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Chapter 76 Fighting for Life

 Xiangshan walked quickly forward on the street. At the same time, his internal energy also used the radio as its tentacles to continuously extend outward.

He carefully hijacked some nearby drones. These civilian drones were almost undefended. Xiangshan also had to consider that these drones could automatically return to their original owners after performing his mission, so he only chose

In addition to the part with sufficient power, the hardware can support the part of complex pathfinding software.

The remaining part is a small amount of code implanted by him, which can serve as a temporary signal relay node.

With the help of these drones, Xiangshan's senses expanded along the data link.

[Master...] Yuki's conversation jumped out of the corner of Xiangshan's eyes, [I have set off according to your instructions...but is this really dangerous?]

[Ohara chose the place very well. There is no government surveillance around. We can dig out the car and go directly.] Xiangshan replied, [And the route map I gave you also bypasses the remote area.

The outer Eagle Dog Barracks.]

【This base...】

Xiang Shan said: [Farewell to the base. When the green forest started killing people indiscriminately, we had not been in this city for long. Maybe we wouldn’t even have the chance to come back and pick up the other two vehicles.]

Xiangshan ordered Yuki to dig out the best-performing "mule" from the soil, and then make a small circle along the edge of the city to the south side of the city. Xiangshan himself went through the city to chase Yuan Wenren and the green forest


If Xiangshan was the green forest, then he would never deal with a sniper in a city with an extremely complex environment. He would most likely choose to go to the wilderness.

So far, all the legends about the Eighth Martial God indicate that the Eighth Martial God never left the city of Dela Cruz until his death. Based on this point of view, if you want to find the "Legacy of the Eighth Martial God", you can only go to Dela Cruz.

Cruz City is just heading south.

This coincides with the information Xiangshan collected before.

Xiangshan is now going to try to lock down the green forest in the city. Unlike the original Wenren, Xiangshan is stronger in close combat, and most of the parts used in the prosthetic body come from the government elites killed in Tao Enhai's breakout battle. He has

Be sure to capture the green forest in a close-quarters conflict.

For Xiangshan, a knight with strong internal skills, the complex surveillance system in the city is not a problem. If used properly, it can also be a help. In addition, the complex architectural environment can also inhibit the green forest to a certain extent.


He was going to try to intercept the green forest inside the city.

And Yuki is a heavy insurance. After all, Lu Lin also knows how to avoid surveillance and line of sight. Xiangshan still can't grasp the guy's position in real time. He can't guarantee that he will be able to intercept Lu Lin in the city. And Yuki went over,

At least there is hope of intercepting the original source and preventing that idiot from going to die in the wilderness.

Suddenly, Xiangshan paused. He said quickly during the conversation; [Apprentice, stop. There is a group of eagle dogs six hundred meters in front of you. Pause for a few minutes, and then make a detour to the east...]

【Ah? That time...】

"Then don't let me waste any more time trying to find a way to save you!" Xiang Shan scolded.

At the same time, he quickened his pace.


There is a steep terrain directly south of Domingo City. This is the road leading to the plateau.

The girl was not walking very steadily. She was frightened and felt that she might roll down the rock at any time.

But at this time, the "hero" became very stingy and refused to help her.

The girl felt that the entire sole of her foot was sore, and the arch of her foot seemed to be broken. She looked at Borshu pitifully again, wanting to ask him for help.

But the "hero" didn't realize it... No, no, he simply stayed three meters away on purpose.


The girl only felt frightened. Is it like in the story that after a hero helps a person, he will definitely stay away from him?

Borshu looked behind him. Less than a hundred meters away from him, there was a four-rotor drone hovering. Although this drone is said to be "silent" in structure, to Borshu,

But it can't be called "concealed". The drone simply gave up the idea of ​​hiding it, and just decorated the back almost openly.

As if to say, "The bullet is coming soon."

This is also a strategy. Borshu thought. The assassin wanted to keep his spirit highly tense.

The more nervous you are, the easier it is to get tired. And the more tired you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

This drone was like this twenty minutes ago.

However, this endurance competition will soon be decided.

As long as they cross this high slope, they will enter an area with complex terrain. This small area is very narrow on the map. But Borshu can more easily use the center of the earth to hide itself.

This is the key area.

He looked up and found a protruding rock. He pointed at the rock and said to the girl: "Let's go there, you can take a rest."

