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Chapter 102 Pursuit

  Xiangshan walked quickly to the street, still holding Bo Shu in his hand.

 Yuki was following behind the two of them.

  After taking a few more steps, Borshu regained control of his body. He threw off Xiang Shan's grip.

 Xiang Shan said: "Calm down?"

Through monitoring, he can roughly grasp the brain activity of Borshu. Of course, it is also possible to further read expressions and thoughts. But firstly, Borshu has internal cultivation skills, so reading minds is not that easy. Secondly, it is not easy to read the mind of Borshu.

Come to Xiangshan and don't do this kind of thing if it's not necessary.

Borshu said coldly: "Why did you leave her there? The doctor seemed to have bad intentions."

 He probably calmed down and knew that there must be some conditions that he was not aware of at the moment.

"That doctor... at least I didn't find any evidence that he had bad intentions." Xiang Shan said, "You also heard that no matter what, he will increase the transformation rate of the girl. We have left some virtual currency.

, enough. She can already live a good life. It’s okay to leave like this at this time. Even if he has bad intentions... We knights are outside, and he may not dare to do anything at will. At least that girl can be intact.

Come out. Can you accept this statement?"

Boershu closed his eyes: "What if she was involved in an incident like human experimentation?"

 “I will assassinate that doctor and return all the people related to him.” Xiang Shan said.

Boershu nodded: "It's acceptable."

Youki breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the atmosphere here had relaxed a bit. Borshu and Xiangshan were both cyber warriors, and his transformation rate was quite low. The two had a conflict around him, and he was stronger than Borshu.

Even more dangerous.

 Youki turned his head and looked at the clinic at the end of the street. He was interested in improving his transformation rate.

 It’s a pity that it came out immediately.

From Yuki's perspective, just after Xiangshan asked the question, Dr. Hu began to say harsh words to them, and also held the girl hostage. Xiangshan said two harsh words to him, and then said a few words of submission.

It seems that the two sides have reached an agreement at some level

 Yuki is very sorry: “We can’t increase the transformation rate here...”

“Not for the time being.” Xiang Shan shook his head, “However, he also revealed a lot of information to us.”

  Bor Technique simulated the feeling of taking a deep breath, and then said: "He must be the companion of the eighth Martial God."

Youki also nodded: "That's what it looks like. His attitude must be right."

"Although there is no direct answer, that overreaction is revealing one's identity." As if recalling the image of two scalpels aimed at the girl's forehead on both sides, Borshu's heart surged with murderous intent, and he could hardly suppress it. Xiangshan deprived him again.

He took control of his hands and feet and handed them over to the gait AI.

 Boshu felt a little more relaxed now.

"I looked through the log files of this hospital and downloaded part of them." Xiang Shan said, "Just a few days ago, this doctor disappeared for a few days. He did not leave any instructions before disappearing, so the management of the laboratory was

It was a mess. But the government ignored this disappearance. The apprentices asked for weapons from the gene bank, but they did not accept it."

"The people who arrested him were also official people..." Borshu responded, "Those guys from that day?"

Xiang Shan nodded: "Most likely."

 For Xiang Shan, this team under King Agni is the top priority target.

“He just said, ‘If you touch me now, you may not know what enemies you will attract’...which means..." Youki exclaimed.

 “He is under control.” Xiang Shan nodded.

Boshu agreed, but then asked doubtfully: "Why would he tell you this? Because he sees that you are a knight?"

Xiang Shan pondered for a moment: "This is indeed a problem..."

 When he said "this is a problem", he did not mean "why he told me this information", but "my identity cannot be concealed from some thoughtful people, which is a big problem".

 When you practice your internal skills to a certain level, you will be able to read other people's expressions, tone of voice, and body movements just like reading words. And some behavioral habits revealed inadvertently will reveal a person's thinking and personality.

 This is also why the Death Chaser can bite the target.

 After Xiangshan's death, eleven more personality facets appeared, each of which was exactly the same as him.

 It should be said that the personality mask itself is a subject whose behavior can be confused with the real one.

 Except for the second God of War, every personality aspect has opened up its own new social relationships.

 Coupled with the immortals left over from the old generation by King Agni and his ilk...

Perhaps there are not many people who know him.

 This is the second time that Xiang Shan has been accidentally recognized.

 The Six Dragons Sect is mysterious and unpredictable. It is not a government force, so its existence has not been exposed yet.

It seems that Dr. Hu no longer cares about the government.

 But it won’t always be like this in the future.

 Looks like I have to write an action management AI to cover up my own real thoughts.

 Xiang Shan thought so.

 After writing this matter down in his notebook, Xiang Shan thought about another question.

