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Chapter 81 Scoring

 If Yuki still had tear ducts, he would probably shed tears. The boy didn't know why.

This is probably the feeling that Master often said before, "as if the prosthetic eye is malfunctioning."

"It's so big..." Yuki said, "Although I knew it was big when I walked there, I didn't know it was like this...such a big thing."

"Yeah." Xiang Shan nodded, "Take a good look. We will change the world again one day. By then, the real city will be a hundred times more beautiful than this one."

As those deleted files were gradually restored and the uninstalled functions were replaced by other security software, Yuki felt his discomfort gradually disappear.

With that said, Xiang Shan sat down on the ground, and then pointed directly opposite him with a long stick: "The next step is the scoring session. Come on, sit down."

Yuki stood for a while to calm down, then sat down opposite Xiangshan.

"So, the first question." Xiang Shan said: "Why don't you choose to uninstall the network card driver, or uninstall certain communication protocols? This should be the most direct trick."

In the prosthetics given by the asylum seekers and the most common design drawings on the Internet, the functions of the network card will be integrated into the data processing hardware in a covert manner, and its drivers and protocols are also more hidden and cannot be directly operated.


But beginners of internal skills can still uninstall it.

At least it's simpler than the way Juki handles it now.

After the network card is offline, no matter how the alarm is raised inside the prosthetic body, it will not be known to the asylum seekers. Before reinstalling the network card, resetting the system can solve most problems.

Youki glanced at Xiang Shan, hesitant.

Xiang Shan said: "Honestly. Didn't you think of it yourself?"

"That's not true." Yuki said honestly: "I have thought about it...but I just don't know if I can get points for that. After all, Master, you often say, 'No points will be given for omitting the process in the exam.' You said yes.

The 'exam' is to test skill proficiency. I'm not sure what the test is...if it's a test of internal strength, it's difficult to score points for this operation."

"Besides, I also want to challenge myself head-on."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Do you have the same demeanor as your master and me? Do you really want to get high scores?"

"...No, I think if you get low scores, you will definitely be expelled from the school."

"Hahahaha." Xiangshan smiled and patted Youki on the shoulder: "Very good, your judgment is very good. I'm very optimistic about this."

Yuki's mouth froze: "Master...so..."

"You are only one step away from being expelled from the school." Xiang Shan's tone was refreshing, but it seemed to reveal a sense of regret.

Yuki sighed: "I knew it."

"Then, within five minutes, explain in text the reasons why you uninstalled some files or kept some files. Because this may be very long, there is no need to say it directly. Use your brain to type it into a document and send it to me."

Yuki lowered his head and gave an answer sheet after a moment.

Xiang Shan read it quickly and then corrected a few sentences.

"Well, it's pretty decent." Xiang Shan nodded: "Well, congratulations, you passed the test."

Yuki breathed a sigh of relief.

“And the score is pretty high.”


Yuki clenched his fists.

"I think you can give it a score of seventy-five. If you had checked the contents of the installation package I gave you at the beginning, you could avoid one of the biggest deduction points. After all, you shouldn't be sure from the beginning that I am me. There are also

It may be an enemy who has changed into your master's prosthetic body and pretends to be your master to approach you. At that time, if you check it and then ask the real question, you can avoid most of the subsequent deduction points."

"The remaining deduction points will appear on your answer sheet just now."

Yuki's mouth dropped.

"But it's okay." Xiang Shan sighed: "Congratulations. If you can get sixty points in this test, you are actually qualified to survive alone. In this world, as long as you are not targeted, you can survive.

.Even if you encounter a passing enemy, you can still escape smoothly. You may be able to find resources on your own and strengthen yourself..."

Yuki clenched his fists again, feeling that he could do it.

But he suddenly returned to his country and stared at Xiang Shan.



"You won't say next, 'Now that you already have this ability, you can take charge of your own business. This is how we, master and disciple,' will you?"

"Since you already have this ability, you can do it alone..." Xiangshan hit Youki on the head, "That's weird. Doing it alone? Bah."

In fact, Yuki's artificial heart was already suspended when he was halfway through speaking to Shan.

Until I got hit on the head.

"If you want to make a move, it's still early. You 100% can't defeat the two Green Forests who killed people in Recycling Town three years ago."

Youki's current internal strength is stronger than that of the little poisonous insect back then. Because he has the guidance of a famous teacher, he can avoid many detours.

Knights have opened up a lot of martial arts on the Internet, but the role of "teacher" does not disappear. Even with learning materials, personal practice will still take some detours.

"Taking detours" does not mean that the person is hopeless. Some people may just make a slight mistake and be able to improve quickly with someone's advice. There are even some geniuses who can find the right path by themselves, or even find a new path.

But "avoiding detours" means standing on the shoulders of giants.

It’s not surprising that Youki’s internal strength is higher than that of many green forests in the wilderness.

But this level is not enough for him to instantly counter two Green Forests like Xiang Shan did three years ago. If he concentrates on internal combat, he can defeat the powerful Kui Bujia in a short time.

But Leif could kill him many times in this "short period of time".

And when it comes to external skills, he is no match for Leif back then.

Yuki said bitterly: "If it were completely transformed into a prosthetic body..."

"It's not necessary yet. Cherish your current sense of smell and taste." Xiang Shan said: "Touch is a transcendent perception. Pressure-sensitive materials can generate fine electrical signals according to changes in pressure. Vision and hearing are not difficult either.

It's just about converting light waves and sound waves. But smell and taste are about detecting chemical molecules. It's not impossible, but it's either hard to do in miniaturization or the price is not low. We can't afford it in a short time. Cherish your present moment.

This feeling of having.”


Xiangshan's hand pressed on Yuki's shoulder: "After all, you have passed the test. Then the day is not far away for you to say goodbye to these two feelings. It may not be until you win that you can taste the taste again.


Yuki lowered his head: "But I never feel that I have ever eaten anything particularly delicious. Especially when compared with your memory."

"It's better than nothing." Xiang Shan shrugged and asked, "By the way, the direction you were looking at just now is not far from your hometown. Are you interested in going back and taking a look?"

This chapter has been completed!
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