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Chapter 8 Hartmann

"Hello." Xiang Shan crossed his arms and greeted Hartman in a friendly manner.

 Hartmann was distracted at first, but he reacted immediately. He stood up immediately and said loudly: "Yes, sir."

 “That...I am not your commander...”

“Head of the Hanuman working group, Xiangshan. You are right. You are my commander now.”

Xiangshan didn’t expect that this hacker would have such a strict character. Instead, he felt a little embarrassed and just asked: “What are you doing now?”

 “Are you asking about the progress of the work, sir?”

Hartman's voice was quite loud, and several people from the security department not far away heard it. They took a look and found that it was Xiangshan, so they ignored it.

After all, Xiang Shan is indeed the boss now. Moreover, this boss has been trying to find ways to "exchange academic knowledge with that group of hackers" in the past few days. Now that Hartman is here, it is natural for the boss to ask.

 After all, there was really nothing he couldn't ask.

“I am scanning these electronic devices to deduce the spread of electronic viruses, sir.”

Xiangshan then noticed that there were indeed many personal devices piled on this table.

 “Have you found anything?”

"It's still being scanned, sir. I just filtered out the files in the 'whitelist'. The remaining suspicious objects are being analyzed using the toolkit." Hartman said, "Actually, I can probably guess the method, but

I won't make a judgment until I know for sure."

 Xiang Shan asked: “Can you tell me?”

"I speculate that it should be a kind of Trojan. It knows the common characteristics of research data, searches the entire computer for data that matches the characteristics, and then sends it to the designated location when there is a public network. After completing all this, the Trojan

It will be automatically deleted to prevent itself from being retrieved. Therefore, if you check those scholars who have had leaks, you will definitely not be able to find the virus. But it will leave traces anyway."

Human immunity is divided into "non-specific immunity" and "specific immunity". Non-specific immunity will eliminate "things that are not me" in the entire person. Specific immunity only targets specific pathogens. Generally speaking, after the pathogen enters the human body,

, will be attacked by non-specific immunity. A piece of malicious RNA cannot directly enter the cell, so it needs a protein shell, which is a virus.

Pathogens such as viruses will disguise themselves to activate receptors on the surface of human cells, pretending to be substances needed by certain cells, and enter the cells. Viruses that multiply in large quantities will activate the resistance of the specific immune system. Assisted T

The cell will recognize the antigen, then read the encoded record in the memory T cell, and then produce the antigen.

This set of logic can also be roughly expressed in computers and computer viruses. Computer systems are defined by engineers as "legal operations" and "illegal operations", and some operations are naturally difficult to perform. It is difficult for simple malicious code to take effect directly. So hackers

A "shell" will be added to the malicious code. The virus either extracts permissions or exploits vulnerabilities to disguise its modifications as "legitimate operations." Anti-virus software and analysis software can retrieve the codes of these "shells" and compare them with the virus database.

Scanning, security software and virus databases represent helper T cells and memory T cells.

However, viruses written by humans are the product of intelligent design, so they often have "sexy operations" that are unimaginable for naturally evolving things, such as self-deletion.

 The virus will destroy its own "shell" and not give the immune system a chance to recognize it.

The spread of computer viruses also follows infectious diseases. However, a virus that “disappears and does not produce antibodies” will definitely make it difficult to identify “Patient Zero”.

 But "Agni" seems to be able to find "trace of virus modification" or "record of symptoms", and then use the "record" to infer the transmission trajectory.

 Speaking of this, Hartman was somewhat proud: “Actually, I still know a little about ‘Zhurong’.”

Xiangshan felt a little strange: "Are you friends? Or do you have enmity?"

 “I don’t know him.” Hartmann shrugged: “But I have studied him.”

"Have you studied him? Then why didn't you catch him?" Xiang Shan felt very strange: "If you had caught this guy earlier, wouldn't there be so many problems?"

“I am neither a policeman nor a member of the I (United States Taxation Service).” Hartman was also very surprised: “If there is no order, what is the purpose of arresting this economic criminal?”

"Economic crime..." Xiang Shan was completely confused. In the eyes of this hacker, could the behavior of "Zhu Rong" be summed up as an economic crime...

 No...it does seem to meet the definition of economic crime, but...

Xiangshan asked: "Then why are you studying it?"

"Hackers are people who look for loopholes in systems. Some are good at finding holes accidentally left by construction workers, and some like to drill holes themselves." Hartman said: "It's easy to find them by following the footsteps of other hackers."

