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Chapter 131 Another me

  C. Shivaji-21 died without understanding what happened.

 This is another vulnerability in the underlying protocol of the secret brain-computer interface defended by the Eighth God of War.

  The original underlying protocol of the brain-computer interface was created by Xiang Shan and other top academics personally, and then Zhu Xinyu teamed up with other powerful hackers to conduct security monitoring. It was considered the pinnacle of human intelligence at that time, and it was almost impossible to be hacked by contemporary hackers.

 However, with the development of generations and the foundry technology of chips improving, the old underlying protocols will gradually fail to keep up with the new hardware.

 It needs to be updated at this time.

  In the past 100 years, the research and development of chip technology and the upgrading of underlying protocols were all completed by people from the government.

 And what the Eighth Martial God masters is the lowest level of security loopholes.

And his extraordinary perspective in the field of internal strength allowed him to see through the loopholes in King Agni's latest military products decades ago.

This security hole allows him to use the port of the "computer" to input and output information to the "brain" and transmit certain specific stimuli to the brain. He can control the activities in other people's brains to a certain extent.

In the past, this was strictly prohibited. In the 21st century, Xiangshan has been trying to technically block this behavior of "external means affecting the biological brain".

Decades ago, "stealing brain computing resources" was essentially sending computing requests to other people's subconscious parts.

Through long-term research, the Eighth Martial God knows how to prevent the intrusion object's superficial consciousness from detecting the "stealing" behavior.

 He just disturbed the opponent's internal resistance behavior.

The internal energy of these guys was not correctly input into their devices and was not correctly recognized as instructions. Their brains stimulated internal resistance like conditioned reflexes. However, these attacks were guided to other places along the wireless signals.

Of course, Xiangshan does not have that kind of meticulous ability now.

Wuzu Xiangshan, in the previous battle, captured the chip and protocol currently used by his Zhili Rangers.

Xiangshan discovered that the protocol with the loophole was not abandoned, but was continued to this day with some patches.

It was also because of this that Xiangshan felt a severe headache.

 His brain is still damaged.

 But it doesn’t matter, this pepper shaker will only hurt more.

C. Shivaji-21 probably died a very painful death.

 He was beaten to death alive. His hands, which were not considered strong, swung the weapon, which was not considered strong, and forced the shock into the brain of the creature little by little.

By the time Xiangshan recovered from his headache, he had already been dead for a long time.

Xiangshan was in a hazy state of consciousness. He was using his internal energy at full strength just now, and the severe headache almost interrupted his thinking.

He is still in a state of brain damage. Forcibly awakening the damaged neural circuits will trigger abnormal discharges in the brain, causing this kind of severe pain.

And this time the pain came from “everywhere”.

 He felt the full pain.

This brain...is really...

Xiang Shan stood up, pulled out his phonon knife, cut open the armor of C. Shivaji-21, and then pulled out the storage device.

 But the moment it was destroyed, the storage device burned.

Xiang Shan threw the hard drive to the ground with an expressionless expression.

It has its own igniter and combustion accelerant, and even a special exothermic agent with a scientific ratio. Even if it is extracted in an oxygen-free environment or underwater, it can release thousands of degrees of high temperature in a short period of time.

The energy released in a very short period of time is only a few thousand degrees, and it cannot damage the outer armor of the arm.

 However, the information in the storage device, or the crystals and quantum state subatomic particles that store the information, are extremely fragile.

 Nothing can be read from this storage device.

To prevent this kind of self-destruction, you probably have to pour something like liquid nitrogen in advance to lower the temperature to below the ignition point of the ignition agent.

Xiangshan didn’t try the remaining pepper shaker again. He knew the result would be the same.

These guys are exposed to the martial arts taught by King Agni. They are exposed to more secrets and have higher protection methods. Even if the maintenance cost is greatly increased, those patrons are too concerned about it.

Xiangshan turned the spear twice, pointing the tip down. He searched for the rangers who still had brain activity, and then walked over. He kicked them over and aimed the spear at the back of the head. But after thinking about it, he still thought

Put down the gun.

Xiangshan looked at Old Hammers who was lying on the side. The old guy was lucky. When the rangers poured bullets at each other, Old Hammers was not affected.

Xiang Shan walked up to him and said, "Old Thrust... looks very embarrassed. How is it? Can you repair yourself?"

 Laochus was extremely surprised: "I never said my name...how did you know it? Why..."

Xiangshan held his forehead: "My fault... I should have thought of it. I should have made a backup of your memory file." He was silent for a few seconds. "But forget it. It's nothing. The matter is over."

