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Chapter 135 Unreturned Memories Vol.8 (1)

  This was decades ago when Xiangshan mourned Borshu.

 Xiang Shan walked to the door of a warehouse and kicked the door open.

 Behind the gate, there is a group of gangsters.

 In other words, a group of people heading toward the mountains.

Xiangshan has already drawn the weapon in his hand. To be on the safe side, these gang members are not equipped with very good martial arts algorithms. If they really want to fight, he can beat them.

 But the other party is also "Xiangshan" after all and should not be underestimated.

His next instructions will destroy the lives of those guys. Those guys may also have a "survival instinct." Over the years, but under the influence of various potions, those false personality masks have imprinted the brand of "Xiang Shan" into

into the brains of those already dead creatures, so there is no guarantee that they have no survival instinct.

Although Xiangshan has the back-up to control these "self", he does not dare to gamble. This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to bet.

Those guys were immersed in reading documents. A few of them raised their heads and asked, "What happened?"

“Emergency.” Xiang Shan said: “Execute the final uninstallation procedure.”

Several gangsters looked at each other in shock.

 One of them asked: “Is this necessary?”

"In a few hours... maybe even a few minutes, Jakub will target this city. There is no way to hide it from him," Xiang Shan said.

 Another "Shadow" asked: "Why don't you run away?"

“For some reason, I must choose to die in front of Jakub credibly. Only in this way will he stop certain actions.”

 “The possibility of one of us dying as a substitute?”

"It doesn't exist." Xiang Shan shook his head and said, "How can you appear in front of Jakub? Impossible. I will fight to the death to prevent this from happening."

So, a member of the gang stood up, silently walked to the corner, picked up the liquid fuel, and poured it around.

Another person quickly contacted the Internet and started spreading this instruction.

Other people began to smash the suspicious instruments in an orderly manner and remove the storage units in the equipment.

 The remaining people stood on the opposite side of Xiangshan: "There are some things that you have to do yourself. This will make the scars on our bodies look more reasonable."

 He nodded to the mountain.

 A member of the gang stood opposite Xiang Shan and used the infrared signal from the prosthetic eye to transmit the data into Xiang Shan's body.

Shaking his head towards Shan: "This is all meaningless..."

He just rushed to the Black Valley of Old Hammers once. The memory has already been uploaded. After "that upload" until his death, he will not have another chance to upload the memory.

“No, it’s meaningful.” Xiangshan smiled, “This is the meaning of our birth.”

At this moment, a violent whistling sound came from above. It was the sound of the giant orbital capsule airborne.

"They have assembled the vanguard." Xiangshan's face changed: "There is no time to explain. Come on."

 Other false personality masks also picked up weapons and beat the people around them mercilessly.

Xiang Shan confirmed the message that the file reception was completed, then nodded and smashed it out with a stick.

The guy's entire brain immediately deformed.

 Following this are sixteen false personality masks and sixteen swings of the stick.

 There was a false personality covering that ignited the fuel on the ground before death. The fire was already burning.

 He ran quickly towards the mountain.

 Not all gang members stay within the stronghold, some are still walking outside to maintain the operation of the gang.

 He must kill every gang member he sees and leave his footprints everywhere.

 Only in this way can we hide it from others.

 Time is running out.

 Soon, commotion arose. Hartmann seemed to have begun to surround the city.

 Almost at the same time, a public message appeared on the local network.

Xiangshan naturally saw it too.

 Hartmann’s request was that Xiang Shan die in front of him. He must confirm Xiang Shan’s death.

 Xiang Shan calculated the countdown.


 At least they can get rid of their false personality aspects.

 He came to the second gang stronghold. The fake personality masks in this stronghold had started killing each other efficiently according to the instructions, and less than half of them were dead.

 The rest also used bullets and fists to leave some traces that looked like battles on the wall.

Xiangshan nodded at the remaining personality masks and quickly headed to the third stronghold.

 Then the fourth...the fifth...

 While the gang strongholds were being handed over to Shanqing, news kept coming.

The new lord, who had only been in office for three years, tried to escape from the city of Delacruz in a vehicle, but was shot down outside the atmosphere by King Agni. King Agni did not allow anyone to leave the city.

"It seems that he is really anxious." Xiang Shan thought: "What was exposed on Xinyu's side... or on my side? Has he seen the feasibility of 'computer control of the human brain'? He is also aware of this

Technology is dangerous, so you want to kill it at all costs?”

Xiang Shan thought this way and joined Peng Da, a gang member walking on the street. He quickly broke the gang member's neck, then took out the storage device and crushed it with his foot.

 Soon, King Agni gave the conditions.

