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Chapter 36 Green Forest Memory

This is about the memory of "violence".

Although the files are corrupted, the images themselves are full of snowflake noise and littered with noise. Even the accompanying audio has been degraded.

However, blood vessels and flames, laughter and screams can still be accurately recognized by the biological brain.

This is about the memory of "hurt".

Fight, fight, fight with weapons, fight to the death...

Wild victory, great victory, great victory, easy victory, small victory, victory...

Bloody battles, duels, fierce battles, bitter battles...

There are also failures, setbacks, setbacks...

And fiasco, fiasco, fiasco, fiasco...

That kind of disastrous defeat with only one life left.

There is no doubt that these are all interesting.

And the murders that come with it.

In a fair duel, embed the weapon into the enemy's head.

Use sneak attacks to destroy the enemy's power structure.

Destroy the enemy's sensory prosthetics in desperate situations to complete a desperate counterattack.

Use up the enemy's energy reserves in the mud and chop off his head with a final knife.

Ah, of course, not just the enemies, but also the "prey".

Men, women, old people, children, untouchables, nobles...

ravage them. ravage them. ravage them.

Those weak men can be made into construction machinery or garrison turrets. Women can be used to make high-end dolls or breeding machines. The memories of the elderly can be included in the database. Children are a little useless, but they can also replenish organic matter.

And, and... destroy those properties that cannot be moved, and let the crystallization of human labor time be insulted and denied in my hands!

Very good, very good, very good...

Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy, rob when you want something, and kill when you are impatient. What does the majesty of the "Father of All Machines" have to do with us?

This is the best of times. We are all free people.


——Fuck you! Is this freedom?

A huge "error" covered the field of vision. Xiangshan's mood swings were too strong. The driver chip read the instructions and terminated the reading of the memory.

Xiangshan regained his vision.

This is a garbage mountain, the resource area that the recycling station town depends on for its survival. Except for the garbage that has been piled here in recent years, most of the garbage here is left over from the so-called "Ascension War" period.

This should be the wreckage of a battleship. Xiangshan doesn't know which part this is, but this huge metal plate does form a semi-enclosed space, so you don't have to worry about sand and dust falling into your "skull".

After all, cleaning this area is still very troublesome. No matter how good the dust-proof hardware technology of this era is, it is impossible to completely ignore the dust. In addition, for some unknown reason, Xiangshan rarely sees creatures other than humans. This

It actually relieved him from the job of "pest control".

If bugs get into your brain, you really won't be able to work.

Xiangshan carefully pulled out the data cable from his head, and then closed his skull. This kind of thing that is not easy to fix cannot be left in his skull. If Xiangshan fights, he will inevitably change his speed significantly in a short period of time.

.The acceleration will cause hardware such as data cables that are not properly fixed to shake in the skull cavity, eventually causing damage to the biological brain.

The data cable was connected to Dr. Schultz's repair terminal. The doctor seemed to have really forgotten that he had lent such a thing. There was a memory storage hard drive connected to the back of the terminal.

That's Leif's memory.

Xiangshan wanted to press his temples. But he quickly realized that there was no biological skin, nerve plexus, or blood vessels on his head. There was no way he could relieve stress by doing this.


Finally, he shook his head towards the mountain.

——This is also the result of damage to the memory storage device.

The principle of a hard drive is to record data by reversing magnetization. Simply put, there are countless tiny magnets in a hard drive. These magnet particles will flip the direction of the magnetic poles due to the injected current. If no new electromagnetic force is injected, then this

The direction is fixed. For the machine, the "direction" of the magnetic pole represents "0" or "1".

"0" and "1" are the "everything" of the machine.

If you want to expand the storage capacity of a hard drive, you must either increase the size of the hard drive or reduce the size of the magnet particles.

Although the shrinkage of magnetic particles has a huge effect on increasing density, a side effect is that the particles are easily affected by external forces.

Injecting energy can disrupt these magnetic particles. High temperature and kinetic energy can do this.

Xiang Shan remembered that there was even a martial art that could directly inject high-frequency shock waves into the enemy's memory storage device after finding out where it was, destroying the enemy's memory - this was exactly the principle of "Zhou Po Chong Fist".

Because of the instruction to burn the chip, storage devices very close to the chip were also affected. In addition, Xiangshan's attack that killed Leif also affected these hard drives.

In this way, this memory also brought a huge impact to Xiang Shan.

