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Chapter 126: The Eighth Valkyrie, The Third

 What Xiangshan is practicing now is a relatively common cultivation method. He left a training set in the interstellar server in advance. This training set is directly derived from his consciousness. The training samples are very pure and can be processed independently.

Data can be regarded as "AI close to pseudo-personality coverage".

By accepting the data transmitted by this AI, he also inputs instructions remotely. In this process, his biological brain is like a terminal of the server - or in other words, the purpose of meditation training is to get the biological brain close to

Computer pattern.

Of course, all this happens in deep consciousness.

In order to keep his shallow consciousness relaxed and provide spiritual motivation for the practice of internal skills, Xiangshan also prepared a special meditation environment for himself.

This place is Xiangshan’s past home.

But this is not where it actually exists.

It is not true that there is such a virtual space or three-dimensional image file existing on a certain network, and Xiangshan's soul has not left his body and entered the server.

He just implanted some programs into this server. These programs will continuously generate some data. After Xiangshan is connected to this server and downloads these data, his biological brain will react to the data. He will "feel"

"Houses of the past.

This is something like a "stable dream". This thing is a very personal network service, which is completely different from the existing full-sensory VR principle. What Xiangshan perceives is not the "sensory signal data" sent by the server.

, but more ambiguous data. Those data will not pass through his sensory center, but directly pass through the electrogenetic probe of the brain-computer barrier and take effect in the higher cortex.

In other words, you can use the computing power of the server to stabilize the content of your "dream".

The data stored on the server are not specific images, audio or sensory signals, but memory files.

Perceptual signals appear to be "garbled" in many machines and are difficult to understand. Memory files are even more ambiguous.

It's like two people listening to the same music will have different neurological reactions in their minds.

The difference in brain structure between people is greater than the difference in fingerprints.

Therefore, logically speaking, even King Agni could not have seen this "dream".

For him, this is "ambiguous data that is difficult to understand."

Perhaps it’s better to talk about knowledge-based data. The “knowledge” installed on everyone by the Scientific Research Knights falls into that category.

Shared memories that are as ambiguous as the collective memory of Green Forest Jida Consensus Therapy use a very special encoding method. Even so, they rely on collective behavior and time to slowly accumulate.

This is just Xiangshan's "personal experience" and an individual's dream.

However, Xiangshan saw a "person" here - or "felt" a person.

There are other people's consciousness accessing here. There are obvious traces of human consciousness in the uploaded data. And these data, after being initially processed by Xiangshan's brain, are presented as "a black mist with a humanoid outline".

Presumably from the other person's perspective, I am in a similar situation.

Xiang Shan stood up. He hadn't been killed by King Agni yet, which meant that he was probably a knight-errant.

He picked up a piece of paper from the coffee table and wrote a line of words - this was self-suggestion at the intuitive level.

From the machine's perspective, this user generated a line of text information.

"Who are you?"

When the "black man" touched the paper, the words on the paper changed.

"Who am I? I would like to ask who you are. My crawler found extremely close to my private perception data on this server. I thought it was something I missed a long time ago. Why can you use this private

Experiential data?”

"Private data..." Xiangshan was stunned, but soon thought of a possibility.

Xiangshan has been with Zhu Xinyu since 2030. They have been together for the longest time. Except for the memory of "Only Xiangshan occasions", he has forty years of memories from Zhu Xinyu's main perspective.

He is Xiang Shan. But a large part of his memories are from Zhu Xinyu's perspective.

He is also "the person who sees the world from Zhu Xinyu's perspective" and "Xiang Shan in Zhu Xinyu's eyes".


It is normal for his "private experience" to be the same as Zhu Xinyu's.

Xiangshan originally wanted to call out the name directly, but he held back. At least several jumps from himself to the server could not guarantee absolute safety. Once the taboo name triggered the preset trap, the blow would be fatal.


He asked: "Do your teachers include Lord Huo Dexing?"

"Huo Dexingjun" is the ID of an old hacker. This old hacker "retired from the world" 30 years ago. Maybe he was ordered to become a white hat? Maybe he changed his ID? He may have died.

Maybe - of course, maybe he really just doesn't want to be in the industry anymore.

Zhu Xinyu got acquainted with him on the forum in the 1920s. "Huo Dexingjun" did teach the technology of the world's best hacker in the future.

