join another project. It is very flexible and free. You can think carefully about what to do next.”

Tao Enhai nodded flattered. Before today, he didn't think he could simply intervene in the conversation between two Nobel Prize winners.

——But then again, will Nobel Prize winners also come to Quanjude for company dinners...

Tao Enhai thought dizzy.

"Those things can wait until tomorrow to tell Dr. Tao. After all, if you are not standing in front of the system's management interface, who will remember the specific projects." Another woman squeezed over. Was it the white-haired one who sang just now... or

Pale gold? Her friendly Tao Enhai stretched out her hand: "Hello, Dr. Tao. My name is Ingrid, Ingrid Granat. Nice to meet you."

——Finally a less scary name... But she might be from another field...

"Hello..." Tao Enhai stretched out his hand. He instinctively shrank, but the lady grabbed his hand first and shook it twice before letting go.

Nia Goodi added: "Inga is a key figure in our field of cognitive science and one of the best linguists on the planet."

Ingrid shrugged: "Transformation-Generation School."

To be honest, Tao Enhai didn't understand this term. However, it should be a certain academic school.

Next, most people in this box came to greet him. He later met outstanding engineers, evolutionary psychologists, geneticists, etc. There were a total of about ten people in this large box, and most of them were

He took the initiative to say hello to him. A few others sitting in the corner were also pushed over by others.

These people belong to different fields. But Tao Enhai noticed something. There are several people inside who are related to the "United Nations University Institute for Comprehensive Civilization Research." In other words, at least one-third of the people here have been selected.

I studied aliens.

What impressed Tao Enhai was also a young man who couldn't speak Chinese and had a very strange English accent. His nasal voice was so strong that Tao Enhai almost didn't recognize that he was speaking English. In the end, he was at Ingrid's scene

Through interpretation, he learned that this guy was a Russian named Anatole.

The reason why Tao Enhai was deeply impressed was because Yawgmoth made a special introduction, "This guy's talent is beyond the times."

That's exactly what he said.

In short, in the next few minutes, Tao Enhai was in a dazed state. He felt that he might have strayed into the territory of some kind of gregarious monster. The people eating in this box were all famous in their respective fields.

Big shot...

——Can I really find my own value in this company...

Tao Enhai couldn't help but think.

He moved his chair calmly.

Then he bumped into Xiang Shan's right hand. Xiang Shan was holding a pair of chopsticks in his right hand, with a small piece of salted duck liver on the tip of the chopsticks. He was telling another person next to him how mediocre the duck liver was and how unhappy this place was.

Tao Enhai's collision made Xiang Shan's hand tremble, and the duck liver almost hit the other person's face.

But the woman opened her mouth decisively and ate the duck liver beside her mouth, thus resolving the embarrassment.

Tao Enhai said hurriedly: "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." The woman said vaguely: "I don't think it's as mediocre as you said..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The second half of the sentence is addressed to Xiang Shan.

The woman is about 26 or 27 years old. Her accent is soft and she seems to be from the South.

Xiang Shan showed a disgusted expression: "Is your tongue numb? You also eat salted duck in your hometown, right? Is your comment worthy of Jianghuai fathers?"

The woman swallowed the duck liver and said, "I'm not from Jinling." The woman turned to Tao Enhai and said, "Hello, nice to meet you, Dr. Tao. I've seen about you in the news. I admire your medical ethics very much.


"Everywhere, it's your duty..." Tao Enhai stretched out his hand. After a lot of trouble just now, he seemed to be able to make this action naturally without realizing it.

The woman shook hands with him: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Zhu Xinyu, and I am the CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the company."

Xiang Shan interrupted: "By the way, she drove my private car away today, so we had to take the subway here."

Zhu Xinyu turned around and patted him: "That's my private car too. Thank you. And I left you a message. Yingjia and the others have taken all the seats."

Xiang Shan shrugged and said to Tao Enhai: "So you see, it is still important to get off work on time."

Tao Enhai apologized again: "I'm sorry, this is my fault. It was my first day here and I didn't know the rules of our company." He looked at Xiang Shan and Zhu Xinyu again: "So the relationship between the two is..."

Zhu Xinyu said: "He is my lover."

Xiang Shan nodded.

Tao Enhai smiled and said: "The two of you look really in love..."

His attention stayed on Zhu Xinyu for a few seconds. This girl was a few years younger than the others. If she was at the United Nations University Institute of Comprehensive Civilization, she should be even younger. As a scholar, this age is really

Too light.

Tao Enhai couldn't help but ask: "Did you two... also meet at the Institute of Comprehensive Civilization?"

Xiang Shan showed a reminiscence expression: "Ah, that. It will be a little earlier. Rama Project... Well, I don't remember if this has been lifted. Sorry, it was a confidential project that I participated in in the early years."

"Project Rama" is the first time I heard the term. Xiangshan does not have this term in his resume. Judging from the time, it should be after he left Tsinghua and before he became the director of the research institute.

"Confidential project?" Tao Enhai couldn't restrain his curiosity: "You two actually met under such... such a special situation?"

"It's too difficult to say. She was a security consultant for an organization at the time." Xiang Shan shrugged.

Zhu Xinyu narrowed her eyes, then shrunk her neck, hugged her arms, and pretended to be unbearable: "Speaking of knowing each other, it is indeed very special... This guy brought a big smile to his face on the first day we met.

Help someone push me down on the bed..."

Very artificial.

Tao Enhai was startled and almost dropped the chopsticks in his hand to the ground.

Xiangshan looked as usual: "Yes, as a public official, it is only once in my life that I lead a team to rescue a lost girl." After saying that, he turned to Tao Enhai and said, "Dr. Tao, don't take it to heart, just kidding me."

Tao Enhai nodded. He probably saw that this was some kind of specific little joke between the two of them.

He guessed that those two sentences should be true in a literal sense, but they were deliberately said in this three-way form.

But what is the reality like?

Xiangshan pushed a small bottle of craft beer in front of Tao Enhai: "Anyway, Dr. Tao, you can think about work tomorrow. Let's treat today as a welcome party, eat and drink well!"

Tao Enhai looked at the small bottle of craft beer in front of him and nodded.

He saw the hope of recovering from his disability, came to such a special company, and joined such a happy and idealistic group...

What else do you need to think about?

He picked up the bottle of wine.


Xiang Shan opened his eyes. In a daze, he heard a voice saying from the side: "Unknown hero, it's over now. I have to go back to my underground. See you later."

After saying that, the man turned and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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