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Chapter 110 Letter to Xiangshan

   Liu Ri remembers these symbols. However, he has been taught since he was a child that "these symbols are meaningless" and "a tactic formulated by Grandpa to confuse the enemy and consume computing power." The entire drill

Not many people in the Dilong community think about the meaning of these symbols.

 They really don’t need these symbols because they have detailed records in their minds.

 However, Xiangshan understood these QR codes.

 It’s like you can understand the text.

This QR code is not the qrode encoding method that was common in the past, nor is it any computer-oriented method. It is not formatted text.

 It itself is "readable text".

  In other words, it is a special encoding directly facing the human brain.

  As early as the second half of the 21st century... it should be when Xiangshan was still a very rich man.

  Ingrid...several others, as well as Xiang Shan, started a project. This project is used as part of cognitive science to expand the boundaries of human thinking.

 One of the sub-items is to explore the cognitive ability of the modified brain of the baseline human to various codes.

They hope to start from cognitive science and strengthen the connection between humans and brain components to enhance human intelligence.

And this QR code is "a" code in this project.

 At first Ingrid tried many different encodings.

As a "volunteer", Xiangshan trained himself to recognize one of them and made suggestions for improvement.

 According to...probably in accordance with Anatoly's suggestion, Xiangshan chose the first-order completeness of logic and mathematics as the starting point. He first constructed the language of mathematics, and then extended it towards natural language in daily environments.

 This process lasted about a year.

 Then this plan was killed by Ingrid.

 The "QR code text" constructed by Xiang Shan is difficult to arouse the excitement of the first generation of transforming human brains, and it is also difficult to use.

 Even if it is used as a "thesis only", its rigor is far less than what Anatoly himself later constructed.

 And this is just one of hundreds of abandoned routes in Ingrid’s plan.

 It is only worthy of being “passed over” in history books.

This plan was later merged into the historical line of "development of internal strength". Most of the plans for the original experiment were lost in time.

 However, for "Xiang Shan", this part of memory belongs to "intellectual memory".

 Even "useless knowledge" falls under the general category of "knowledge".

He couldn't carefully separate out just this part, so he remembered it.

"This..." Xiangshan stood up with a stooped body and stroked the two palm-sized QR codes. The QR codes were not newly engraved and had rounded edges. They had obviously been there for many years.

“Not many people should know about this ‘cognitive scheme’...Who knows? Inga? Tolia? [Anatoly’s nickname] Who else..."


 Xiang Shan actually understands.

 There is no need to pretend to think, this kind of thing will be understood as soon as you think about it.

Since at least two people know this, and those two people are likely to participate in the construction of the "Memory Maze Blockchain", isn't the answer obvious?

 Eighth God of War.

 As for the purpose of this message...

Ingrid’s whereabouts are unknown, and Anatole is now closer to a “legend” in the world, as no one seems to have seen him.

The probability of them coming here by chance is too small.

However, "Xiangshan" appears once every few decades, setting off a rebellion.

 This is a message written by Xiang Shan to Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan stood in front of the QR code.

 What kind of mood is this? A "stranger" suddenly invades the private part of your memory? Or something else?

 Xiangshan doesn’t want to share the past with others at all.

 Then he closed his eyes and shook his head.

“‘Make a straight line through these two points’, ‘these two points’ refers to two QR codes, and this ‘straight line’ is equivalent to..."

Xiangshan compared it and found that the connection between the two QR codes did point to the same road.

 This road is milder than the "Safe Path" in the Six-Day Map.

“So that’s it, the text itself does not indicate the path, but the spatial position of these two QR codes indicates the direction...”

  whispered to the mountain.

 It seems that the so-called "Legacy of the Eighth Martial God" is indeed, must, and very clear here.

If the Earth-Drilling Dragons don't recognize this set of QR codes, it can only be engraved by the Eighth Martial God himself.

 Xiangshan fell down on the ground again and continued to move forward with the gait of a wild beast.

 He ​​accelerated as fast as he could as soon as he came up, as if he wanted to throw away all the unhappiness and melancholy in his heart under the two QR codes.

 Soon, he came to the second fork in the road.

 There are also two QR codes, still the same solution.

 The first QR code compresses the two meanings of "welcome (polite term)" and "self-referential". If this is placed in a daily context, it should be "welcome, me".

 Who this "I" refers to is also self-evident.

Xiangshan still feels very awkward. He doesn’t want to share the same “I” with the Eighth Martial God or other Martial Gods, even if he himself may be a replica of the Six Dragons Cult.

