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Chapter 74 Southward

 Borshu stood in front of the crossroads, feeling highly nervous.

It is said that in the era when large animals still existed, there were some predators with good endurance, who would use the advantage of the group to constantly harass and weaken the prey.

For him, every intersection is dangerous.

However, you can't stay too long.

It was his luck that the family was wiped out in the past at the hands of two unprotected families. He could not guarantee that he would have such luck next time. The same goes for the government. The government would also look for him to prevent him from causing mass casualties.

Staying on the road for too long can easily attract attention.

Borshu pulled the girl and walked forward. He tried to stay as close to a crowded place as possible.

Wu Zu strictly prohibited assassinations from affecting innocent civilians. If there were passers-by in the middle of the sniper path, the assassin would avoid shooting.

But this is only a slight shield. The height of Borshu's prosthetic body is higher than that of ordinary civilians. If he is from a high position, his head will still be within the opponent's sniper range.

One step...two steps...

Borshu's nerves were tense, and his prosthetic eyes searched around.

No fire, no bullets.

He continued walking until he reached the signboard of a sugar gum shop.

This position can block the distant view and allow you to breathe a little easier.

Borshu glanced at the girl next to him. This guy was obviously a person with a low or no transformation rate and retained a complete sense of taste.

——Maybe it’s a good reason to stay here...

The thought flashed through his mind, and he was about to turn this guy around to take a look at those concentrated sugar gums.

But at this moment, the sign's light went out.

At the same time, an explosion-like sound came.

The girl was thrown to the ground and let out a scream.

The people around could not help but look here. A "sign" was a rare luxury decoration in this era, not to mention one with neon lights. And the movement was indeed extraordinary.

Further away, people who thought there was something fun to watch came one after another. The people behind pushed the people in front, and the force was passed on layer by layer. The people in the front originally wanted to retreat, but they were squeezed by the people watching the fun.

In front of me, I saw that the crowd was about to step on the girl.

Suddenly, the first few people screamed. Several bloody holes burst out of their bodies inexplicably, and dark blood splattered out.

Borshu knelt on the ground, his cloak becoming tattered.

Just now, a bullet passed through the sign and was shot at his neck. He ignored the robe on his body and shot with all his strength. He used his tail and arms before moving slightly so that the bullet could hit the target at the maximum angle of incidence.

On the armor behind him.

This piece of armor is the thickest piece of his body.

The powerful kinetic energy forced him to kneel on the ground.

However, even so, he can also swing his tail slightly and use the blade on his tail to cut off other people's limbs.

Although he had no sense of smell and could not feel the "smell of blood", when he saw the blood mist, the violent murderous intention surged uncontrollably. He could only suppress the murderous intention by relying on his fear of the government.

However, the bizarre wounds that appeared just now have shocked those ordinary people.

Borshu roughly pulled the girl up and walked along the wall. We couldn't stay here anymore. Such a lot of attention might trigger the government's crawler, causing some people's visual information to appear in the government's system.

The people nearby gave way in fear. Borshu took the girl with all kinds of features and squeezed into the crowd who didn't know what was going on.

——According to the results of the self-test system, the armor on the back has deformed and its strength has dropped by about 30%. It may no longer be able to withstand direct hits from large-caliber firearms...

Borshu estimated his damage. After walking twenty meters, he looked back at the sign. Judging from the ballistic traces, the sniper point chosen by the assassin this time should be three thousand meters away.

It could be on the roof of any taller house inside. The assassin may have blended in with the surroundings through electronic camouflage, and the muzzle of the gun also had a very well-designed silencer and flash suppressor.

Just now, the assassin estimated his moving speed and the moving speed of other pedestrians at the same time, and then fired the shot through the sign. The iron signboard could not stop the bullet at all.

Borshu didn't try to find the assassin. He had tried several times before, but to no avail. The assassin only looked at one shot each time. After one shot, regardless of whether it hit or not, he would move immediately. Unless Borshu wanted to

He had to die under the gun of the government now, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use his supersonic movement skills among the crowd. At a distance of three kilometers, by the time the Bor Technique reaches there, the assassin would have already blended into the crowd.

Borshu sighed. Human beings have the instinct to feel relieved when they see "blockers". But now, most of the blockers that can be seen daily are unable to deal with large-caliber bullets. He actually breathed a sigh of relief just now.

