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Chapter 13 Cyber ??Guerrilla

  2030, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Zhu Xinyu leaned on the hotel chair. There was a computer in front of her. This computer was connected to the hotel's wireless network. The hotel used a common router and server. Zhu Xinyu easily found the backdoor of this system. This

These are all vulnerabilities that have been announced, but not every user has updated the patches in time.

On the screen was an unfamiliar interface. It was analysis software written by Zhu Xinyu himself. The interface was quite primitive.

Zhu Xinyu was looking at the ceiling.

Her grades were "ordinary excellent". She has always maintained this impression. At the same time, in the eyes of her "guardians", she also became more and more rebellious, often running out to play alone. Between her father and that

From the woman's perspective, this is a sign of rebellion. They still don't know how many corporate secrets their daughters have stolen.

 They just think that this girl likes traveling very much and will go abroad if they don't agree with her.

 There is a reason why Zhu Xinyu did this.

Every time she wants to steal technical secrets from large companies, she will find an excuse to travel.

 It is best to go abroad.

This is very helpful in concealing your real IP, and even has a certain interference effect on social engineering methods. Although it is not strong, it is better than nothing.

Zhu Xinyu’s favorite place to rely on is the countries in Southeast Asia. It is adjacent to the developed areas of East Asia and has good network conditions, but it does not have a strong police force. The second place is the Russian Federation. She can borrow the xenophobic power of this decadent country to cover herself.

Of course, in theory, the best places are those war quagmires that the United Nations has no control over, such as Iran, Yemen, and Somalia. Even if you are accidentally touched, there will not be much danger.

However, entering these places is very dangerous in itself. Of course, Zhu Xinyu’s pocket money is not enough to hire mercenaries. And she will not hire mercenaries even if she has this money, because the act of “hiring mercenaries” will leave a record and be easily detected.

Targeted through social engineering methods.

 The reason why Zhu Xinyu is so careful is because she is trying to dig into the roots of big capital.

 After parting ways with her master "Huo Dexingjun", Zhu Xinyu started the Hero Challenge on her own.

 She is already stronger than her master. Therefore, she can obtain the honorary title of "Fire God" by herself.

“Zhu Rong”, a cyber guerrilla who specializes in stealing corporate technology secrets and making them public, was born in the world of the World Wide Web.

Zhu Xinyu’s first target was his father’s business.

 It is a well-known security company, and it also purchased and operated an online medical mutual aid APP. This company even contracted the provincial government's network security affairs.

Zhu Xinyu disclosed the source code of all the company’s security products and put them online.


What Zhu Xinyu was looking forward to did not happen. Her father did not go bankrupt, and the family did not even become slightly poorer.

 First of all, a limited liability company’s debts themselves do not implicate the owners.

  Secondly, most security companies do not actually win with technology.

 Except for the core products of one or two network security companies that really master the technology, the products of most network security companies are rebranded works.

 Source code leakage is also a "no big deal" problem.

If Zhu Xinyu's father's company was a listed company, might the stock price plummet?

 But Zhu Xinyu’s father’s company has not been listed.

 So, apart from my father being scolded at the board meeting, the impact was minimal.

 Even it can continue to contract network security services for local enterprises and governments.

For enterprise users, network security companies can also serve as security consultants and technical support, which will not be devalued just because the source code is disclosed.

Zhu Xinyu’s father was depressed for a while. He felt that the security software system he created had been insulted.

 Zhu Xinyu was very disappointed with this result.

 But she was also aware of the problem.

Many companies actually do not have core "technology". They survive by selling "services" with low technical content.

 If you want to change the world, perhaps you should start from a more central place.

  Larger companies. Companies that control technology and use intellectual property rights to block human progress.

Those larger capitals are the core of "evil". They are the core power components in the machine that plunders mankind.

 Zhu Xinyu began to carry out activities against these guys.

 Of course, this is difficult.

Zhu Xinyu is just an individual. A few days ago, she found some like-minded extremist online guerrillas in the open access movement, but they were only a minority. It would be difficult for her to use social engineering methods to steal technical information.

 With pure computer technology, there are always some physically isolated data that cannot be stolen.

Of course, Zhu Xinyu also has a way.

 No technology comes out of thin air. It must be researched by scholars. And it is impossible for companies to put every step of scholars' research into a physically isolated place. Some data will always be taken away.

 Zhu Xinyu will look at the cooperation list of enterprises, and then look for those enterprise scholars, and target these scholars, and even other partners of these scholars, and extract as much information as possible from all aspects.

