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Chapter 35 How is this possible

  "Then what do you think now?" Xiang Shan asked.

"I don't know about this, senior." The younger brother said in a calm tone, "My body will not download such important things into a personality like mine. King Agni has not yet developed in this direction.

, so we must not let him know."

 He nodded to Shan: “It’s understandable.”

"Although I have no relevant memory... but the amazing thing is that I know what you are talking about. It's really terrifying. Apart from us, this kind of internal power actually exists..." the little brother said, "And you

What I said is true. You were the original helper...the eighth Martial God...but..."

  Xiang Shan nodded: “I am Xiang Shan.”

His words were spoken very naturally, as if it were an ordinary self-introduction.

 Then, after a few seconds, he added: "Because I am also Xiangshan, so I obtained what the Eighth Martial God left behind."

 During this period, the little brother didn’t even speak.

"I see..." After a long time, the guy muttered as if in a dream: "I seem to understand why the Master's eighth Martial God was suddenly exposed, and why the Master uncharacteristically admitted that the Eighth Martial God was Xiangshan..."

The younger brother whispered, and then said: "Junior TX-0..."

TX-0, a computer built by MIT in the 1950s, cost $3 million and occupies the size of a room.

 But it was the best "personal" computer the first generation of hackers could have.

Even the word "hacker" was spread from TX-0 users.

Xiang Shan nodded: "It's also a very historical name. Ah Ling..."

"Hmm..." TX-0, or A-Ling, actually screamed in surprise.

"Any questions……"

"No...it's just..." Comrade A-Ling's tone was a little weird: "Although that's the case, but...no one has called me that for a long time..."

 “It’s been a long time…”

"I...I..." Ah Ling said: "When I was very young, I was adopted by my mentor. After deciding on this code name, the nickname she called me became this..."

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 Even sometimes he is called "Superman Zero", and it still has a mysterious sense of ridicule.

 My mentor’s taste in naming is sometimes so neurotic that he has no idea where his ideas come from.

But what’s even weirder is that the person in front of me can actually get along with each other instantly and have the same nickname assigned to him.

how to say……

  ——Is it really the... person that the legend is interested in?

Xiang Shan was slightly startled.


Thanks to Zhu Xinyu's identity and status, she was one of the first people to undergo baseline human transformation surgery, and was also the first person to enjoy reverse growth gene therapy. Therefore, until she was completely prosthetic, her body was very


 Zhu Xinyu was only seventeen years old when she first met him.

 What’s more important is that no matter how old that guy is, he still has that kind of character.

It’s unimaginable that she would actually raise other orphans...

Xiangshan considered the words for a moment and said, "Then, Superman A-Ling..."

"Ah... please don't call me that, it will make me feel ashamed." TX-0 said.

 When his mentor teased him like this when he was a child, he really made him think that he had such a great talent, so he easily provoked his senior brothers and sisters... In short, he was very brave.

 Then, under the control of my senior brothers and sisters, I did a lot of things that I feel I cannot look back on now.

Xiang Shan was stunned for a moment. He didn’t know why, but he actually guessed roughly. And he didn’t need any confirmation, he knew that he had guessed exactly.

 He ​​called TX-0 that way because of this relationship, which gave him a feeling of closeness to this insider expert.

Looking at it now, I even have the illusion of being "my own stupid son".

 “So...Superman Zero?”

"Please don't call me that." TX-0 said: "I need a little time to let this brain vent its extreme emotions."

Xiang Shan had some differences: "I don't think you are particularly frightened, right? Ling?"

"No, actually I'm almost scared to death." Ah Ling said, "The presynaptic membrane of this brain is outputting norepinephrine crazily, and the adrenergic system is being activated. He is very excited now, even with his hands and feet.

I won’t be able to control myself and will start waving excitedly.”

 This is not something that people can control themselves. "Norepinephrine" corresponds to the emotion of "fear". At the same time, it is also closely related to "vigilance" and "impulse to move".

 When primitive man saw something that frightened him [such as a big cat next to him], he counted on this reaction to save his life.

 In this state, the human body will force people to move.

Xiangshan looked at him with interest: "I don't think you behave like this either."

"Because after all, I am a false personality cover. The main body exists in the hard disk. I can use another electrical signal to replace the signals generated by those receptors." A-Ling paused for a moment. "But... wait a moment. It is really necessary."

Let’s blow off some steam so you don’t get hurt all the time.”

 Then, the body's prosthetic eyes went out for a second.

Immediately afterwards, Xiangshan heard a howl: "Ahhhhh!"

The human brain will continuously accumulate a chemical substance called "adenosine" during its operation. After this chemical substance fully binds to the receptors in the brain nerves, people will have a "drowsy" mood. But adenosine

It has a small part of the chemical structure similar to caffeine, so caffeine can bind to adenosine receptors, but it will not play the role of adenosine and will not actually activate adenosine receptors. Therefore, drinking coffee or strong

People who drink tea will not feel sleepy.

 But adenosine still exists in the brain, but it just doesn't work temporarily. Once caffeine is metabolized and broken down, drowsiness will return, even more intensely.

 Now the old boxer is in a similar situation.


In Xiangshan’s mind, this Songdao Normal School was not just a tall man with a white beard, but also a meticulous “old craftsman”.

He really didn't expect that this great master of external martial arts would actually kneel on the ground and beat the ground with his hands desperately.

 Even huge cracks appeared on the ground.

"Ah...ahhhh...this is impossible..." He noticed that his arm was not working properly, and then he stopped. Matsushima Hiroshi stared at Xiangshan and said, "Xiangshan?"

"it's me."

 “God of War?”

 “That’s right.”

“Theoretically, he and the ancestor of martial arts have the same personality?”

 “That’s right.”

 “The only one who loses in ten thousand battles?”

“I actually hope you won’t always emphasize ‘the only defeat’…”

Hiro Matsushima covered his head: "How is this possible?"

This chapter has been completed!
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