"Don't obey instinct" is something that every martial artist must learn. The human body is innately designed to survive, not to fight. "Survival" does not require strong combat power. In this aspect, the weak

Rats and cockroaches are a species that are more successful than most predators. Apex predators with powerful combat capabilities are more likely to become extinct than organisms at the bottom of the food chain.

But the warrior's body is designed for "fighting".

At this time, the girl started to cry. Borshu was very impatient: "What's wrong?"

The girl lowered her voice: "Hero, you are so good to me... You are really the best person to me in this world... You saved me again..."

——This idiot!

Anger burned Borshu's reason. He really almost killed this stupid woman. Is that what "chivalry" is like? A real knight in the situation just now...a real knight...

Borshu suddenly felt frustrated. He had just made people bleed without thinking.

He waved his hands and then closed his eyes. The crowd pushing around him gave him a sense of security. The assassin always dodged as soon as he missed a hit, so he didn't have to worry about the next bullet in a short period of time.

In his field of vision, the road map of the entire city was clearly visible. He was looking for the road.

The safest place now is probably the gangster's private basement. That area is very bulletproof.

But from here to several other basements, you have to go through several intersections. This is really too dangerous.

In addition, in order to obtain supplies, he killed many gang leaders and robbed some things. The gang-controlled areas are now very unstable. Warriors often fight in the streets. Everyone is in danger, and the pedestrian density is also very low.

He felt that if he really went that way, he might have to face a landmine.

——So, go to the martial arts school and assimilate a group?

In the past few days, Borshu has been wandering around the martial arts gathering area, and the road is not very far. But there are certain risks in this matter. There are also strong people among the martial arts masters. As far as external skills are concerned, there are merits. If

Without a one-hit kill with internal strength, it would be difficult to capture the opponent while ensuring the opponent's complete combat effectiveness.

And if you were injured because you assimilated a martial arts master, and the one you assimilated became disabled before assimilating... then why bother?

Borshu turned his attention to the Internet again and searched for the message board page he left. He did not log in to the administrator's backend. That would alert the government's internal power experts who were monitoring the page. He browsed the information in guest mode.

Several martial arts schools have posted information one after another. The text is mixed with garbled characters, and the order of the text is also very reversed. It seems that they are trying their best to avoid government crawlers.

Borshu read it roughly. Basically, they are some unreliable legends, without anything new. Their entire meaning is to explain a piece of information that everyone knows: "The Eighth Martial God did not leave until his death."

Ciudad de la Cruz".

"Are you going to Delacruz City? Let's get rid of that knight first, and then assimilate a few martial arts masters... and so on..."

Borshu suddenly thought of a good idea.

In fact, these two options can go in the same direction.

Out of town.

The reason why he couldn't do anything about that person was because there were too many shelters, too many people, and too many civilian drones in the city.

But as long as he goes deep into the wilderness, none of this will be a problem.

In the wilderness, drones are very conspicuous.

If you want to rely on a drone for extreme sniping, the drone cannot be hidden.

If you want to carry out extreme sniping without relying on a drone, the atmospheric flow will destroy the aim.

And if the assassin insists on sniping without a drone, he can only choose to attack from a distance of less than one thousand meters.

At this distance, he was confident enough to counterattack.

——Go south.

He decided so.


Xiangshan's consciousness expands within the network.

After rebuilding his internal strength, he found that he could do more things, and even his external strength was also improved.

The brain areas required by internal and external skills are not exactly the same, but there is a certain overlap. Internal skills basically rely on the expansion of the neocortical language function area, while external skills also involve more internal and primitive areas. But the "external skills" involved

The "game" part can also be borne by Saussure's domain.

At the same time, the ability to "profile psychological activities based on movements" is also a derived skill of internal strength.

Xiangshan relied on this skill to predict the shooting timing of the gun warrior.

At this moment, he browsed through the information coming from the martial arts school and searched for possible traces on the Internet.

"So that's it. That Green Lin killed a large number of gangsters in order to obtain supplies. But at the same time, the information about the 'fierce fighting' in the Asylum's network was all about us."

"He hasn't engaged in high-intensity combat recently, but he needs resource supplies... Doesn't he have a mobile base vehicle? Is there an isotope battery on him?"

"If this is the case, then the fringes of the city can be excluded..."

Both Yuan Wenren and Lu Lin knew how to hide themselves from surveillance, so he could only find out from countless pictures what might be traces of the two people's fight, and then speculate on their movements.

Finally, he said softly: "I understand, do you want to go to the south?"

This chapter has been completed!
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