“Guys like Xiang Shan must go to the designated coordinates to die.”

 Otherwise, this human patron will destroy the entire city.

What a scary guy.

 Xiang Shan sighed. He saw the countdown. After silently estimating the time, Xiang Shan breathed a sigh of relief. He did have time to eliminate all the gangs before leaving.

 All traces of the existence of this technology must be destroyed. This technology can be born, but it must not fall into the hands of people like Hartmann.

 However, looking at the countdowns, Xiang Shan showed melancholy.

 The part of memory preserved underground may be able to return to the next Xiangshan many years later.

 However, since he left that secret room, all the memories he has now are destined to be unable to be saved.

 This part of the memory is only a little over a few hours. It is slightly more than half an hour longer than the countdown given by Hartman.

 This is the only memory that belongs neither to "Wu Zu Xiangshan" nor to "the next Xiangshan".

“So...is this memory the only one that counts as ‘me’?” Xiang Shan thought.

 But he still headed to the next stronghold non-stop.

There was no time to sigh. Xiangshan saw from the surveillance that other knights had already claimed that they entered the metal aerosol from Xiangshan.

The "surrogate deaths" of those knights now seem to be of little significance. Hartman seemed to have a way to identify Xiang Shan. All the ordinary warriors were killed.

 Although this move is meaningless, but...

 They are all good people.

Xiang Shan is very anxious. Maybe every second he delays, a fellow Jianghu comrade will die because of "substitute death".

 Must be faster.

Green Lin had set fire to the warehouse he usually used, and the contents inside had also been blown up.

This can also create the illusion that Xiangshan is at war with those gangsters. Their battle at the last moment, art and grudges broke out.

 Everything is reasonable.

Xiangshan shot and killed several fake personality masks in the streets and alleys who had no time to enter the bunker.

  After eliminating them, Xiang Shan made some inquiries about the surrounding activities.

 The people have been gathered together, shouting loudly for help. They are begging a knight to save them.

 Sighing slightly towards the mountain, we headed to the last stronghold.

Within the stronghold, the pseudo-personalities of the Shadow Gang have completed most of the work of killing each other. The remaining people even buried detonators in the wall, preparing to completely blow up the place.

  However, unexpectedly, before Xiang Shan had finished the cleaning work, A Dong came over.

"Xiang Shan..." Among the ruins, A Dong said straight to the point: "Escape."


"Escape. You must have a way." A Dong shouted, "You are a great knight during the War of Ascension, the ancestor of martial arts..."

“The opposite side is also the Great Eagle Dog from the War of Ascension, a man of extremely strong internal strength.” Xiang Shan shrugged and smashed a storage device with a long stick.

"I'm still doing this... I'm still doing this! What's the use? You're going to die soon! Please, think of another way... Think of a way!" A Dong suddenly became excited. She shouted loudly.

Said: "You are..."

Xiang Shan thought for a moment and said: "The collective memory compiled by this gang may become the seeds of the green forest, so it must be carefully eliminated."

 This is the most realistic reason he can give.

Xiangshan looked at the sky and said: "The 'old friend' over there only gave me this little time, and I can't do anything else. Just think of it as making a little more contribution to my hometown in this life."

A Dong seemed completely unable to accept all this. She knelt down on the ground: The stranger knelt down on the ground: "But what should you do... You haven't... Xiang Shan, you shouldn't die here like this. You are resurrected."

Xiangshan, you..."

"'Xiang Shan' has died at least seven times. There is nothing he shouldn't die for." Xiang Shan looked at the white streak on the horizon and said: "I would give my life a thousand times for this world... It's a pity that this kind of thing is not death."

The more you work, the more successful you will be. It seems like this life is indeed coming to an end."

 The two argued fiercely for a few more words. It seemed that A Dong still could not accept this result.

Xiang Shan sighed and pulled off the magnetic core fabric that he had prepared long ago: "This is the magnetic core fabric. The content inside is a few magnetic links." Xiang Shan said: "I have only thought about this in my life.

, it’s a pity that it was lost. I didn’t have time to verify the power, but even from the perspective of ‘Xiang Shan’, it is a good concept. If it is polished in battle, it will be optimized to a stronger point.”

 A Dong seemed to collapse even more. She held the fabrics and cried bitterly.

 But prosthetic eyes do not have lacrimal glands to provide tears.

Xiangshan finally had no choice but to harden his heart and hack into his friend's prosthetic body.

"No... you can't..." A Dong screamed: "Xiang Shan, stop it... No, you can't... A noble knight cannot force others! You can't!"

But A-Dong's prosthetic body stood up on its own.

This chapter has been completed!
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