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Chapter 62: Thunder Method and Anti-Radar Tactics

When Xiang Shan announced his retreat, Yuki and Yuan Wenren were preparing for their next trip.

Yuan Wenren has no short-term goals recently. The senior who wishes to remain anonymous is highly skilled and willing to spend energy teaching others, so she plans to follow him in the near future.

The next goal of the old-timer is to go to the south. Generally speaking, when knights go south in the New World, there are only two final destinations-Paradox City and the current Paralympic Games.

If the old man's goal is really these two places, then as a knight, Yuan Wen feels that he should also contribute.

And Yuki is staring at the 3D printer.

After an isotope battery provided stable energy, the 3D printer captured from the Z organization could finally work continuously. Sometimes, Yuki and the others would also start other equipment in the car. At that time, the battery power would

Some can't keep up. But during this period, Yuki and the others will choose to temporarily shut down the 3D printer to let the equipment cool down and avoid damage due to over-operation.

At this moment, these 3D printers are repeating operations quickly. They spray a layer of metal powder on the chassis, and then laser, magnetic field and ultrasonic waves immediately follow. The former heats and the latter interferes with the growth of the crystal. After this layer is quickly cooled

After that, the machine will spray a second layer of metal powder, and so on, and within ten seconds, a batch of metal parts of different types will be produced.

After a batch is completed, the 3D printer's internal magnetic field changes, gathering the parts together and sending them out of the chamber filled with protective gas from a specific exit.

At the hatch, there are other robotic arms waiting. They will quickly sort the parts and then perform preliminary assembly.

These robotic arms are also made with 3D printers.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the reason why Xiangshan believed that 3D printing technology was likely to change the situation of the entire industry was because as long as there were design drawings, a mature 3D printer could produce almost all types of appliances. And as long as they were assembled manually

With the first assembly machine, production can continue continuously.

Design drawings are just information. If intellectual property rights are not considered, downloading a design drawing only involves the transfer of a few electrons - which requires only a small amount of energy.

Xiangshan doesn't remember whether he has realized his ideal in his youth, but now, he does have a blueprint in mind.

The parts currently produced by 3D printers are very small in size. When combined, they are only about two or three centimeters in size.

"Such a small thing, I really don't know how to fight..." Yuki whispered to himself.

"Huh?" The original informant took a look and said, "Ah, microscopic insects. This is a way to confuse the enemy..."

Youki was stunned: "No one would target these small robots, right? Even if they carry high-explosive bombs, it would be difficult for them to hurt humans."

He didn't know what a "bug" was. He hadn't seen a bug since he was a child, so he only said "little robot".

Yuki followed Xiang Shan to fight several times. Although Xiang Shan never let him go to the front line in a real life-and-death battle, he also witnessed the battle between Xiang Shan and Green Forest several times. In addition, Xiang Shan would also give him some video playbacks of the battle.

He also has a general understanding of the power of explosives. Except for the "nuclear bombs" mentioned by Master, there are very few explosives that can burst out the energy of this size to harm a fully prosthetic warrior. In order to prevent the knights from acquiring radioactivity, the government

Element also rarely uses nuclear bombs, let alone equips micro-nuclear weapons on drones.

In Yuki's opinion, most of the things that can attract enemy firepower should be obviously threatening targets like drones with a diameter of about one meter.

The original reporter smiled and said, "Does the paper plane look threatening?"

The original informant has not actually seen Xiang Shan use paper airplanes, but she was present when Xiang Shan shared some combat experience, so the original informant knows that the "old senior" is good at paper airplanes. In addition, the paper airplane combat method was also created by the legendary Wu Zu

The way of assassination. Of course she gave an example like this.

Yuki fell into deep thought: "The paper airplane is used to misjudge the radar... does this thing have the same function?"

Using metal foil to jam radar is actually a very old tactic.

As early as World War II, when the United Kingdom was fighting against the Third Reich, the United Kingdom would let aircraft drop large amounts of metal foil to interfere with radar.

In more modern air combat, pilots will rely on infrared jamming bombs filled with magnesium powder, nitrocellulose, polytetrafluoroethylene and aluminum foil to escape the lock of the opponent's missile.

The "paper plane" is essentially a means of making metal foil stay in the air longer and move faster. This is to make the metal foil combat method more suitable for modern cyber martial arts.

Mounting Longbo lenses and infrared emission devices on paper airplanes is also an extension of this tactic.

"Actually, paper airplanes can only be regarded as a 'stop-gap measure'." The original source sighed: "The performance of this thing is not as good as more advanced interference methods, but it is simpler and cheaper. It can only interfere with

Radar is an active detection instrument, so it is only used in situations where vision is difficult to play a role."