  The second QR code means... "null".

   is meaningless.

 And the extension line connecting these two QR codes still points to the "safe route" on the Six-Day Memory Map.

"I see, if it were me..." Xiangshan said to himself: "If it were me, even if there was no contact with the earth-burrowing dragons, or if all these earth-burrowing dragons unfortunately died, 'Xiangshan' could still rely on these symbols

Find the right path.”

But isn’t this a bit too retarded? Normal people will quickly see that “the text of the QR code is meaningless but the spatial position of the QR code itself is meaningful”, right?

Xiang Shan thought this way and came to the third fork in the road.

 Two QR codes.

 “From here it changes”, “All right angles are equal”.

 Ponder to the mountain for a moment, then connect the two QR codes into a straight line, and then draw the vertical line of this straight line.

 This vertical line points to the "safe route" on the six-day map.

"Okay." Xiangshan sighed: "As expected of 'me'."

 Speed ​​up the mountain to the next intersection, and at the same time start paying attention to the QR codes.

 He realized that the map given by Liu Ri would always deviate from the road indicated by the QR code.

 Because this map indicates the range of daily activities of the burrowing dragon.

 And the legacy of the Eighth Martial God must be outside the activity range of the Earth-Drilling Dragon. Otherwise, Six Days would not insist that "the legacy of the Eighth Martial God is just a legend and does not actually exist."

 Running toward the mountain while deep in thought.

 Personality overlays and information source individuals...or personality overlays and personality overlays must have similar reactions in similar situations.

 He does not want to share "memory" with any individual, let alone share "self-recognition" with any individual.

 Presumably the Eighth God of War is the same in this regard.

 Hangshan will repel Xiangshan.

So, why on earth would she want to entrust her "heritage" to other "Xiangshan"?

"It's not my style at all..." Xiang Shan whispered, "It's not like what I would do at all."

 He captured the movement directly ahead. It should be the second team moving up to support.

 While fighting the first team, he destroyed a data cable. The subsequent teams must also know that "the enemy has entered the cave."

 The second support team will inevitably appear.

 Continuing to accelerate toward the mountain. His body slid across the cave wall like water droplets sliding on the surface of hydrophobic materials, and his legs curled up sharply.

 The force of inertia pressed him against the wall.

Xiangshan changed his posture in this short moment and was liberated from the four-group gait.

  It seems like tens of millions of years of mammal evolution have been spanned in an instant.

He stretched out one hand straight, and fired a bullet from the equipment on the back of his hand, while his other hand pressed on the blade of the phonon knife behind his back.

 Electromagnetic sword drawing, the sixth hand.

Xiangshan rushed into the crowd almost at the same time as the bullet. The bullet continued to advance and broke the data line.

He drew his sword toward the mountain and rushed through the Ranger team like a torrent, appearing behind them.

 Limited by terrain factors, these eagle and dog masters could only move forward in formation. This low cave could not support two people side by side, otherwise the dodge space would be greatly restricted.

Xiangshan took advantage of the evasive space left by these people and walked through their team.

This narrow underground environment very effectively limits the numerical advantage of the patrons. No matter how large their numbers are, they cannot fight in turns or swarm them.

 If there is no formation, then this will not be "one against five" for Xiang Shan.

 This is five times "one to one".

Xiangshan's outstanding external skills can ensure that he can win in "one-on-one" every time.

 In just an instant, these guys were stripped of their outer armor.

The broken data line had a "stress response"-like function. The two data lines stood up like cobras, swaying the broken section, trying to capture the enemy.

Xiang Shan grasped the piece of rope, then used the heel of his palm to defend it, and at the same time danced it like a whip.

 The five rangers who had just reacted were immediately hit, and their outer armor was peeled off.

Then the wire will get them tangled up.

The strangulation power is more terrifying than the anaconda, enough to destroy the armor-less prosthetic bodies of these people.

Xiangshan did not intend to kill these people completely, but continued downwards.

 The most important thing at this stage is to get ahead of the "pepper jar" and find Lao Ba's legacy.

Furthermore, if those who follow up want to go up, they will also bring these guys who have lost their prosthetic bodies with them.

This can also drag them down to a certain extent and provide negligible assistance to the blocking department on the ground.

 Before the original soldiers were defeated, there was no need to consider the possibility of them replacing their prosthetic bodies and fighting again.

 Xiang Shan adjusted his thoughts and fell into thinking again.

“Old Ba...why did you designate ‘Xiang Shan’ to inherit this inheritance?”

This chapter has been completed!
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