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Chapter 103 Old man

Although he was muttering in his mind that he wanted to know who the Speed ​​King was, Xiangshan still breathed a sigh of relief when he came to the conclusion that the Speed ​​King was leaving the solar system.

According to the information provided by TX-0, the Speed ​​King will first accelerate in the orbit of Venus for several months, and then gradually change its direction and fly away from the ecliptic plane at a larger angle.

The ecliptic plane refers to the orbital plane of the Earth revolving around the sun, with an angle of 23°26' with the Earth's equatorial plane. The eight major planets in the solar system, as well as a large number of small celestial bodies, are mainly concentrated on the ecliptic plane.

In the ancient times, the solar system was still a spiral nebula, rotating in a flat posture in the universe. Under the influence of gravity, a large amount of matter spontaneously gathered in the middle, igniting the fire of nuclear fusion, and formed stars.

The remaining matter of that "disk" formed other celestial bodies.

Therefore, all large celestial bodies in the solar system, as well as the main small celestial bodies, are located on this plane. The matter on this plane is denser than elsewhere in the universe.

Although the ecliptic plane is dense with matter and there are many small celestial bodies that will block the route, most conventional aircraft will also move forward on the ecliptic plane.

Because flying on the ecliptic plane, you can better rely on the gravity of celestial bodies to move and save fuel.

For "Interstellar Voyage", this is crucial.

The same is true for the acceleration of the Speedy Court.

According to existing records, the initial acceleration of the Speed ​​Royal Court is usually completed in the orbit of Mercury or the orbit of Venus.

Celestial bodies that can be called "planets" have the ability to clear small celestial bodies near their orbits. Small celestial bodies in planetary orbits will fall towards larger celestial bodies under the influence of gravity.

As long as there are no intelligent creatures that make satellites out of minerals on the ground and re-launch them, the space near the planet will be "clean".

Here, acceleration becomes easy.

The Speed ​​Royal Court will accelerate in the orbit of the planet for several months, until it reaches ten percent of the speed of light.

According to Newton's second law, the role of force is not to "maintain motion", but to "change the motion of an object." When a force is applied to a stationary object, the motion state of the object will change, from "rest" to "motion".

The reason why an object stops is because the surrounding material exerts a force on it - or in other words, the kinetic energy of the object is transferred to the object in contact with it.

The matter in space is very thin, the "friction" is negligible, and there is no need to resist the earth's gravitational acceleration. Therefore, as long as the object continues to accelerate, it can easily accelerate to a very high speed - just consume more


This is exactly what fluidless engines are good at.

If the Speed ​​King sets off from the earth's surface in a stationary state, it will be almost impossible for it to overcome the earth's gravitational acceleration and fly out of the earth's gravity well.

However, the emergency speed and direction changes of the Divine Speed ​​Royal Court still require the support of working fluid.

Although conventional engines consume a lot of mass, the instantaneous output is still considerable.

After the Speed ​​Royal Court accelerates to this speed, it will leave the ecliptic plane and go to the edge of the solar system to perform some mission.

The return and deceleration of the Speedy Royal Court will also take the same amount of time.

This means that it is impossible for the Speed ​​King to come to Earth within one to two years.

But... we shouldn't take it too lightly.

The Speed ​​King has another trick up his sleeve.

He can lead an elite team to break away from the Speed ​​Court, accelerate to a higher level, and reach their destination one step ahead.

Inertia has nothing to do with the speed of an object's motion, only its mass.

Compared with the Speed ​​King's Court, it is much easier to let the Speed ​​King himself accelerate or decelerate.

After the Speed ​​King escapes from the Speed ​​King's Court, he can first arrive at the target planet and then quickly slow down. After killing the target, it can accelerate again and eventually catch up with the Speed ​​King's Court who is touring certain areas as planned.

Moreover, the speed king's body must be better disguised than the speed king's body.

This is also the reason why Tao Enhai did not escape the Speed ​​King in the first place.

"We still have to wait a few months. Wait a month or two for him to take action."

With Xiangshan thinking this way, he led his team and continued towards the location of the Youhe Knights.

The Youhe Knights are based on the northern section of the Rocky Mountains. On the east side of the northern section, there is a mountain range separated from the ocean.

As for Xiangshan and the others, their destination was on the west side of the Rocky Mountains.

They want to grab the refrigeration system in the wilderness.

If we try to rob it near the hinterland of the Knights, the risk will be too great.

After wiping out two small green forest gangs, Xiangshan and his party entered this great plain.

But along the way, Xiangshan felt an indescribable awkwardness.

This feeling was not obvious at first, but after crossing the Rocky Mountains, he gradually realized something.

Many places in the Rocky Mountains are in a state of being dug down one meter at a time.

Including some famous longevity plants, some scenic spots that can be used as geological specimens, etc.

"When I was in the United States, I wasn't quite sure, because after all, it was two hundred years ago." Xiang Shan whispered: "However, this is obviously not a natural change in the landform, nor is it the result of bombing by weapons."

If it was a large-scale explosion, some traces would not disappear completely in two hundred years.

And, having said that, normal people would not think of aiming nuclear weapons at such virgin forests that have little strategic value.

From an efficiency perspective, the most suitable targets for nuclear weapons are always metropolitan areas.

"This is really strange..."

Whispering like this to the mountain.

The Rocky Mountains look as miserable as a cake that has been scooped out with a spoon.

After crossing this mountain range, there is a... uh, relatively "rich" area?

It's hard to say rich.

Yuki's hometown recycling town is located in the middle of North America. There is very little precipitation in the deep interior and the desert area is large. But at least in this area, there is relatively sufficient water.

Xiangshan could even see some strange fungal colonies and clumps on the ground.

The number and diversity of creatures here are far greater than those in Yuki's hometown.

Although there is no wreckage of another Shakti-class battleship to be excavated here, there are actually more independent settlements here than around Jayhawk City.

When quietly approaching a settlement, Xiangshan discovered that the plants planted in this area were more diverse than those in Jayhawk City.

At the edge of a settlement, Xiangshan met the person he had agreed with beforehand.

The solo kill king was very happy and said to Xiang Shan: "Unknown hero, this time we will fight side by side again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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