Damn it. I have studied the methods of other hackers. But I rarely take the initiative. Usually I just follow them and look for things that can be used."

Xiangshan has indeed heard of such a thing. Some little black hats, who are like peddlers at the bottom of the world, will only learn some very basic technologies from some big hackers. [They may even only use the ones written by big hackers.

Scripts, known as "script kiddies", after they use certain scripts to hack into innocent websites, the passwords for the Trojan files generated by those scripts in the website may be exactly the same.

These script kiddies are more like the furnace and puppets of the script owner. They will invade some innocent websites, slightly modify the material on the homepage to prove themselves, and then proudly post their "accomplishments" anonymously

The community accepts the worship of others. But all this is to facilitate the secret actions of the big hacker behind the scenes.

 But Xiangshan really didn’t know that hackers of the level of “Agni” could also do this kind of thing...

 In other words, a hacker of the level of "Zhu Rong" can actually be treated like a script boy...

"For me, reversing Trojans written by other hackers is actually more interesting than breaking into a complex system." Hartman said: "I'm not saying that I'm not good at the latter. In fact, I'm also very good at finding loopholes.

I'm good at it, but compared with other hackers, I can't make a big difference in quality. But I like to think about the little tricks that other people have played, sir. I cracked seven of the things that mediocre Vulcan left on the Internet.

Seventy or eighty. I know that he still has several things that he has not confessed... Many famous hackers, you think they have confessed all their crimes. Have you seen "Harry Potter"? It says that those

Wizards like to tease Muggles very much, so during witch hunts, they put a fire protection spell on themselves, and then stand in the fire and bark twice to play. Those hackers may not be so leisurely when they stand in court, but they must be holding back their hearts.

I think 'that's all you know'. I'm different..."

 Hartman then realized something and stood up straight again: "I'm sorry, sir. I may have been a little verbose."

Xiangshan didn’t dislike this kind of person very much. He felt that this guy had a similar flavor to a “technical nerd”. He waved his hand: “So you know the evidence of many big hackers? You can send them to jail at any time?”

"It's not that exaggerated, sir. The most I can do is confirm 'what has this ID done online' or 'which IP did this ID use to log in'. Many times, if you want to convict criminals, you still have to dig out

Their identities in the real world can only be obtained by seizing their devices when they are operating their accounts." Hartman was very honest: "Fucks are very professional in this regard."

When he said this, he also glanced at the former F-type supervisor beside him. The former F-type supervisor actually nodded proudly.

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "You can't lock the position of 'Zhurong' quickly?"

Hartman was surprised: "Don't you know, sir? My main job is to investigate computer virus infections and assess the extent of intelligence leaks. As for catching 'Zhurong', we have to wait until this is done."


  Xiang Shan nodded: “I thought I could find that person directly through you.”

“Well, maybe I’ll be there when we finally arrest her and keep her online through provocation or something like that. But in most cases, social engineering is the best attack.”

Xiang Shan nodded: "You are still very knowledgeable. I thought you were very proud of your skills."

"No, I am indeed very proud." Hartmann said: "My technology can maximize the power of social engineering methods. Only the correct order can use my power correctly."

 Xiang Shan said: "That's why you want to... join the army?"

 Hartmann nodded.

“Then why didn’t you sign up to join the army normally?”

"I have technical advantages, but not physical advantages, sir." Hartman said: "I don't quite understand what the normal process should be. But people like me can't perform at their own level. Now computer science

I progressed very quickly, and if I had relaxed my studies because of daily military training, I might not be the best hacker in the world."

Xiang Shan probably understood why the soldiers of the United States didn’t like this man at all.

 It’s strange that I like it.

Moreover, this guy didn't seem to hide his intentions at all, and actually told himself, a "foreign chief", on this occasion.

Xiangshan even noticed the expression on the face of the former supervisor. I am afraid he also thought this colleague was ridiculous. But he seemed not to be allowed to speak, so he remained silent.

Hartman even said happily: "I will one day become the deputy director of F.C. As long as my technology and F.C.'s power are combined, I will definitely eradicate cybercrime in the United States!"

 Hearing this, the original F officer showed a smile, but he quickly stopped it.

This poor child still doesn’t know why he is isolated...

However, Xiangshan doesn’t dislike this kind of technical nerd.

 He chatted with this "Agni" for a little while.

This chapter has been completed!
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