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Chapter 3 'Vulcan Gods'

 Project Rama is a special project. This may be the second time that "all major powers have a tacit understanding to cover up a secret" - the first time is "technical details related to nuclear weapons".

Except for the scholars who are enjoying the pure joy of "discovering the unknown", everyone here is cautious. Every move they make may have an impact on the current fragile international situation.

Not to mention the "leak" incident.

The fact that "aliens really exist" will have a huge impact on the public's psychology. And this impact may turn into "panic" and "turmoil."

Although some knowledgeable scholars have made contrary speculations. It is said that there is a report in the Internal Reference of the Republic. This report keenly points out that human beings can create a group image of "extraterrestrial life" that is different from "us".

Strengthen the concept of "human community" and make impassioned speeches, suggesting that we should seize development opportunities in the future.

But those in power do not dare to bet. They cannot bet on what kind of turmoil will break out when "the people know the news about aliens without being prepared."

It can even be said that from the moment he released "Sita", this guy "Zhurong" was no longer a mere "cyber guerrilla". He may be the most terrifying terrorist in the 21st century.

"It's probably understandable..." Xiang Shan nodded, and then turned his eyes to his tablet: "It's just...a bit of a pity. I think so far, his influence has been quite positive."

"Hey..." Director Hu shook his head: "Director Xiang, you still need to pay more attention. From your standpoint, it is a bit inappropriate to say this."

Xiang Shan nodded slightly. In fact, Jing Hongtu also said similar words to him, but the direction he pointed was completely opposite.

——In the Republic, scientists are a group that receives special treatment. Why? Because "science and technology are the primary productive forces". Do you think there are not that many people who advocate rationalism? That's right. In this context,

"Science and technology" can be equated to "divine power", and you are the "wizard who communicates with divine power", Xiao Xiang. You are even the most powerful "engineer" among the "modern wizards".

——Because you are a "wizard", it is normal for you to say some godly words. Also because you are a "wizard", if you conflict with "princes and nobles" with your words, you will be easily forgiven. Even

This kind of inappropriate words and deeds will also strengthen the impression of those noble people on you. The more stunned you are, the more they think you are skilled.

——There is no necessary connection between whether one is technically strong or not and has a stubborn temper? Haha. Of course not. But the stereotype in our country from top to bottom is like this. The more you behave like this, the more reliable you are in technology, they will think.

At the same time, they will feel that you are less of a threat. Even if you make remarks that are completely contrary to your core values, as long as there is no actual act of treason, the most they can do is shut you up and disappear from the public eye.

——Yes, "breaking this stereotype" and "disenchanting science itself" are all very meaningful. But at this stage, "using this stereotype" is also okay. You don't have to worry about not doing well after taking office.

, no need to feel pressure.

Xiang Shan is just "playing his true self" as a fool.

He looked at his tablet and said: "I think the discussion of these hackers is still very valuable. Although they do not receive formal systematic training like me, they have developed skills through fighting with swords and guns.

They have developed a very vital thinking. Their discussions can still give me some inspiration. Normally, these guys can't enter this park."

Colonel Lei nodded and said: "Director Xiang is indeed a scientist and has the spirit to devote himself wholeheartedly to his career. But we really cannot make fun of 'social stability'. Not to mention these hackers, not even those guys who come ashore to clear their name."

Many network security personnel of large companies are the result of famous hackers who were whitewashed and recruited. But those old guys who have already washed their hands of money are not trusted either. Who can guarantee that these former "cyber guerrillas" will not get crazy?

What if you come up with outrageous thoughts such as "Everyone has the right to know this information" and "Big countries have no right to monopolize alien information, this is hegemonism" and then expose the matter?

After all, this is their youth.

Director Hu said: "However, the review will gradually be relaxed in the future. If Director Xiang really wants to recruit some hackers to help with research, it will be possible by then."

Xiang Shan nodded: "I really hope that day comes soon."

"However, the matter of 'communicating with hackers' is not without clues." Lei Chaoyang raised his eyebrows and said: "This time I am in contact with you, I am here to inform you of news. The United States cannot sit still this time.

.They plan to send their best hacker here. You can try to communicate with him, but be careful."

Xiang Shan was a little surprised: "Isn't it true that you can't pass the trial?"

