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Chapter Nineteen

  After reading it over and over, Zhu Xinyu signed the document given by Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan put the documents away. Then he looked up and saw the little girl's face slumped.

 “I have sold myself.” Zhu Xinyu said.

Xiang Shandao: "You won't regret it. So, let's talk about how to restore the situation. First, I have to confirm, have you done any 'automatic information disclosure program with a negative trigger mechanism'?"

 "Negative trigger mechanism" means "a certain signal must be continuously sent to a program or machine. Once the receiver does not receive the signal, this mechanism will be triggered."

To put it more intuitively, "the bomb explodes when my heart stops" and "if I have no news after three hours" are typical "negative trigger mechanisms".

 Zhu Xinyu was silent for a moment, as if he was going through a very difficult psychological struggle.

But she finally shook her head: "No. I only stole three documents... If the case of 'accidental injury' was also your project..."

"It's not your project." Xiang Shan corrected, "It's our project."

"I... our project..." Zhu Xinyu repeated unaccustomedly: "This batch of 'Fire Thief Virus' returned a total of four documents. If the biological document accidentally damaged also belongs to you

...For our project, there should be four copies. But I have not implemented an automatic disclosure procedure with a negative trigger mechanism for them."

Xiang Shan looked at Hartman. In order for Hartman to understand, Xiang Shan’s current conversation was conducted in English.

 Hartman nodded. This is consistent with the results of his inspection. The data currently flowing out is indeed four.

 But Hartman was confused. He looked at Zhu Xinyu and asked: "How did you survive until now?"


"As a hacker, shouldn't you prepare all kinds of sensitive materials first and set them to 'automatically disclose them 24 hours after I disappear'?" Hartman said: "In this case, after you are arrested, you can still

There is some room for negotiation.”

Zhu Xinyu blushed: "What do you think I am...I am for the poor people..."

"No. I know what your idiotic idealism is for stealing data from enterprises." Hartman said: "But the 'sensitive material' is not only the technical intelligence you usually steal, but also various scandals between big figures.


Zhu Xinyu felt insulted: "I don't intend to invade personal privacy..."

 “But you are obviously a criminal.”

Zhu Xinyu was angry: "You too!" The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she reached out directly to Hartman: "Give me my computer back."

Hartman glanced at Xiang Shan. Xiang Shan coughed twice: "Ahem, Miss Zhu. Although you have joined 'us', your current position... I'm sorry, at least before landing, we will not let you contact us.

to electronic products. In addition, asking Mr. Hartman to check your computer is a necessary work process. He is responsible for this aspect and ensures that there is nothing more dangerous in your computer."

Zhu Xinyu sat down and crossed her arms.

 Then, my stomach made a loud noise.

 Perhaps it is due to the squeezing of the movements, or it may be due to the rising feeling of hunger due to mental relaxation.

 In short, Zhu Xinyu’s stomach made a loud noise.

 The girl felt that she was completely embarrassed.

Xiang Shan smiled, picked up the headset from the table, put the microphone to his mouth, covered his mouth and whispered: "Is there any food on the plane? Give her one. It's best the kind from our republic.

.This little guy has been tortured for a long time."

 Colonel Lei had a hint of helplessness in his tone: "Director Xiang...you..."

He wanted to accuse Xiang Shan of something, but although Xiang Shan's actions seemed to be like killing him first and reporting later, he was indeed reasonable and legal, and every step was indeed within his authority.

 And his motives can only make people feel particularly pure. Everything is for research.

 “Zhu Rong” was useful in his research, so he tried every means to keep “Zhu Rong” here.

 For such a pure person, Lei Chaoyang felt that it was hard for him to accuse him.

He whispered to others around him to prepare food, and then said in the communication: "Have you ever considered it? If you leave the 'Zhurong' in the Rama project in this form, it means that you are putting your own wealth and life at risk."

You are tied to a rope with her. If she does anything illegal again, you will also be responsible. If this kind of unstable element tries to make trouble like this again, you will be finished."

This is one of the reasons why countries do not recruit black hats on a large scale.

 No one wants to take responsibility for these criminals.

 After recruiting a criminal into the system, and the criminal commits another crime, who is responsible? His boss at the time? The person who recruited him? Or the person who monitored him?

 This problem exists in every country.

On the other hand, these state machines all rely on organization. "Free and undisciplined masters" can easily reduce the operating efficiency of the organization.

Even if the level of a specific field reaches the level of "one of a kind" like Hartmann, if you want to become a member of the state machine, you have to go through many restrictions and polishing. Only in this way, the person in charge of the F-type will conclude that "recruit this person,

The benefits outweigh the risks.”

