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Chapter 87 Doctor Hu

 So, what about those earth-burrowing dragons?" C. Shivaji-21 asked.

The Earth-Drilling Dragons are a very special group. They are specialized knights who rarely appear in the arena and only communicate with a few familiar knights. The meaning of their existence is to collect a little bit of uranium from poor mines.

Elements provide fission fuel for knights.

After having the fission furnace, the knight can go directly to the sky and create a powerful prosthetic body, or he can go to sea water to collect deuterium, tritium and other fusion fuels and then use the fission furnace to ignite the fusion furnace.

It can be said that the existence of the Earth-Drilling Dragon has enabled the earth's arena to slowly give birth to powerful knights who have transcended the first level of heaven and earth.

Although this speed is very slow, it is still guaranteed.

The Earth-Drilling Dragons are also very careful. They will not reveal their identities on the Internet and only establish contact with a few knights. Most of those knights are introduced by acquaintances. For example, they are also the masters of the Earth-Drilling Dragons, or

Knights who have already established cooperative relationships, etc.

The government has been cracking down on this special group of knights, but the earth-burrowing dragons are still mainly underground. Neither satellite surveillance nor radar waves can do anything to them. The complex terrain of the mine is also a cover. Even if the government gathers a group of eagle dogs to mine

Searching in the cave may not necessarily catch those guys with specialized prosthetics. And the complex terrain allows them to run away anytime they want.

And when they come up from the ground, they will put on a spare pair of tattered prosthetics, just like ordinary workers.

There are a lot of these ordinary migrant workers in every city.

It is difficult for the government to keep track of these criminals.

The best way to find them is to capture the knights who cooperate with them, and then kill them by following the clues.

This is the method used by C. Shivaji-21. He relies on his strong inner strength and directly stands on the street to use his inner strength on the people passing by. Some people with inner strength will be affected by this process.

Stimulates stress defense. He can rely on this reaction to determine whether there are knights around.

Then, do it again and filter.

Generally, official eagle dogs cannot use this move. Not only is it very draining on the spirit, it is also quite inefficient, and it is also possible to hit the wrong target.

The government simply doesn't have the manpower.

And C. Shivaji-21 alone is worth hundreds of ordinary internal warriors, so he can be easily captured in this way.

In this way, he dug out two knights on the street.

A vigilante has been tortured before and his brain was transferred into a life-sustaining tank. This is the second one.

In addition to the people related to the Eighth Martial God whom he sent his men to find, he has already interviewed several people.

The knight said with a mechanical speed: "Earth-Drilling Dragon... I don't know..."

"I don't know? Are you local?"

"It should count. I grew up here when I was a child, and then I went to the north to learn some skills. This time I came back and wanted to kill the welfare officer who harmed my family..."

"Stop. I'm not interested in these." C. Shivaji-21 asked: "When did you come to Dela Cruz City? Did you stay here long?"

"It's been five years. I'm still looking for opportunities to assassinate..."

"Have you not established contact with the Earth-Drilling Dragon in five years?"

"I haven't reached the point where I need to plan for the reactor, so there is no need for me to get involved with the earth-burrowing dragon. This may be harmful to others." The knight said.

His language center is being activated uncontrollably. In this state, he will say everything he thinks about. There are also drugs that make his entire brain in a state of excitement, and the "blocked" signal cannot be blocked.

Correct reception of neurons.

He will say whatever comes to his mind.

"Ah? Then do you know other knights? The local ones, the ones approaching the first level of the world."


"Think about it. Knights, local, very strong, powerful local knights, powerful, guys who are active nearby..." C. Shivaji-21 repeated the induction.

"I don't know, I don't know, there is no such person nearby." The knight said tremblingly.

"It shouldn't be like this." C. Shivaji-21 pondered.

The meaning of the existence of earth-burrowing dragons is to hand over nuclear fuel to those powerful knights who are expected to cross the world. Therefore, a group of earth-burrowing dragons will definitely keep in contact with certain knights. They will communicate in a secret way online.

There must be a group of earth-boring dragons in the city of Delacruz. The expansion of the mine reflected by the seismic waves illustrates this point. C. Shivaji-21 even asked the Scientific Research Knights who study planetary physics if there are other phenomena that can explain it.

This point. And the other side also believes that this is most likely a group of earth-burrowing dragons moving around.

However, there is an earth-burrowing dragon here, but there is no powerful knight to connect with it?