Zhu Xinyu never thought of looking for this guide later. None of the hackers who responded to the "chivalry" in the early days of the Secret War used this ID. Even in the 1930s? Zhu Xinyu and Hartman were both more famous in the hacker circle than him.

People in the era of internal strength will not remember such a guy. The biggest thing he has done is to be the enlightenment teacher of "Turing".

And Zhu Xinyu is also a hacker. His traces? He can still clean them up.

Almost no one knows this piece of "cold knowledge".

Characters continued to appear on the paper: "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Who are you?"

These characters gush out like a fountain? They even escape the scope of the paper and come to the ground and walls.

This guy's emotions are so intense...

At this moment, the "black shadow" gradually became clear in Xiangshan's subjective perception.

That was the shadow of a girl. She looked about twenty-six years old. Her tied ponytail still had a hint of youthfulness, but her eyebrows were already sharp.

This is the look he is most familiar with.

Xiangshan grinned and said, "A dead man."

The two of them were completely aware of what each other was. They entered the same dream.

Due to a special coincidence, two supposedly unrelated brains shared a dream under the influence of a program.

Zhu Xinyu asked: "Dead seven times? My memory?"

"The delay is more than three minutes." Xiang Shan couldn't help but stretched out his hand: "Are you on Jupiter? Mars? Or somewhere else?"

However, his hand touched an invisible barrier. He wanted to touch the girl's shoulder? But he was blocked by the wall of air.

"Don't be disgusted with me." Zhu Xinyu said: "You think you have died seven times. I know what you are, and I know exactly what is going on in your mind... you..."

She bit her lip? There seemed to be tears - according to Xiang Shan's subjective feelings, Zhu Xinyu might be like this in this situation. She didn't really make this expression on a distant alien planet.

But? Xiangshan felt a kind of heart-wrenching pain.

He stepped back and tried to change the topic: "You used simple AI to reduce the delay? To make the conversation flow more smoothly? This is a good attempt..."

In fact, the real conversation happened between the two AIs in the server - he and Zhu Xinyu chose a similar method. The AI ​​completed the conversation and sent the data back to the remote human brain. After the human brain resolved the conversation, it sent the data and used

Experience a priori determines the direction of the conversation.

——It’s really the same perspective...

Xiang Shan thought so.

But this behavior seemed to be very close to the original Xiang Shan. This behavior seemed to further anger Zhu Xinyu.

After a few seconds, this dream rippled like water. New codes poured in and began to rewrite the rules here.

"get out!"

Then, Xiangshan woke up on the ground.

"Such a big reaction..." Xiangshan flexed his neck: "Is the second child to be blamed for this?"

The birth process of the second Martial God seems to be related to Zhu Xinyu. However, Zhu Xinyu was unable to face the second Martial God, so he left the core of the team.

I'm afraid the birth process of the second God of War... isn't very pretty.

Xiang Shan was a little bit lucky. At least he was not killed by Zhu Xinyu along the network cable - of course, it may be that Zhu Xinyu couldn't do it now. And her character was one that would never report it.

Xiangshan touched his head: "It's a pity that illusion... I built it with great difficulty."

This kind of "personal experience" is much more ambiguous than "art material", so it is more difficult to carve out.

Xiangshan also spent a lot of effort to write this online program that stabilizes the "dream".

Xiangshan quickly connected to the server again.

Zhu Xinyu seems to have left.

Xiangshan re-outputs the data and implants the code in the server again.

A few days later, a second program based on "private experience" was also written.

It is still the home of Xiangshan.

This is the residence he bought with Zhu Xinyu after returning to Peiping. In his opinion, this place is more like "home" than other places he later found.

At least have a dream.

A few days later, he re-established the virtual server of Dreamland.

But after a few hours, the dream burst like a bubble.

Zhu Xinyu seems to be here again.

Xiangshan once again sneaked into the large server orbiting the sun and built the code for the third time.

Zhu Xinyu may or may not have visited. She seems to have given up on expelling Xiang Shan's personality.

Another half month passed, and Xiang Shan encountered a hurdle in his inner strength cultivation. He thought about it day and night but could not find an answer.

He thought about it and found that relevant documents were left in the study room in the dreamland. He didn't know if Zhu Xinyu would answer the question, but it was always a good idea to try.

About seven or eight days later, Zhu Xinyu visited twice, but there was no answer. Xiangshan solved the mystery by himself.

But, on the tenth day...

There is an extra document in Xiangshan's mailbox.

This chapter has been completed!
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