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Chapter 23 The three-year period has come

   Night on the Great Plains of Central America.

Xiangshan stopped on a small slope and kept adjusting the lens of his prosthetic eye.

 Soon, he found his goal.

That is a group of rangers, moving on motorcycles. They are the rangers directly under King Agni, and they are truly elite.

Three years ago, after Xiangshan wiped out the first Ranger team, this team of thirty people was sent down. Their only mission was to find the person who killed GA-R03. This team

The martial arts configuration is higher and the power is quite concentrated, unlike the time when GA-R03 only brought a few people to surround and kill Borshu.

The tactics of GA-R03 back then were actually not too wrong. They thought they would face only a green forest close to the first level of heaven and earth, but they never expected that there would be a warrior on the scene whose internal and external skills far exceeded the conventional first level of heaven. Only Yi

He is basically a chivalrous person, so he overturned the wheel.

 This Ranger team is specifically configured based on the level he showed three years ago. They were encapsulated by King Agni himself and made the firewall himself. It should be said that no one can break into their system instantly.

Even if they really meet a master of internal strength - such as Xiang Shan three years ago, they can also call the second best master of internal strength in the world through satellite.

The distance between the earth and the moon is 1.28 light seconds. Unless you are a master who defines the development of computer technology like "Turing", this delay will not make King Agni helpless.

If it was Xiangshan three years ago, it might actually be a bit dangerous.

"It's been three years..." Xiangshan sighed: "I've been patient for three years."

In the past three years, Xiang Shan has been reorganizing his own internal strength.

He spent four months decompiling the latest programs and experiencing the changes in internal strength over the past eighty years, and then spent another two months writing an update package for the skills left by the Eighth Martial God.


The Eighth Martial God originally entrusted these data to Zhu Xinyu. In this way, even if all the resources on the earth disappear, Zhu Xinyu's share will definitely remain. Over the past eighty years, it seems that many people have downloaded the exercises.

Most of them are "parts", but they are enough to form a complete system.

At that time, Xiangshan, who had the personality of the Eighth God of War covering his consciousness, felt the stars connected by the magnetic chain, feeling that "my efforts are not in vain".

 What followed was two and a half years of practice.

 Xiangshan continued to use enzymes on himself to degrade the past neural network.

 This is not an easy thing.

In the past two and a half years, Xiangshan has also been constantly testing the integrity of his other skills and memory. He will force himself to constantly recall what he has learned and thought.

 But the worse is not here.

Because Xiangshan has a brain injury, he cannot freely arouse the neural network of his brain - or, in other words, cannot freely browse the memories in his brain. He himself cannot be sure what memories he has in his brain.

 Since you cannot confirm your own memory, you cannot back it up in advance.

 And the memories carried by the eighth Martial God’s personality mask are also incomplete.

When the eighth Martial God left this personality mask, he hoped that a new Martial God would inherit it. Most of the Martial Gods had Xiangshan's memory. He never expected that the original Xiangshan who finally came here would be a

A person who only has the self-identity and way of thinking of "Xiangshan", but has lost most of his memory.

Whether it is "Original Xiangshan" or the "Eighth Martial God", it is impossible to be sure whether there are any precious memories in this brain, and how important that memory is.

But the risk is worth it.

If Xiangshan himself wants to advance to the next level in the inner circle and completely absorb Hachi's legacy, he must let his brain nerves and those nanoneedles form an integral network. His nervous system needs to be readjusted anyway.


Especially the connection between Saussure’s realm and the nanoneedle system.

Every time, Xiangshan injected himself with the enzyme reductase with the consciousness of "forgetting something important".

 For three years, Xiangshan lived in confusion every day: "Have I forgotten something important?"

 However, with the reversal of brain damage, Xiangshan is indeed thinking of more things.

 Every day I feel my memory becomes more abundant. Every day I am afraid of losing my memory.

Xiangshan couldn’t believe that he had persisted for two and a half years.

But now that I think about it, the pain of "cutting flesh with a dull knife" is actually nothing serious.

 “After all, ‘this me’ has died twice.”

 Xiang Shan comforted himself in this way.

According to the judgment of the Eighth Martial God, Dr. Hu should have established contact with other mysterious forces. He has his own way in the city and established his own connections. It is precisely because of this that he can work under King Agni.

Survived the surveillance and search. With the help of Dr. Hu, Xiangshan was not disturbed for three years.

 But Dr. Hu himself cannot escape.

After this team of Rangers learned that C. Shivaji-21, Feng Xiao IV and the previous Rangers were missing underground, they also searched over and over in the city of Dela Cruz several times. They made a lot of troubles.