After all, hackers are either bohemian idealists who love freedom, or they are restless elements who are naturally rebellious and want to challenge the rules. The former are pure and the latter are chaotic, and they are both difficult to change.

Colonel Lei took out a stack of information from his briefcase. It included a photo and points file.

"This is the hacker's information. You must pay attention to this person, and please do not let your electronic products come into contact with him." Colonel Lei said.

The photo shows a young man about the same age as Xiangshan, maybe a year or two younger. He is thin, with slumped shoulders and a long neck. On top of his towering cheekbones and sharp nose, there is a pair of gloomy eyes.

With arrogant eyes.

This young man with blond hair and blue eyes gave people a vague feeling of discomfort.

He really looks like the stereotypical technical nerd boy in the United States TV series.

"Is this guy the big hacker?" He muttered upward, "I can't tell..."

"Jacob Hartmann, a German-American, was born in Pennsylvania. His parents are evangelicals. He grew up in a conservative family. His favorite works are "Ghost Recon" and "Splinter Cell"

And Rainbow Six…”

"Wow." Xiang Shan nodded: "You mean, he is the kind of person who has a Cold War mentality?"

Lei Chaoyang nodded: "Jakub Hartman is a guy with great patriotic enthusiasm."

"It seems different from mainstream hackers?"

"But because of this, he was underestimated. He is the strongest hacker." Lei Chaoyang said: "This guy relied on self-study when he was in high school and mastered various hacking techniques. In the hacker circle, he has gained

With the ID of 'Agni', he gained a lot of fame... Moreover, he hacked into the CIA's system and almost peeked into the CIA's confidential documents."

"If he hadn't left a cover letter himself, I'm afraid the CIA wouldn't have been able to find him."

Xiang Shan nodded: "That's really..."

"The same cover letter is still in the Pentagon's system. This guy is as unpredictable as a ghost."

Xiang Shan wiped his face: "This guy started such a big fight just to... find a job?"

"His dream is to become a warrior who defends the country." Lei Chaoyang said: "Part of the above information was announced by the United States itself, and part of it is confidential. Director Xiang, if you know it, don't tell it everywhere."

Xiang Shan was a little confused: "I think this matter should be difficult to know..."

Lei Chaoyang hesitated for a moment: "The main reason is that he left cover letters for both the military and the CIA. Neither side knew that the other knew about it. Both sides wanted to solve it independently, so there was some trouble a few years ago and it was leaked.

The news was known to other countries."

Xiang Shan clicked his tongue: "This is shocking enough."

"So the first reward he got was actually not his dream job, but jail time. But this guy later joined the FBI for some unknown reason and played a big role in the FBI, destroying many U.S. states.

Domestic cybercriminal groups.”

"In the hacker circle in the United States, the ID 'Agni' is already notorious. Many hackers have threatened to rub this traitor's spirit away. But so far, he is still the strongest 'Agni'


Xiang Shan smiled: "But to be honest, hackers can't dampen his spirit, right? For hackers, the most important thing is your real name. Because once your real name is known to others, that person can always change it to

You are sent to jail. But this Agni is already a public official, the kind who is responsible for dealing with hackers."

He did think of this strange thing. Due to his professional relationship, Xiang Shan occasionally communicates with foreign colleagues. He is indeed not familiar with "Zhurong", which specializes in technology companies, but he has heard of "Agni" for the time being. It's just that he

My professional field is far away from network security, so I don’t have a deep understanding of it.

"Hackers also have hacker rules. I don't know the details very well. Maybe it means destroying his information or something?" Lei Chaoyang shook his head.

"Speaking of which, first it was 'Zhurong', then 'Agni'..." Xiang Shan thought about it: "Do these hackers like to name the god of fire?"

"Oh, this." Lei Chaoyang said with a smile: "Is this a trend in recent years? Academics like you may not know it yet. A few years ago, this kind of 'Vulcan' ID was very popular among hackers.

It caused an unusually bloody storm. Everyone wanted to grab an ID about the 'Vulcan'."

"I won't mention 'Zhurong' and 'Agni'. In addition, there are 'Loki', 'Vulcan', 'Hephaestus', 'Huode Xingjun', and 'Jiagu'

Earth fate'..."

"There is a saying among hackers. Hackers with the name of 'Vulcan' are the strongest."

This chapter has been completed!
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