Compared with Will's memory, Leif's memory is really disgusting in its own way.

The memory of that giant man is not only his, but also belongs to the gangster "Z Organization" he belongs to.

The huge memory of gang violence is shared by everyone. This group of scum can truly feel happiness from it.

Even if you can't, after instilling so many memories, you should be able to.

This is how they strengthen themselves. Everyone who joins the group will accept this collective memory. If you are not crazy after accepting these memories, then you and those scumbags will naturally become brothers. You know

The joy and pain of those "brothers", you share the delicious taste of "violence" with each other.

And these heroes of the Green Forest Road will use this method if they want to "make copies" of the knights of the Jianghu Road, or even the nobles who are the patrons of civilization. They will implant their collective memories into the people they like.

In the mind of a "good guy".

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "No wonder you dare to ask me to join..." Xiang Shan felt depressed, but there was no way to vent his anger.

The emotions of Green Forest Road are not controlled by oneself. The "emotions" in these collective memories are so strong that every subsequent thought of the reader will be affected by them.

It's like being addicted to the drug "violence".

Yes, there are still a few people who are not affected by their "emotions", can control themselves, and do not develop a liking for those...men whose moods and anger you already know, and they still kill all the gangsters in the village.

But even if he does this kind of thing, this person has already tasted the taste of "violence". That bit of madness is the seed of inner demons, which will continue to grow in this person's heart.

The green forest road is still growing.

Xiang Shan shook his head. He felt very disdainful of this memory.

Violence... Violence is not etiquette, literature, or art. Violence has no trace of elegance, calmness, or gentleness, and it is contrary to gentleness and courtesy. Through personal will, we can regain the natural rights entrusted to the public power in the social contract and ignore it.

From a "moral perspective", this is violence.

Xia used force to break the law, and Xiang Shan knew that he was a violent user.

But there is also a difference between violence and violence.

In the distant past, Xiangshan should have seen... seen... some form of violence beyond the imagination of those thugs. This memory cannot shake his belief.

But Xiangshan felt that he might not be able to stop his murderous intention today.

"Forget it, don't communicate with others casually today. If there is a conflict, it will be really difficult to handle."

Youdao is "carrying a sharp weapon with a murderous intention, and be cautious about it". After learning powerful martial arts and having a specialized prosthetic body, you will always want to "use it". Especially the speed at which the chip runs crushes the nerves.

The speed of signal transmission. Sometimes, before the cyber warrior thinks rationally, his emotions have already driven his martial arts to kill.

The human brain also has traces of evolution. The lower functional areas of the brain are mostly wrapped by higher functional areas. The cerebellum covers the brainstem, and the cerebrum covers the cerebellum. The brainstem has a history only older than the "notochord"

The structure is slightly shorter, and then the cerebellum and brain evolve in sequence. This also makes "rational thinking" not have such a high priority.

But if the "sword" is not aimed at the tyrant, then the "chivalry" will also be in the dust.

Xiangshan's martial arts skills have long been known to his heart, but after just reading the memories of those thugs, his mind will inevitably have ripples.

In this way, Xiangshan climbed out of this area and headed towards the town.

He has been passing by here every day recently. On the one hand, he is also "patroling" to ensure that no more thugs will invade this town. In addition, he does not dare to complete some key work under surveillance, so he specially found such a person.


On the way back to the town, he unexpectedly met his disciple.

Yuki seems to be quite energetic. The number of biological tissues in his body has once again decreased, and the amount of food he needs to take in every day has naturally decreased. In contrast, his demand for solar energy has increased. But energy is almost free. Calculated this way

After that, the cost of living can be slightly reduced.

As soon as Youji saw Xiangshan, he ran over and took Xiangshan's hand: "Master! Great, I finally found you, I..."

"I haven't seen you for a few days." Xiang Shan nodded: "You were injured last time, how are you recovering now?"

"Okay!" Yuki said happily: "And while I was recovering from my injuries, I also learned the algorithm you gave me, Master!"

"Oh, then I want to test you." Youki nodded, squatted on the ground, and wrote a few calculations with his fingers. Youki quickly completed the calculations.

Xiang Shan nodded: "Very good. It seems that even if there is no one to guide you in the future, you will still have a chance to complete the introduction to internal skills... Very good."

"Yes!" Yuki nodded: "Let me tell you, I was born to be a knight! And with your guidance, master..."

This chapter has been completed!
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