"It's a bit troublesome. It seems that this group of earth-burrowing dragons is cooperating with foreign knights. Those foreign knights will come here regularly and take away the fission fuel."

According to records, the mandible that cooperates with it may come only once in a long time. Some records show that this time can even be counted in units of ten years.

But I don’t know how long it will take.

"So, what channels do you usually use to communicate with knights?"

"The communication page I wrote...and the 'Cloud History'."

The breathing light on the front of C. Shivaji-21 flashes twice, indicating "nod". This is a commonly used primitive method. The chat data is completely stored locally and can be discarded at any time, which is relatively safe. "Cloud History" is

A special decentralized storage system. Some knights use a protocol more than a hundred years ago to upload the major events they know to this blockchain. There are not many forks in this blockchain, and most of them are

Continuously updating.

Many Jianghu people rely on this to understand the dynamics of Jianghu.

However, "Cloud History" and other similar channels have the danger of "officials maliciously mixing in wrong information", so this kind of public information also needs to be verified by knights using trusted private channels.

"Give me the data, I want to take a look." C. Shivaji-21 repeated several times, and finally extracted a string of data from the knight's brain.

It’s not that he wants to blend into the knights, this is actually very difficult. Every successful knight has the ability to read a person’s “soul” through “behaviors” such as language and actions. You are considered a thief

If you take a knight's account and say a few words, the secret will inevitably be exposed.

Today's knights are extremely wary of the "divers" in the circle.

Even letting this knight take over the account himself is not enough. After being injected with the compound medicine, this guy's thinking is obviously different from the past. He may not be able to pass the Turing test. It can be easily seen through


Of course, C. Shivaji-21's internal strength is very high. If he is familiar with the past words and deeds of this knight, then he can also "act". But he is not familiar with what this knight looks like in normal times.

It still takes time and preparation to run a character like Deborah Zhao and enter the world.

He just wanted to find similar information from the records.

"So, last question, do you know what other knights live nearby?"

"I have no idea……"

"Is there anyone who sympathizes with the knight?"

"Ah...Zheng Shifan from the Iron Block Style Dojo..."

C. Shivaji-21 sighed: "This old gentleman is still persisting. It's amazing."

His prosthetic body turned and his prosthetic eyes were aimed at a prosthetic warrior sitting cross-legged on the ground. Various uncoordinated linear patterns appeared on the screen on the warrior's face.

He was suppressed by internal strength.

"I have already asked this guy just now. But this guy is not a knight, so he cannot know about the earth-burrowing dragon, so I didn't focus on asking."

C. Shivaji-21 circled around the old guy twice: "If he is still a knight sympathizer, then he may help other knights. I seem to have forgotten to ask this just now?"

At this time, another person struggled to stand up. This person was wearing a dirty white coat, and his face was a flat metal plate without any details. Two cold-blooded rangers stretched out their hands, trying to pull him away.

He pressed back, but this man was very stubborn and kept trying to stand up. C. Shivaji-21 summoned the two cold-blooded rangers to stop their actions. The guy immediately walked up to the injected knight.

The instrument on the knight's head had been taken away by a life-seeking Ranger, exposing his naked brain. The man took out a syringe from his dirty white coat and injected it into the knight's brain.

C. Shivaji-21 was a little curious: "What is this?"

"An enzyme that can accelerate the metabolism of phenylethylamine, dopamine and other similar substances." The man said: "He can still live."

"How brave, Doctor Hu." C. Shivaji-21 said mechanically: "You actually treated a knight in front of a direct descendant of King Agni!"

"Does the Dyson Principle prohibit me from doing this? It prohibits a person from saving a vigilante."

"The Dyson Principles prohibit any behavior that will cause harm to others. A vigilante is defined as an anti-humanist. Your behavior will..."

"Dr. Hu" interrupted nonchalantly: "Sorry, I can't verify this personally, so I don't know that my actions will cause damage. Besides, the drugs you used greatly damaged this person's brain. Even if he

Well, there is no way to be a knight. Based on this assumption, my behavior will not cause harm to others."

"King Agni has always been resisted by the Scientific Research Knights because of what happened back then. For this reason, you should not kill an official knight based on the reason of 'suspecting that he is related to the knights'.


C. Shivaji-21 looked at Dr. Hu: "You don't seem surprised at all. Do you even care about modern interrogation methods and treatment methods? How should I put it, you are worthy of being the person who promoted the rebirth of the Eighth Martial God?"

This chapter has been completed!
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