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Chapter 120 The Sea of ??the Past [Part 1]

"Taken together, you are the most suitable candidate."

 When Jing Hongtu said this, he was looking into the distance.

 “Ha…how can that be possible…”

"You are a member of the Republic. You are a person in this park. At the same time, being able to appear here means that you have passed the political examination. But on the other hand, your family has not produced any 'big officials' for several generations. Wang Yiren, they don't have to worry that you will become someone they can't control. In 'their' eyes, you can be 'one of their own'."

“In addition, your work in cracking the ‘Orunmila Project’ is very beautiful. No need to be modest, I have heard professionals say that your work is still very beautiful. You deserve the most credit for cracking those alien junk.”

"Furthermore, together with Professor Voigt and Researcher Kanbara, you became the first batch of scholars to come into contact with 'Ogun'. This is a huge asset among the intellectual community. Do you know Armstrong? Do you know Gagarin? ? Your favorable impression of them is of a similar nature to other people's favorable impression of you."

“Professor Voigt’s character is completely unsuitable for this position, and the United States will never support him in obtaining this position. Researcher Kanbaru has left this project. At this point, you are a unique candidate.”

Jing Hongtu waved his hands to Xiang Shan: "Look, wouldn't it be a pity not to use such abundant capital?"

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "But I didn't really want to use it in the first place. I firmly believe that if I do my research well, I will contribute to the country, mankind, and society. What about yourself? You seem to also..."

"Well, I have an older brother who has a pretty high official position. To Wang Yiren, I am an 'unstable factor'." Jing Hongtu stared at Xiang Shan for several seconds, then sat down and said, "Xiao Xiang ...We have been friends for years. Our relationship is quite strong."

"How dare you..."

"No, I'm serious, Xiao Xiang." Jing Hongtu said, "We had a great time chatting, didn't we? I can see that there is a fire in your heart. You are suppressing yourself."

"When you see that mankind is undoubtedly pushing itself into the abyss of destruction, you are angry. When you see capital interfering with human thought, you are angry. When you see fools longing for war, you are angry. You are angry all the time. But You have been suppressing the anger in your heart for a long time."

"Otherwise?" There was a hint of impatience and maybe a little anger in Xiang Shan's tone. He asked back: "Should I let this fire burn down the world? No way. This way I will have nothing to do with those people I hate. Is there a difference?"

"Now you have a chance." Jing Hongtu said calmly: "You have a chance to lead this fire to the right place and let it burn the rotten things. There is only 'wild fire burning dead grass'"

The east wind moves the green light."

Xiangshan thought for a moment, but suddenly said in frustration: "I think I might not be able to do it."

“No, you can do it.” Jing Hongtu said, “You have understood the most important thing of ‘compromise’.”

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Compromise... I feel quite unhappy when I think of having to compromise and give in to a group of bureaucrats. Really, I can't do this job."

“It’s not that you will compromise with the bureaucracy, but that you will compromise with reality.” Jing Hongtu said: “Xiao Xiang, you have heard me tell many stories before. Have I told you the story of the Weimar Republic?”


“What happened before the arson attack on the Reichstag.” Jing Hongtu said: “At that time, there was a confrontation between the German National Socialist Party, the German Red Party, and the German Social Democratic Party.”

"Although Adolf's National Socialist Party occupied the position of the largest party? But the Weimar Republic at that time was the hometown of philosophers, and there were actually many progressives and idealists. The National Socialist Party only had 32% of the power, which was a small advantage.

.If they join forces, they can completely suppress the National Socialist Party."

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Ah, this..."

Even if he didn’t study history very much, he always knew about World War II and the Third Reich led by the National Socialist Party that ravaged the world.

 Obviously, those progressives are not holding back.

"It's very simple. Those idealists are busy criticizing the other party for not being progressive enough. For them, incomplete progress means not progress at all. The German Red Party once proposed the establishment of a united front to regain the power stolen by the National Socialist Party. However, soon,

Some idealists held their flags high and attacked and killed the leaders of the Red Party. As a result, the contradiction between the German Red Party and other progressive forces intensified."

“You know it in the end. A group of fools are accusing each other of praising His Excellency Adolf? And then they are all praised by His Excellency Adolf.”

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "I always feel that this plot sounds a bit familiar..."

"Ah? Right? It is indeed quite similar to the plot of the United States in the past ten years. A group of people who are really kind but extremely stupid accuse each other of not being progressive enough. Hegel said it well? Humanity has learned from history.