 However, this will be the cause of their death.

 Last year, Xiang Shan was planted on the server of Dr. Hu Hospital.

It has a similar idea to "Fire Stealer" created by Zhu Xinyu in 2030. Those rangers will be poisoned after browsing the monitoring records and some log files of Dr. Hu Hospital. This virus is very alert and good at self-deletion. It

It has no substantial destructive power, it only secretly collects some things and then gives them away.

 Of course, it actually doesn’t matter what parameters are collected.

  Xiangshan knew about it after he received feedback about the virus from the Internet.

The fact that this virus can run is enough to explain a lot of things.

 The original reporter also reported the location of this team at exactly this time.

 She met this team by chance in another city, but did not make any announcement about it and contacted Xiang Shan.

"You only have one chance." Xiang Shan looked at the moving team in the distance and started his motorcycle. He outflanked it from the side. In the eyes of the rangers, this should be a transporter coming from the side.

, prepare to drive in front of them.

When they discovered that the vehicle was approaching, many thermal weapons had already locked onto the vehicle. However, the rangers did not want to cause trouble, and after confirming that the opponent was not coming towards them, they did not open fire.

 The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

 But just at this moment, something popped out of Xiangshan’s motorcycle.

Before the Rangers could react, the thing suddenly exploded. A strong electromagnetic pulse swept in all directions.

 At least for twenty seconds, the information cannot be transmitted to the satellite!

Xiangshan’s motorcycle suddenly made an arc and crashed into the group of Rangers.

 Due to the sudden encounter with EMP, most of the Rangers' prosthetic eyes had noise spots and did not aim immediately.

 But they reacted instantly.

 Intense firepower rolled straight ahead.

Xiangshan was already prepared. He swayed his center of gravity several times and dodged the dense bullets.

 The two sides reached a position of twenty meters in an instant. Most of the rangers had given up using guns to suppress the enemy. They began to gather together, intending to use close combat to deal with the sudden attacker.

 The few rangers began to retreat to the rear of the team, preparing to assist with firepower if the teammates in front could not suppress them.

At this time, they noticed the appearance of the attacker.

The attacker had an overly strong torso that seemed out of sync with his lower limbs. He looked very much like a sideline martial artist who specialized in boxing.

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 At the same time that the rangers could clearly see the attacker's appearance, the attacker made an action of unknown meaning.

The attacker suddenly stretched out his arm and waved it into the air.

 It’s like high-fiving an invisible teammate in a relay race.

Those rangers thought this was a prelude to some kind of special attack, and even made evasive actions.

However, that guy seemed to have really high-fived an invisible guy. As if affected by an invisible force, the entire motorcycle suddenly turned sideways and fell to the ground - no, this should be some kind of performance effect. He had already

He was ready to "reverse the center of gravity", but deliberately performed a mime-like effect.

The attacker shrunk his body and used the motorcycle as a cover to avoid a wave of shooting. The motorcycle wiped out a series of sparks on the ground and hit the Ranger convoy that did not slow down.

 The rangers ducked away one after another, and then turned to look at the opponent who had slipped.

 Then, they saw a pair of eyes.

The attacker stood on the motorcycle diagonally, with the motorcycle almost parallel to the ground. He held the handlebar with only one hand to maintain balance. The other hand was pressed against his face, as if he was holding a "non-existent mask."


This scene was so bizarre that the Rangers turned sideways.

 They didn’t know that the self-suggestion of “changing hands” had already been given.

 The 0day vulnerability in King Agni’s firewall has been penetrated.

Malicious code is wreaking havoc.

The kinetic energy of the motorcycle was exhausted by the friction of the ground. It slowly stopped toward the mountain. The rangers also turned around.

Xiangshan released his grip, stood up, and said: "Are they using different protocols...or is it that the artificial eyes themselves do not have the function of receiving infrared signals? There are actually three more."

Although a ranger did not understand why his companions stopped the engines of their motorcycles, this did not prevent him from roaring: "Who are you? How dare you..."

 His sentence was not finished.

 His companion's high-frequency wave blade suddenly cut him in the face.

 【What happened】【Why?】【Am I being controlled?】【This is impossible】…

 All kinds of thoughts echoed in the intranet of this small team.

 The motorcycle behind Xiangshan burst into flames due to being shot. That was the sound of a metal battery.

Under the firelight, Xiangshan—Xiangshan, the eighth Martial God, quietly watched the rangers fight.

“Very good,” Xiang Shan said with a final nod.

This chapter has been completed!
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