 Not just a result. Trial and error data, discarded ideas, she wants it all.

By chance, she was able to obtain "things that were still a few steps away from the results" and "information whose confidentiality level has been slightly reduced due to the passage of time."

 Over time, she also learned to write "viruses that can identify files that may be technical information and automatically package them for sending."

This is Zhu Xinyu's proud work. As long as the virus inadvertently invades a place that was originally inaccessible, "packaging" may be completed automatically without anyone noticing. After that, the packaged data can also be hidden in other people's files.

In the computer, waiting for the next transmission.

 Zhu Xinyu "patronizes" various high-tech companies most often, especially those in electronic information technology.

She has always wanted to try to capture some pharmaceutical companies. But pharmaceutical companies want to sell products after all. Compared with "mastering technology", they prefer "mastering patents". So even if Zhu Xinyu stole some processes,

You can't let people use it on their own.

 At this moment, "Zhu Rong" has experienced hundreds of battles.


 Has the world changed as a result...

 Zhu Xinyu looked at the ceiling of the room.

Perhaps it’s because it’s the rainy season in Thailand now. The continuous rain makes Zhu Xinyu feel gloomy for no reason.

 She began to think about the past.

 Have you changed the world by doing this?

 Is creating "prestige" like Master a feasible path?

Thinking of this, Zhu Xinyu shook his head and tried to get rid of this thought.

 Master's teachings actually don't make sense. I have to find a way out on my own...

 In the future I will definitely be more...

At this time, a chat software sounded a prompt tone.

This is a chat software written by Zhu Xinyu himself, with only the most rudimentary functions. It has no other advantages, except for "concealment" and "confidentiality".

 Zhu Xinyu has only spread the client of this software to a few people.

Those people are all Internet "guerrillas" of the extreme faction of the "open access movement". Some of them are hackers, and some are scholars and intellectuals who make various appeals on the Internet. Some of these people are not related to real people.

Social activists are connected.

 They are Zhu Xinyu’s “friendly troops”.

 It's just that Zhu Xinyu has always carried out activities in the form of a "hacker". She only has contact with a very small number of people.

 Zhu Xinyu remembers that this person is also a scholar.

Ihigo: [Zhu Rong, where did you get this data? It’s amazing. It’s amazing.]

Zhu Xinyu thought about it. The data automatically sent back by her previous batch of viruses did contain a piece of biological information. Judging from the content, it should be molecular biology or biochemistry. Although Zhu Xinyu stole it

There are a lot of things, but in non-professional fields, she is not much better than the average high school student.

 Zhu Rong: [Judging from the number, it should be obtained from the translation software company. 】

  Ihigo:【Are you kidding me?】

 Zhu Rong:【?】

Ihigo: [This could involve proteomics, it might involve genetics, it might involve...gosh, I can't describe it, but it doesn't involve cognitive science. There's no way it could be on a server at a translation software company.]

 Zhu Rong:【Really? That might be an accidental injury.】

 Using cooperative scholars as a springboard, the virus was secretly transmitted to other scholars, and then sent back information that was not the original target.

Many scholars have interdisciplinary projects. If a virus jumps from scholar A to scholar B in a different major, it is likely that it only needs to go through one or two transits.

Zhu Xinyu's virus has strict self-destruction conditions. The virus she wrote will self-destruct after one attack. At the same time, viruses released in a batch and their copies will delete themselves after the system time reaches a predetermined point.

Regardless of whether there is an attack or not.

 Although there are many unintentional injuries, they are not numerous and are rarely discovered.

 At this time, Zhu Xinyu was faced with two choices.

If the scholar who was "accidentally injured" is also a lackey of the capitalists and will contribute to the intellectual property rights of the capitalists, then Zhu Xinyu will disclose this data without hesitation.

 But if not, then Zhu Xinyu will consider it as appropriate.

 At this time, she needs a professional appraisal.

 This guy with the ID of Ihigo is her assistant.

Zhu Rong: [Just tell me the results directly. What kind of research is this by what kind of scholar? Is it necessary to disclose it? 】

Ihigo: [I don’t know...it’s hard for me to say. It’s so rare. I searched all the published papers. Do you know? There’s only one person on earth working on this right now. She can definitely win the Nobel Prize.]

  Ihigo:【Oh my God, this is so awesome.】

 Zhu Xinyu frowned.

 Zhu Rong:【So what is this?】

Ihigo: [Research on the enzyme system of Hydrothermal Archaea. Only Ms. Nyaguti Ndebile is studying it.]

  【Do you know Ms. Ndebele?】

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