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Chapter 46: The Shadow of the Demon Cult

When the loud "bang" sounded behind him, Griad realized that he might be finished.

The speed heading up the mountain was only slightly slower than the speed of sound. When the sound reached the auditory receiver, Griad had no time to react.

A machine gun behind Gliard suddenly raised its head. Xiangshan stretched out his hands, grasped the muzzle of the gun, and then used his strength to let it go. The muzzle spurted out tongues of flame, but the bullets just slid past the mountain.

Xiang Shan took this opportunity and moved his legs like the wind, kicking out the machine gun.

Griad roared, a hole opened above the track, and a cylindrical bomb popped out.

When Xiangshan saw this bomb, he originally wanted to retreat immediately. But his reason instantly overpowered his instinct.

Griad's head was right between Xiang Shan and the "bomb". If this was really a bomb enough to hurt Xiang Shan, then Griad would only be injured more seriously than him.

Of course, it is not impossible that "the brain of this tank is not in the skull cavity". But this possibility is not high.

When Griad exerted his strength just now, in order to obtain instant acceleration, he completely opened the power system in his body. Xiangshan clearly sensed the location and type of Griad's power system.

Like Will Grande Doug, Griyard couldn't place his brain too close to the chassis.

Therefore, this cannot be a bomb.

When Xiangshan's thoughts flashed like this, the cylinder suddenly exploded, and a ball of silver light expanded.

Griad's thinking almost stopped. Behind him was his blind spot, and neither guns nor shield arms could reach him. This was not a big problem for him originally. A warrior with guns and artillery should annihilate the enemy thousands of feet away.

Outside, or five steps away and within a hundred steps.

If the enemy is not killed within this distance, it should be his defeat.

And a shot of metal particle aerosol was already his last means of counterattack.

The silver light floated towards Xiangshan. At this moment, Xiangshan seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief.

He unblocked the cooling system.

A sharp sound resounded within his body. Ultra-high temperature steam suddenly shot out into the many gaps in the armor outside the mountain.

That's boiling coolant.

It relieves the pressure on the cooling system.

The coolant forms high pressure in Xiangshan's body, causing a pressure difference between the inside and outside. The aerosol is slowly discharged.

Metal particle aerosols are nicknamed "Tiehua", some are also called "glitter dust", and some people even call it "good wife" in a joking way.

Metal particle aerosols are generally nano-scale metal particles mixed with high-pressure gas and diffused in a special way.

The reason why we call it "Good Wife" is because this thing has many wonderful uses and is really a must-have item for traveling at home and doing chivalry.

First of all, metal is a good conductor. If it enters the circuit, it is very easy to cause a short circuit. Throwing this thing onto the building's electrical system can paralyze it. Secondly, metal particles are good conductors and can form similar Faraday-like formations in the air.

The structure of the electric cage can be used to resist electromagnetic pulse weapons. Furthermore, the refractive ability of metal particles can also effectively resist laser weapons. In addition, after being evenly mixed with a strong accelerant, it can also be used as an explosive in a confined space.

Use. If you have a suitable heating item on hand, you can also use it to repair minor damage to the outer armor.

The most important thing is that it is cheap. Sometimes, it was even used as a smoke screen by early knights.

The coolant spurted out from the gaps in the armor toward the outside of the mountain, and then mixed with the aerosol of metal particles to condense back into droplets.

Griad looked at the shadow on the ground.

Behind him, the shadow shrouded in clouds and mist looked like an immortal or a saint.

There was a "clang" sound. Xiangshan seemed to be tapping the armor on Griad's back with his fingers.

After that, there was a continuous beating of "dang-dang-dang-dang".

Griad knew that this was probably Xiangshan measuring the alloy material of his outer armor and adjusting the high-frequency shock wave used to destroy the lattice structure - just as he did with the last bullet. But he still adjusted his own

The auditory receiver blocks this sound.

He screamed: "Spare your life!"

In this day and age, every line of code may be malicious.

All prosthetics are completely undefended. Open source codes are full of backdoors, and even tutorials that can be found on the Internet may have hidden pitfalls.

Even if you rewrite the bottom layer yourself, you can't guarantee that there won't be security vulnerabilities that you didn't expect.

Judging from the last information Leif conveyed, Xiangshan's level of internal strength has reached an unbelievable level. It is entirely possible for him to master some unimaginable backdoors to Griad, and then use his overwhelming internal strength to ravage Griad.

"Spare your life, hero, spare your life!" Griliad screamed: "I was once a knight too! I can't help it! It's just loyalty! Loyalty drives me here! I didn't... give me a chance! For the sake of it

For my past sake, give me..."