The girl was overjoyed and nodded. She quickly climbed up the mountain.

Borshu did not look at the girl, but looked down. He had switched his vision to the active infrared speed measurement field of view. The transmitter built into his shoulder armor was emitting a large amount of infrared rays, which would be extremely conspicuous in the dark night.

.But at the same time, he can easily capture objects whose speed far exceeds the background environment.

This is a provocation. He has prepared an environment that is favorable to the vigilante. Now, the girl who may hinder the vigilante's attack is moving away from him, and he himself is the most conspicuous target at night.

The knight will not miss this opportunity.

The original reporter also realized this.

A gunman's battle, except for "close combat", is in most cases an "intelligence battle". The moment the gun is fired is the moment one is exposed, and it is also the moment that may determine life or death. Masters

They will conduct reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance tests with a tacit understanding.

And this guy put his life on the gambling table. He was quite confident in his abilities. He relied on his martial arts skills to bet that he would not die in the first shot and that he would be shot again.

Counterattack before!

The knight set up his beloved gun in the dust.

The intelligence collected by the drone was gathered along the data link. Yuan Wenren saw the flow of "wind" and the "water" and "dust" in the atmosphere. "Density" became a big deal to her.

a visible physical quantity.

Under a sniper attack at such a distance, not only the wind, but also the density of the air mass will have an impact on the ballistic trajectory. According to Yuan Wenren's calculations, the uneven atmosphere always causes his ballistic trajectory to sway.

At this moment, the knight's spirit is also in a state of excitement.

This is a gamble.

Yuan Wenren forced himself to recall the seven people who were killed in the city and the other victims he had seen on his journey as a knight.

Her thoughts became clear at this moment.

The weak sea breeze also pushes away the dry and dusty air masses just right.

A certain ballistic trajectory connects the muzzle of the gun with the infrared source.

"It's now!"

The original news person shot!

At this distance, Borshu could no longer see the flames ejected from the muzzle, especially after being suppressed by the flash suppressor.

However, two hundred meters away, the algorithm screened out a "high-speed moving" target for him.

The refined martial arts algorithm planned a brand new path for him. Borshu dodged, exerted force with both feet, and rushed down the mountain.

This is how he will avoid this bullet.

However, the moment he exerted his force, other bullets also appeared in his field of vision.

The second bullet...the second bullet was aimed at his head!

More than one shot.

Of course there’s more than one shot!

Directly in front of Borshu, there are still several bullets!

Borshu's wheels turned sideways. His whole body swayed several times in the forward direction like a tumbler.

He narrowly avoided several bullets.

But a bullet hit the cliff. With a "bang", the crack expanded rapidly.

Borshu stepped out and wanted to use his strength, but unexpectedly he kicked off a large rock.

This was truly unexpected. Borshu lost his balance and rolled downwards.

Are you looking at my place of stay... are you offended...

Borshu continued until he could no longer lift all his limbs off the ground. His tail was deeply inserted into the rock. In just a millisecond, the blade on his tail, like a stegosaurus tail thorn, broke. But this also bought him a moment.

Pain, adjust posture.

Then, a bullet was like a hammer, slamming him onto the cliff.


Borshu didn't know which part of his body was damaged. Maybe it was a key component, or maybe the prosthetic body would explode if he continued to move. But it boosted his spirits.

I’m not afraid of death anyway…

That's right, he is a person who doesn't care about his life in the first place.

However, Borshu has a slight desire to "live" in his heart.

Different from the empathy forced on him by the Yakuza Consensus Therapy, this is something from the heart...from the heart...

"Ah!" Borshu shouted, using his hands and feet to sprint down the steep slope.

The shock wave expands like a tsunami.

This man sprinted forward with a sniper's bullet in his sights!

This shot didn’t kill me yet! This shot didn’t kill me either!

The power of several bullets allowed him to push back the trajectory and then determine the location of the gunman.

Yuan Wenren also understood that her position had been exposed. She looked at the green forest monster that kept sprinting in the crosshairs, and calmly pressed the bullet into the gun chamber, looking at it again and again, as if she didn't care about death at all.

"There's still a little chance."

There is still a "golden distance" of one hundred meters between a gunner and a fighter. Within this one hundred meters, it is difficult for a warrior to gain the skills to dodge bullets.

I still have a hundred meters left!

This chapter has been completed!
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