 “This…” Old Hammers shouted: “What do you mean? The legacy of the eighth God of War, this…”

 Xiang Shan looked towards the burning cave.

Like the storage facilities of King Agni’s disciples, the fire over there cannot be extinguished.

“There is no legacy of the Eighth Martial God anymore. It’s over.”

 Turns his head towards the mountain and asks the old man: "Can you repair yourself?"

 The old man nodded: "Yes..."

“Then take the brains of these people with you. If they are willing to admit guilt and accept reform? It doesn’t hurt to give them a chance.”

 Speaking to the mountain? Turn and walk up.

 The fallen conglomerate has piled up a path.

 The old man shouted: "Who are you?"

 “A dead man.”

 The old man stood there stunned.

It was not until Xiang Shan left that he put his hands on his head and burst into laughter: "Hahaha...hahahahahaha...that's it...that's it..."


 Walking up the mountain.

There are traces of fighting along the way. The Earth-Drilling Dragons must have also experienced a very fierce battle.

Xiangshan’s fingers lightly brushed over the QR codes left by the Eighth Martial God. He was silent for a few minutes, and then continued to move forward.

 Now, all the rangers have been wiped out. Only various drones are left in the corridor. There are still sporadic fighting movements.

As Xiangshan walked forward, he encountered a data cable that looked like a snake. He stretched out his hand and pulled it, destroying the surface and delivering an electric shock in one go.

 He now knows everything about this underground community. He is even more familiar with it than some young burrowers.

Xiangshan walked like this without saying a word.

 Soon, he came to the core of this community? The underground factory.

There was also a fierce battle here. There were many corpses of earth-burrowing dragons on the ground. Their biological brains were damaged. This was a fatal injury.

Xiangshan stood in front of the corpses of these earth-burrowing dragons. He stood for several seconds, then clasped his hands together, and then continued walking inward.

 He reached the core position unimpeded.

The Earth-Drilling Dragon no longer sets a password here. The Earth-Drilling Dragon is a force that stays in the dark. If the enemy comes here? It means they have no secrets. At this time, it doesn't matter whether there is a password or not.

He moved a broken working robot arm, swept away the collapsed transportation track, and entered it.

 Many people died...

 Thinking this way, Xiang Shan reached the deepest level.

This is a small warehouse, considered a public site. It stores materials that the Earth-Drilling Dragons prepare to provide to the knights. There are various alloys, and even finished armors and weapons.

 But a corner of the warehouse has not been touched for many years.

That is a pile of sealed metal parts.

 At the very corner, there is a large box of carbon crystals.

Xiangshan opened the storage box, and inside was some black, regular ceramic material.

 This is exactly the fission fuel that has been refined.

Xiangshan found a few engineering robots in the warehouse and silently assembled the reactor.

 He just happens to know how to use this thing.

 The robot starts assembling according to the preset program.

Xiangshan sat down against the wall.

 His head started to hurt.

 Dizziness follows soon after.

 Xiang Shan temporarily lost his sense of direction. He seemed to be falling.

 Finally, his consciousness regained consciousness.

 The posture control algorithm told him that he was still sitting against the wall.

 But the surrounding scene is no longer that dim warehouse.

 In the darkness, he saw himself sitting opposite.

 “Yo, buddy.” That self is even still in the flesh...

 No, so is myself here.

Xiang Shan... Xiang Shan, who is more inclined to the Eighth Martial God, nodded: "I see. This is the feeling. I understand, 'another me'."

This is not a real conversation. It is just an "illusion" created by his brain to understand the current situation.

This biological brain of Xiangshan can be regarded as an ancient serial computer, with only a set of "neural networks for processing personality data". However, under the deployment of the computer, this neural network can be like a single-user multi-tasking operating system.

, run personality application A first, and then run personality application B.

 When personality application A finishes thinking about a problem in the middle stage, or exhausts the allocated "brain time", the output words will be temporarily stored in short-term memory. Then, personality application B is awakened.

 Different from schizophrenia, the “personality application” here is not even a “complete personality”. It is closer to an external expression of will, a side.

 Or to use an ancient term, a “persona”.

 There is only one "nature" under the mask.

This is equivalent to a person holding two masks in his hands and performing a diagonal play.

"It shouldn't be so troublesome." The persona that simulated the Eighth Martial God said: "As time goes by, 'we' will gradually integrate. The current state is just a compromise of huge knowledge due to brain damage. In reality,

There are no two personalities in the world. We are just talking to ourselves.”

 Yuan Xiangshan shrugged: “I think this form of experience is quite novel.”

This chapter has been completed!
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