 Why can the scientific research knight of the Six Dragons Religion also recognize him?

That time Tao Enhai exposed his identity because he took the initiative to use the old name. But before that, the knights who worshiped the Martial Ancestor did not recognize him. Only Tao Enhai, who was a good friend in the old days, could quickly recognize him.

The relationship between Dr. Hu and Lao Ba is unknown, but it should be more than just a casual acquaintance, otherwise they would not still be entangled by King Agni’s men decades later.

So what is the origin of the Six Dragons Sect?

"The worst possibility is that 'a black man Xiang Shan becomes the leader of the Six Dragon Sect'..." Xiang Shan shook his head and pondered, "No, the worst possibility is that the Six Dragon Sect takes Xiang Shan's memory and creates puppets of martial gods everywhere."

...even 'I am a puppet created by the Six Dragons Sect'."

 This is not impossible.

Yawgmoth put Xiangshan's memory captured in "The Only Defeat" online. However, Xiangshan's other friends did not want Yawgmoth to delete it according to his own consciousness, so they also uploaded their own memories of Xiangshan, thus forming

A huge blockchain maze has been created. People who know the maze have consciously restricted the spread of this news, but the blockchain is indeed public and cannot be changed.

There are always people who accidentally step into the maze and download Xiangshan’s memories.

 The Eighth Martial God is such a person.

Since an ordinary orphan can do it, then a scientific research knight with no moral bottom line can do it as well.

 If your memory falls into the hands of that kind of person...

 Press your forehead to Xiangshan.

There is no point worrying about this kind of thing now. Maybe after this matter is over, I should look for clues about the Six Dragons Cult, but not now...

 Concentrate on dealing with King Agni...

“Master?” Youki asked, “You don’t seem to be in a good condition now?”

Xiangshan shook his head: "It's okay. I'm just thinking about how to deal with that group of people."

Borshu said: "Since he said, 'Moving him will attract enemies,' then give him two shots?"

"Do you want to fight in that clinic? Borshu." Xiang Shan sighed, "Think carefully about who you want to protect now."

 Boshu was trembling all over.

Xiangshan said to Yuki: "Now is not the time. As a knight, we must learn to choose the battlefield. Do not involve innocent civilians in the battle. Let the battle break out at the venue of our choice, and we can also gain an intelligence advantage to a certain extent."

Yuki nodded.

 “Let’s go to the west.”

There is an abandoned prosthetic body dumping area or mass grave on the west side of the city of Dela Cruz. It is also a slum. According to popular legend, there are always some running wireless devices connected to the network in the mass grave, forming a network of the dying and the dead.

The deceased's LAN, where certain painful personality data are automatically written and erased.

But this is just a horror story with the characteristics of the times.

There are even some living people living here.

 According to the hospital’s intelligence records, this is where the baseline human disease most commonly occurs.

 Dr. Hu occasionally comes here for free clinics to look for cases and expand research materials.

 He disappeared while coming here.

Xiangshan took Borshu and Youki and hid in a surveillance blind spot. But it was not absolutely safe here. He could only guard against the cameras on the surface, but everyone's eyes could become surveillance cameras. Xiangshan closed his eyes.

, focus on yourself. Internal power is running, an invisible force at the data level is expanding.

Xiang Shan stole the account of someone who was sleeping around him, transferred a little bit of virtual currency into it, then found a local guy selling virtual services, and put some code into the server.

 Subsequently, new internal strength expanded. Xiangshan’s consciousness continued to jump and expand on the Internet.

 Segments of code adapted to his consciousness are running within the equipment of this city.

 The huge sea of ​​data came like a huge roar. Xiangshan built an algorithm in his consciousness to screen the data.

 He is looking for video records of the past few days.

Of course, of course, nothing is gained.

Knights naturally know how to avoid cameras. And the life-chasing knights who need to deal with them in independent situations also know how to avoid them, or even know better than ordinary passers-by.

 They can avoid cameras all the way.

It is true that "everyone's eyes" cannot be avoided, but not everyone is a video anchor and will share their visual information. Even if they are, they will only upload what they find interesting and others will like it.

The Death Ranger prosthetics are generally not very exaggerated, and wearing camouflage fabric and standing on the street is not particularly conspicuous.

Many warriors competing in competitions pursue a shiny prosthetic body and wear protective covers to prevent scratches.

 And among the asylum seekers, there is also the spread of the culture of "clothes".

 Some civilians also followed suit.

“A person wearing fabrics but not having a prominent figure” is not common, but it is not rare enough to be uploaded as a video.

 But... no intelligence is also a kind of intelligence.

“This city is pretty well-covered, so they don’t have many options to choose from..."

This chapter has been completed!
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