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Chapter 89 Then and Goodbye

   It was an ordinary afternoon decades ago. Just like usual, Dr. Hu compiled some experimental data, uploaded it to His Excellency Wang Yi Emery, and then walked out of the office area of ​​the clinic.

Then, in the corner, he saw a few children. The oldest of these children was about thirteen years old [District 8], and the youngest was seven years old. They were all people with a very low transformation rate. They were crowded together,

Completely asleep, like a bunch of little puppies that haven't opened their eyes yet.

Well, for Dr. Hu back then, the more common metaphor would be "a mouse that has not yet opened its eyes".

Yes, their eyes are indeed not open. A weird headband is placed on their head, and a socket is connected to an interface behind the ear.

Since everyone will register with the asylum, and the scientific knights will assist in the surgery and implant the most basic chip, so strictly speaking, there is no human being with a completely zero transformation rate in this era. And this interface behind the ear,

It’s what many people left after remodeling it for free.

Prosthetic people with a higher transformation rate can naturally leave data interfaces on any part of the body. However, many people are used to it when they were young, so they simply leave the data interfaces of subsequent prosthetics here.

Of course, except for warriors. The opening in the skull may reduce the structural strength of the entire artificial head.

This ring is the best Internet device for non-martialists. The complete production process was announced by an unknown knight a hundred years ago. It only requires a 3D printer and a small number of common components, and it can be easily assembled.

Dr. Hu still likes this kind of thing. After giving this thing to the volunteers, they can temporarily forget their physical discomfort and obtain stable happiness. This makes the volunteers' emotions relatively controllable and eliminates the possibility of emotional influence to a large extent.

Interference factors in medical technology.

Sometimes, Dr. Hu will also do some free clinics for people around him. When he encounters poor people who are terminally ill but don’t have the resources to maximize the transformation rate, he will also make this kind of equipment, which can be regarded as a kind of end-of-life treatment.


 But these gadgets eventually gave birth to a group of guys who were completely addicted to the Internet until they starved to death in the virtual feeling. At that time, Dr. Hu realized that this might not be appropriate.

 However, it is hard to recover after overturning the water. Dr. Hu cannot recover everything he once gave away.

 But when he saw that the girl was among this group of lazy dogs, he still felt a burst of anger.

 He ​​dragged the girl with rough brown skin out of the crowd, unplugged the device angrily, and said: "You are so self-destructive...don't you even have the consciousness to cover up in front of me now? Huh?"

The girl's eyes were blurred, as if she hadn't woken up yet. After a while, she smiled: "That's the setting..."

As she spoke, she hit her neck: "Yes, I should have remembered it."

"What do you think of?" Dr. Hu asked angrily: "I asked you to study hard for my sake? Or for your own sake? I once had high hopes for you...but what about you? You are willing to die like this.


 The girl scratched her head in confusion: "In a sense, it is indeed for you, layman. Don't be ashamed of the selfishness in your behavior, and don't deny or reject it."

 Doctor Hu said: “What do you mean?”

"You want me to be your assistant, and cultivating a good assistant will make your research path smoother. This is a win-win situation." The girl rubbed her eyes: "From the past to the present

, human beings have all come this way. People don’t need to be ashamed of this, this is the basis of ‘society’. To deny it completely would seem a little wrong.”

Dr. Hu felt a little weird: "You..."

 "Society"... What an evil word this is. The source of man's oppression of man, the reason why man cannot be free, and what the protectors of mankind are determined to eradicate.

 Only a few scientific research knights can study it.

He was a little annoyed: "Why are you still paying attention to these things? This kind of thing can only be formally discussed after you become a scientific research knight..."

"This is really a weird paradox. Are only people who fully understand 'society' qualified to talk about society? Or should everyone who doesn't have a profound understanding of the world shut up?" The girl pondered, "Idiots can't

Do they speak? Are they not allowed to communicate? Can they only listen to smart people? Shouldn't they make any choices? Well, in a sense, maybe listening to smart people is a very beneficial decision for a fool. But if a fool

If they keep obeying orders like this, will smart people think that they are born this way, and then despise those fools? Will smart people always consider those fools in their decisions? "

The girl gradually fell into deep thought and spoke faster and faster.

"If the wise man is a saint, then it is right for the fool to keep obeying. But does such a saint really exist? Ah, maybe there has been, but at that stage of history, human beings are still Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens

The lifespan of a saint is too short. There are really very few tram problems that a saint has to face in his life. Maybe many saints just died before they had time to become bad..."