"Don't worry, I have no interest in torturing the enemy." Xiang Shan said calmly: "I will give you a good time."

As he spoke, his entire palm was placed on the outer armor above Griad's head.

Driven by high-frequency shock waves, the lattice structure of the metal crystal is repeatedly frustrated by mechanical waves with appropriate wavelengths, causing instantaneous metal fatigue. The metal armor shatters like biscuits.

Xiang Shan has no interest in intelligence at all. Whatever he wants to know, he can dig it out from Griad's storage device.

The mechanical wave in his hand will destroy the alloy and take Griliad's life.

But what went beyond Xiangshan's expectation was that there were no electronic devices underneath the outer armor.

The pink shadow suddenly jumped out. The thing seemed to be very soft, and the mechanical waves emitted by the prosthetic fingertips were completely absorbed by it. The pink thing suddenly shrank, and actually formed two tentacles, which bound Xiang Shan.

——Hahahaha! This is my reversal!

Griad immediately started the engine.

This cephalopod-like tentacle was something he had only developed recently. It was a newly developed project of the mysterious "Demon Sect". Only the year before last, someone who claimed to be an apostle of the Demon Sect came to his door and left a treasure for him.

Blades and secret books to draw him into the group. And this tentacle is the newly developed method of the Demon Cult.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Griad knew that he had become the experimental subject of the Demon Cult, helping them experiment with the latest scientific research results.

But this is exactly what the wilderness thugs crave.

Apart from an extremely thick nervous system and mantle, there is only muscle tissue inside these two tentacles. These muscle tissues are just like normal soft bodies. After being thinned out, they lurk in the inner layer of the armor, taking up almost no space.

Instead, it acts as a "buffer layer".

After the armor was broken, these tentacles rushed out immediately.

It is true that metalized muscle tissue cannot be stronger than steel. But today's knights have little experience in dealing with the physical body. The high-frequency methods they are good at are all based on how to deal with enemies with metal bodies. Soft muscle tissue

It can buffer high-frequency mechanical waves and is not as easily damaged as metal.

Xiangshan's lightweight prosthetic body only weighs about 300 kilograms, which is very light. These two tentacles can also be lifted up. As long as Xiangshan's hands and feet leave Griad's body and he loses his support, Griad can lift Xiangshan with an inch of force.


Even if all these tentacles are destroyed after this battle, it's still worth it!

Humanoid prosthetics are far inferior to vehicles like Gliad in long-distance operations.

——That's it...it will definitely work...

A sharp pain.

Blue blood splashed. Xiangshan's five fingers had torn apart the tentacles.

At that moment, Xiang Shan suddenly remembered something again.

He has studied "how to kill the body efficiently".

Yes, this sounds absurd. The performance of the prosthetic body has an overwhelming advantage over the physical body. It seems that a cyber warrior can kill a natural person with only three punches and two kicks. However, Xiangshan seems to have fought against physical enemies, and he is still

It is assumed that "there is a huge armed force protecting these people, so it is very likely that there will only be one blow".

He knows how to better use his strength to tear apart flesh.

"Ahhhhh..." Griad screamed and slammed backwards.

Xiangshan's prosthetic hand moved forward with consistent force.

This time it seemed that the winner was really decided. Xiangshan felt that he had destroyed some protein-accumulated soft tissue.

He grabbed upwards, tore through the brain-computer barrier with his fingers, pulled out the memory and martial arts chip, and then immediately backed away, keeping a certain distance from Gliad.

No one stipulates that a cyber body can only contain one brain, and no one stipulates that a cyber warrior cannot set up a "revenge program" far away from the brain.

Of course, it is impossible to self-destruct. All the idiots who set up functions such as "self-destruct when I die" on their bodies have been triggered by internal experts to trigger the self-destruction mechanism in advance.

However, Xiangshan felt that a guy with mediocre internal skills like Griliad might not know that there was such a way to play, so he set up a self-destruct function for himself.

He kept a distance of thirty meters and observed carefully.

There is no second brain, no artificial intelligence hosting, and no self-destruction.

Not a single missile came.

Xiangshan then walked towards Griad.

"Junwu..." Xiang Shan looked at Griliad's prosthetic body and sighed.

Compared with "internal skills" and "external skills" in ordinary contexts, military martial arts emphasizes "specialized prosthetics" rather than "algorithms". This was a martial arts created by the rulers of the world in response to the knights' uprising.

"As a result, bandits now use military martial arts? What kind of strange development has this world experienced?" Xiang Shan shook his head, then climbed up Gliard's back and opened the wound that penetrated his arm.

At this moment, he wanted to express his confusion through the expression language of "frown".

***The author has something to say***

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