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Chapter 96: The Speedy Royal Court and the Throne

The Speed ​​King's Court, where the Speed ​​King is.

It is also the fastest super-large aircraft currently produced by mankind. This thing was completely built in space. If it were built on the ground, it would not be able to escape the planet's gravitational circle on its own.

The Speedy Royal Court is a gigantic space ship of tens of millions of tons. In terms of size alone, it has surpassed the Shakten-class space battleship.

In terms of technological level alone, the Speed ​​Royal Court has completely surpassed the alien spacecraft "Ogun" discovered by humans three hundred years ago.

And this spacecraft is responsible for scientific research tasks.

It moves at more than ten percent of the speed of light all year round, and is constantly accelerating or decelerating.

According to the intelligence, the existence and movement of the Speedy Royal Court itself is a remarkable engineering experiment.

In such terrible acceleration and deceleration, the overall strength of the hull will be severely tested.

When the Divine Speed ​​Royal Court itself passes by a large celestial body at high speed, the gravitational force it receives may also cause tragic consequences in an instant.

According to records, the tiny "scratches" on the lunar surface were the result of the Speed ​​Royal Court prototype's collision with the moon after being disturbed by gravity. The Speed ​​King Court prototype brought up a large amount of lunar dust and rocks, and then flew up high in the sky.

The explosion formed a weak star ring, and countless fragments orbited the moon.

Most of the time in the Speed ​​Royal Court is spent accelerating and decelerating.

However, the Speed ​​Royal Court also has great limitations. At 10% of the speed of light, even the smallest floating dust has fatal power. When the Speed ​​Royal Court moves forward, it must fill up the magnetic field that deflects those dusts.

To maintain the ability to change direction, someone must be at the controls at all times, etc.

The Speed ​​Royal Court currently does not have the ability to fly directly to Proxima Centauri. The fuel it carries is still insufficient.

However, if the return journey is not taken into consideration, the Speedy Royal Court is only "a hair away" from interstellar voyage.

The sun is only 4.22 light-years away from Proxima Centauri A. Taking into account the acceleration and deceleration process, the Speedy Royal Court can even reach there in only twenty or thirty years.

According to TX-0's intelligence, the Speed ​​King's mission seems to be to find a "route" that can safely reach the outside of the solar system at sub-light speed and consume less energy.

It's like a "speed of light highway" that keeps changing as the celestial bodies move.

In addition, the Speed ​​Royal Court has other tasks. It also conducts cutting-edge research on high-energy physics and astrophysics to test subtle changes in some physical phenomena under low-light speed conditions.

In addition, the Speed ​​Royal Court is also responsible for bypassing the knight-occupied areas, setting up space observatories at the edge of the solar system, etc.

Of course, there is another very important task.

The Speed ​​King and his core subordinates will serve as the Protector's strongest mobile force and participate in the suppression of knights across the solar system.

The pattern of the appearance of the Speed ​​King is not difficult to guess.

When the Speed ​​King is about to pass through a certain area, the Speed ​​King can lead a small team to break away, slow down alone, and reach the battlefield. After the enemy is eliminated, the Speed ​​King will speed up again.

He is one of the very few warriors who can accelerate to 16% in the ecliptic plane environment of the solar system. [This is purely the speed of the body, rather than swinging the sword at 16% of the speed of light]

The Speed ​​King will use some external electromagnetic acceleration methods to catch up with the Speed ​​King again.

Generally speaking, the faster the Speed ​​King can deal with his enemies, the less expensive it will be for him to catch up with the Speed ​​King.

Several times, he burst into the atmosphere and ended the battle within a second.

Three years ago, the Speed ​​King attacked the Taun Sea near the Jupiter universe. Then the Speed ​​King slowed down as a whole and received supplies on a designated route between the orbit of Mercury and the orbit of Venus.

Of course, the supply method is also very hard-core.

At this time, the Speed ​​Royal Court will decelerate to the level of 10,000 axioms per second. The protector will transport some materials to this orbit in advance, and then accelerate to a speed close to it, and complete the docking with the Speed ​​Royal Court.

Sometimes, the protector will also use the form of laser power transmission to supplement the speed of the court.

To be precise, it comes from the "Throne".

Throne, where Yawgmoth, the Father of All Machines, is currently located.

It does not have a special name. To show respect among the patrons, it is referred to as "Throne".

The throne's real name is actually very featureless and not very mysterious. It's called Dyson Cloud.

In the orbit near the sun, countless raw materials mined from Mercury will be transported there to manufacture huge high-conversion solar panels and frames.

Mercury has a very high content of metals and silicates, so it is very suitable as a raw material for this thing. From this point of view, it is a high-quality mining planet.

Xiangshan was very surprised when he heard the news.

He simply couldn't see the need for this move.

Human technology cannot complete the construction of a Dyson sphere that covers a star. This requires material science to the point of "fantasy." There is simply no material within the existing theoretical framework that can support such a giant structure under normal pressure.

A civilization that can create such materials will probably not need a structure like a Dyson sphere.

The Dyson Cloud is a concession. It does not seek to create a complete Dyson sphere at once, but to create countless huge solar panels that orbit the sun like clouds.

But this is not worth the loss.

If you really need energy, Jupiter is obviously a better target. Jupiter is larger than some dwarf planets, but its density is relatively low, its gravity is weak, it does not ignite nuclear fusion, and it is very stable. Its gravity is much smaller than that of the sun, and it can

Easily extract fusion fuel.

According to what TX-0 said before, Jupiter has not yet been mined.

The same is true for Saturn.

If the Asylums really lack energy, they should first establish a defense line between Jupiter and Saturn to ensure the stability of the Jupiter mines.

Instead of tearing down Mercury and building a Dyson Cloud.

"No, senior, you seem to have made a mistake." TX-0 said: "A very important point. This thing was not built because of the needs of the patrons. The Father of All Machines is not interested in 'what the patrons need'.

This thing was built because the Father of All Machines liked it."

Xiang Shan was stunned at that time.

He looked at Matsushima Hiro's house, which was not considered a good house by 2020 standards, and said, "Why?"

"Because he is the supreme god, separated from the low-level guys." TX-0 said: "It doesn't matter what Dyson Cloud can do, the important thing is that there will be countless technical problems in the process. These technical problems will give the Scientific Research Knights

It brings vitality and makes Mr. God feel happy.”

It was at this time that Xiangshan learned that the Dyson Principle was called the Dyson Principle because Yawgmoth chose this name conveniently when he started building the Dyson Cloud.

This chapter has been completed!
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