 Now, Xiangshan has solved this problem.

He is the most professional person who studies the "Orunmila Project". He uses his professional level to judge that "the benefits outweigh the risks of recruiting Zhurong". Others have to weigh it if they want to question it. And for the sake of research, he is willing to

Serve as your own guarantee.

Xiang Shan pretended to be relaxed: "It's over. It doesn't involve anything about my family or life. At most, it's just a career in the officialdom. I don't pursue that."

Lei Chaoyang sighed: "I won't say more, Director Xiang. In this position, you are always the representative of the Republic."

Xiang Shandao: "Unlocking the 'Orunmila Project' is my biggest mission. And completing this mission is also a task entrusted to me by the Republic. I think it is worth it."

 “As long as you have an idea.”

 On the other hand, Hartman was talking to Zhu Xinyu.

“Hello, ‘Zhurong’. Who is your friend with the ID name Ihigo in real life?”

That computer was snatched directly by those "peacekeeping force agents", and all interfaces were not closed in time. Hartman could easily bypass the lock and view what Zhu Xinyu was doing just now.

 Zhu Xinyu rolled her eyes.

Hartman said: "Hey, girl, don't be so cold..."

Zhu Xinyu crossed her arms: "Don't talk to me in such a familiar tone, you lackey!"

Hartman blinked: "If the word 'lackey' you say is an insult... I think it should be applied to yourself."

Zhu Xinyu blushed, but quickly said: "I will not betray my friends. The contract does not stipulate such an obligation!"

Xiang Shan sighed: "I think she might not know the other party's true identity."

Hartman said: "But she obviously trusts this guy named Ihigo. She should know the biological level of that guy."

“It may also be an introduction from an acquaintance in the circle. When communicating online, you don’t necessarily need to know the other party’s true identity. There are also many completely different ways to confirm the other party’s level in the professional field.”

Hartman said: "Don't worry about this guy? She is still holding a piece of information that has not been made public. If it can be recovered..."

Xiangshan pinched the bridge of his nose. To be honest, his belief as a scholar made him unwilling to take action against these cyber guerrillas who disclosed information. But now it was out of his control.

 Xiang Shandao: “Which data?”

"Mr. Yawgmoth Voigt's." Hartman glanced at the screen: "Yes, that's the name. I remember that Mr. Yawgmoth was among the infected computers I retrieved.

device of."

At this time, a soldier walked in with a piece of self-heating food. It should be some kind of glutinous rice. The smell of chicken and spices hit the nose.

Zhu Xinyu’s stomach growled even louder. She didn’t care about the image, so she grabbed it and ate it.

Xiang Shan felt a headache: "Yawgmoth... the thing that guy studies is the most difficult to explain... Damn it, if this is exposed..."

“Ah, boss, our crazy little girl seems to have dug up some powerful information.” Hartman smiled: “The data leaked by Mr. Yawgmoth seems to be suspected of plagiarism.”

“Plagiarism? How is it possible?” Xiang Shan’s eyes widened, feeling unbelievable.

If an angry young man like Yawgmoth is willing to do such a despicable thing, then the capitalists can be doing charity to support the workers.

"How is it impossible..." Zhu Xinyu swallowed the still hot glutinous rice with difficulty, "It's not impossible for a man to copy a woman, right?"

"A woman? What... is the person he copied from a woman? That's not the problem." Xiang Shan said: "No matter whether the researcher is male or female, Yawgmoth will not plagiarize that person's results."

 Hartman looked like he was talking about gossip: "It could also be an act of revenge caused by an emotional breakdown? After all, the person being plagiarized is said to be his ex-wife."

"Ex-wife... ex-wife?" Xiang Shan was shocked: "He was only a few years older than me, but he actually got married and divorced? Is this the life a modern young man in his twenties should have? Are people in the United States getting married so early now?"

“Hey, you guys still know each other after hearing this tone.” Zhu Xinyu frowned.

Xiang Shan shook his head: "No, even if it's some kind of emotional revenge, Yawgmoth can't plagiarize his ex-wife's work. The simplest reason is that his research subjects are not earth creatures at all. That research material can only exist in 'our campus'

Within. Unless all researchers in the field of biology at the research center are idiots, any plagiarism of external biological progress cannot be hidden from them."

Hartmann clapped his hands and said, "Could it be that Mr. Voigt couldn't afford the divorce, so he took the research materials from your campus out? He used the papers to pay off the debt? So it's the other way around?"

This chapter has been completed!
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