 Doctor Hu used his internal power to suppress the warning in the program. The girl's words seemed to be alluding to the pioneers, the Martial Ancestor or the Father of All Machines, depending on the listener's perspective.

 Perhaps she didn't mean to do it, but that's what it sounded like.

 Doctor Hu grabbed the girl's shoulders and shook her hard: "What are you talking about?"

"Well, it's just a superficial discussion of an issue that has been discussed countless times." The girl thought: "This kind of thing is really difficult..."


 “Laity, do you feel that something is wrong with this world?”

 Dr. Hu felt a little sad.

What will this child become? A cyberneg, or a vigilante with anti-human tendencies?

"No... doctor... not just here." The girl rubbed her face: "Sometimes I suddenly forget that I am a woman..."

 Sadness quickly turns into a hint of coolness.

"'Doctor'...this title..." Dr. Hu said: "What on earth are you..."

 But I don’t know why, Dr. Hu didn’t ask the question.

 After that, he witnessed the girl being addicted to the Internet several times. He tried to track the girl, but found that the girl was just browsing entertainment websites normally.

 After that, he realized that the mark was forged by the girl.

That girl already has basic internal strength.

 According to the customs of the Knights, this kind of thing should probably be reported.

 But Dr. Hu didn't do that. He couldn't tell why.

 Even every time he faced that child, he felt chilled.

 Until he finally had enough and banned the kid from going online again.

Then, the girl immediately went to the small orphanage he opened. After that, she joined a martial arts gym. After hearing that the girl entered the league, Dr. Hu felt a little relieved. Becoming a competitive warrior instead of a knight meant that the girl was still

He had no intention of escaping into the world. He once took the time to watch a girl's game and cheer for her. He naively thought that this was a symbol of their reconciliation. This child might just have some gender misalignment. This kind of thing is very important in the era of prosthetics.

It's not important at all. Dr. Hu even thinks that one day he can refer to the child as "he" instead.

“After all, I should have stopped her at that time, right?” Decades later, Dr. Hu, who had just escaped from the control of King Agni’s men, was walking down the street in despair.

 He looked up at the sky.

 I feel sorry because that little child eventually passed away as brightly as the petals of the Rosaceae plant.

Perhaps it would be happier to die spectacularly as a god of war than to be the assistant of a fringe scientific knight?

At this moment, a string of sounds penetrated Dr. Hu’s auditory processing center.

“…There is a clinic here, right? I remember it was quite famous and open to the public. It’s not the kind of place where scientific knights gather and is heavily guarded.”

  Clinic...yes, clinic.

At this moment, Dr. Hu realized that he had walked back to his clinic.

Those people were talking about seeking medical treatment, and his brain was very sensitive to similar words.

He looked at the person who was speaking, a young man with a low transformation rate prosthetic body, a speed warrior with a full transformation rate, and a man wrapped in a black robe. The boy's hands and feet were obviously too long, not suitable for his age.

, it should have been completed in a hurry. The warrior's prosthetic body was also very miserable, as if in tatters. Only the last one was hidden in a black robe, and the details could not be seen.

The young man and the warrior carried the stretcher together.

But after a closer look, Dr. Hu discovered something was wrong. The man in black robes was standing in the middle of the stretcher, as if he was restraining the warrior with a tattered prosthetic body intentionally or unintentionally.

 It was as if he was worried that the warrior would break out and hurt someone at any time.

 Strange combination. Warrior? Or a charlatan?

Dr. Hu carefully observed the man in black robe, trying to see something.

The man in black robe looked at his clinic and said with some confusion: "Is this really just a clinic open to ordinary people? The equipment looks a little too good..."

This tone...

 Dr. Hu's body trembled slightly.


“The research knight’s stronghold?”

"Tsk, the moral level of a scientific research knight..." The man in black robe said: "I can't believe it. Let's turn around now and buy some medicine. I have some knowledge of this kind of surgery and treatment..."


Dr. Hu couldn't help but take a step forward.

That legend... that legend...

 But he quickly stopped.

Dr. Hu realized that he might still be under surveillance.

Perhaps the action just now will be a flaw, but it is not a big problem. Fortunately, I have kept my mind.

 Dr. Hu leaned over and said: "Not every scientific research knight is cold-blooded, sir. Do you have any needs?"

This chapter has been completed!
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