Youji said: "For example, Tiehua..."

The original source raised his eyebrows: "Indeed, take Tiehua for example...but I want to say one thing, Tiehua is not a high-end smoke bomb. It is not particularly used in situations that interfere with vision."

Yuki was shocked.

Because he felt like his master had been using this thing as a smoke bomb.

The original informant was silent for a moment after hearing Yuki's doubts.

"Probably because you haven't attacked a truly heavily guarded base...the kind with ground-based radar." The original source said: "If it's just Tiehua and metal foil, the radar is not impossible at close range.

Use huge power to burn it through. Don’t doubt it, those hawks and dogs are not short of energy, and they don’t care about resources.”

Yuki felt that the world view he had established was challenged: "Isn't this... so it's used in this way?"

"Seniors really like to use it like this... but in fact..." the original news person thought for a while: "The more commonly used situations are to refract laser, destroy electronic components and resist electromagnetic pulses. Blocking communication and interfering with vision are relatively minor.

The function you need.”

Having said this, the original reporter suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If the Tie Hua spreads, it will not only affect the enemy's communications, but also affect the performance of one's own internal power, and will block hacking methods such as witnessing in battle.

Therefore, knights who are not very strong in internal strength will use this skill to make up for their shortcomings.

It is true that knights on the earth rarely perform witnessing techniques on government targets, because King Agni stays in the earth-moon system all year round. If the target of hacking has the authority to ask King Agni for help, then the knights will almost certainly

He was counterattacked by this strong internal force from a distance.

However, the old man used it a little too little. His habitual use of Tiehua means that in this person's habit, "using internal strength in fighting" is not a "common preference".

But the old man's level of internal strength is obviously very high. Judging from what he said, it is really extremely high - at least that's how the original source sees it.

——So what kind of enemy did the old-timer fight in the past?

The original reporter couldn't help but think.

"...Sister Yuan?" Yuki called.


"You haven't answered my question yet." Yuki said, "You said these things are also used for interference?"

Yuan Wenren nodded. She looked at the half-finished mechanical insects and said: "Brother, you also know that many knights will install radars in their bodies. Although in close ground combat, the radar waves will be reflected by the ground background.

Clutter is generated, but when a warrior is in the air or moving at high speed relative to the ground, if the body is not specially processed for stealth, it is still easy to be locked by the radar. Moreover, warriors with the support of excellent target filtering algorithms can also completely detect echoes from the ground.

Suspicious targets are singled out for identification and tracking.”

Yuki nodded: "Master has talked a little bit, but he didn't go into depth."

"Well, senior probably hopes that you can start from scratch, master the theoretical foundation first, and then proceed step by step, so as to avoid detours in martial arts practice." The original informant nodded: "You probably won't need this knowledge at this stage, but speaking of

It doesn’t hurt to talk about it.”

Having said this, the original reporter felt a little envious.

Her master died in a government raid very early on. In order for her to blend in with the crowd, the master did not hesitate to expose himself. From then on, the original informant could only fumble through the teaching materials and online information left by the master.


This is actually not an easy thing. At the beginning of the 21st century, a person can find all the teaching materials from elementary school to university on the Internet, but few people can learn these by themselves. Human thinking is built after tomorrow, and it still needs

The teacher guides him to form an overall understanding of the knowledge in the textbook.

For this reason, Yuan Wenren has also taken many detours. Her internal strength is now slightly weaker than Cui Kui, a young knight from the Red Stone Sect who has not yet started his apprenticeship.

It is precisely because of this that she hopes to study with the seniors for a longer period of time.

Putting away these emotions, the original source continued: "Therefore, many warriors - especially those with prosthetic bodies that are strong enough to support high-intensity combat, often install radar warning devices in their bodies to detect in time the radar that shines on themselves.

Wave. Sometimes, even before the party using the radar has discovered the target, the party being illuminated has already obtained the position information of the irradiator based on the signal characteristics of the radar wave."

"It's like playing catch in the dark when you were a kid. The one who can't control the glow is the first to be exposed. Is that what it means?" After Yuki finished speaking, he suddenly realized that those lives and memories were as long ago as if they were a lifetime ago.

"Yes, yes, junior brother You, you understand very quickly." The original informant did not notice Youji's mood swings and continued speaking to himself, "Therefore, although we often watch duels between long-range warriors,

It may seem like a simple result like "I fired and the enemy fell", or "both sides fired, one hit and one missed", but in fact, before both sides fired, radar detection had already been carried out.

There are so many ways to fight between detection and counter-detection."

It's a bit like the chivalrous stories of the ancient times. When two heroes duel, they often face off for a very long time, and then suddenly end the secret fight on the spiritual level, and the winner is determined by a sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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