The only lesson? It is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history." Jing Hongtu shrugged: "Idiots are too easy to appear among idealists. Idiots who start blaming their own people for not being progressive enough before 'victory'. Ideals that can achieve great things.

All activists must learn to sweep such idiots out of their ranks."

Jing Hongtu looked at Xiang Shan: "If you can say, 'Bureaucrats may be protecting the world,' you are much better than those fools."

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Really? This... I just said it casually in that situation, right?"

"You can say this casually, this logic has been implanted in your heart." Jing Hongtu stood up again: "Xiao Xiang? Are you an idealist? But you are not stupid. You are very smart.

This is already the basis for 'making something big'."

Xiang Shan sighed: "It will become a big thing... it will become a big thing... I am just a researcher..."

"I still remember what you said to me when we first chatted." Jing Hongtu recalled for a moment: "'Mature 3D printing technology? It can change the industrial pattern to a certain extent.' Do you want to change the 'industrial pattern'?"

You wanted to change the world in your own way from the beginning."

"Yes." Xiang Shan gave up: "Yes, I really want to change the world. But being an official is really not an option."

"You also said, 'Who told me that my career is to 'treat the symptoms'?' You know very well? You develop your own technology, and you can't stop the trend of capitalism that pushes the world into an economic crisis. You can only treat the symptoms, but

, now there is an opportunity to go further. To say the least, even if you are unsuccessful, you can rely on this qualification to obtain more resources and promote research that "you think is more beneficial to mankind." And to say it further... this

This is an opportunity for you to influence the entire human academic world and even human civilization!"

Jing Hongtu waved his hand and pointed to the "white tent" in the distance: "What do you think 'Ogun' is? It is something unprecedented! Such a thing has never appeared in history. Its appearance itself has changed

History. In the process of studying it, you have made outstanding contributions. If you can establish greater influence here...this is an opportunity, Xiao Xiang."


"What you're worried about is nothing more than violating the principles you've established since you were young in your compromises and concessions, and you're afraid of 'dirty' your hands." Jing Hongtu's tone became a little harsh, "But reforming the old and reforming things can never be completely innocent.

Clean, not even a single ink drop?"

"If you really want to maximize your contribution to mankind, then don't be afraid..."

 The surrounding scenery spreads out like water waves.

 Xiang Shan knelt down on the ground and was actually crying silently.

Jing Hongtu in front of him suddenly looked older...maybe twenty years older.

For an old man at that point, twenty years old is enough to cause huge changes. Jing Hongtu’s hair is thinner, there are more age spots on his face, his wrinkles are deeper, and his stature is shorter. The strength to swim in the sea has disappeared.

The decorative cane became a necessity.

 The old man squatted in front of Xiang Shan and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you crying here... What kind of inexplicable guilt do you have? Xiao Xiang, I don't have to criticize you. You are going to save the world. If you can't get out of this knot, nothing will happen.

If it can crush you, then sell your shares as soon as possible and become a rich man with peace of mind. Anyway, you are financially free."

Xiang Shan should have come to visit this old friend. After he came in, Jing Hongtu asked the nanny to rest while he wanted to have a good chat with this old friend.

 However, the gloom in Xiangshan's heart gradually erupted on its own.

 This should have been in 1944 or 1945.

"I can't save you..." Xiang Shan wiped his tears, "I couldn't save my mother... I can't help any old man. How could such a thing happen... It may be just a matter of age. This shouldn't happen

This kind of thing...this..."

"Who do you think you are? God or savior? 'You can't save me'? I still have to accept your kindness and kneel on the ground to be redeemed by you? Isn't that ridiculous? It's outrageous." Jing Hongtu shook his head.


 Xiang Shan wiped his tears like a child.

"I have a few friends who live in nursing homes." Jing Hongtu said sadly: "They said that in recent years, there have been more foreigners among the volunteers in nursing homes. There are also some people who look like high-level intellectuals. Are they from your company?


 He nodded to the mountain.

This is a real problem. Genetic modification surgery on baseline humans will cause a series of immune problems. During the process of genes being rewritten, the immune system will attack itself. This will bring a huge threat to the life of the recipient. In addition

In addition, the process of body temperature rising from 37 degrees to 52 degrees is also very dangerous.

 Old people over sixty years old cannot bear this trouble. No, even people over fifty-five years old are in danger.

 In order for genetic modification surgery to be implemented, there must be no accidental deaths in the initial stages.

Therefore, the first people to undergo surgery are not those in their fifties who will soon be unable to undergo surgery, but young adults in their twenties and thirties.

  Human beings over the age of fifty seem to have been abandoned by history.

This chapter has been completed!
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