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Chapter 105 Plan

After some exchanges with Jader, Xiangshan said he wanted to find a place to rest and left alone.

The location where the knights are now is an artificial underground space. It is said that it was dug secretly by a group of earth-boring dragons thirty years ago. The excavated soil was scattered to many places a thousand meters away. It looked like

Natural changes caused by wind are general.

Another sect that had good relations with Hongshimen operated here for a while, but later it was abandoned. This shelter has independent high-performance solar panels, a certain amount of metal resources, and a good 3D printer.

Print some replacement parts.

From the outside, this stronghold looks like an ordinary residence and is inconspicuous.

The exit of this stronghold is only two to three hundred meters away from the town.

In principle, knights should not actively move around the stronghold, because the prosthetic eyes of each resident may become the protector's camera. However, there will be no problem if they just wander around. Knights are all completely righteous.

Incarnated Cybermen. In this era, such people are usually warriors, and these ordinary people cannot afford to offend them. They will not do anything to strangers who approach the settlement.

Xiaoba blinked and appeared in the corner of the "native" vision.

"There's no need to think about that," Xiaoba said. "I can't think of it now, even if I try hard. Our symptom is memory loss at the physical level."

Xiangshan was certain that one of his friends must have died nearby.

Moreover, this is the emotional change brought about by the biological brain. Judging from various past signs, this biological brain will only have emotional reactions to historical events before the end of the Sublimation War.

What is certain is that this is basically what happened before the 22nd century.

But Xiangshan really doesn’t remember who died.

"Native" whispered; "But someone died. I don't know who it was."

"It's not important." Xiaoba said, "Although it's very sad, that matter is no longer important."

"But I don't even know who that person is."

"It's no longer important." Xiaoba said, "Things that happened two to three hundred years ago, and there are no records left, may have a very weak impact on the present. This is just an ordinary historical time. In the long river of history

"Well, this isn't even a wave, maybe it's just a ripple."

"Yeah, it's not important anymore." Xiang Shan said, "The most important thing now is to rush into Paradox City and fish out Lao Jiu. In this case, there will be no problems."

"Native" is an aspect of the personality of this creature's brain. It only has pure knowledge and emotions about events, but no memory of specific events. He only knows that something sad happened to him "in that place in central Africa".

Because in his mind, "that place" and "sadness" were related to each other. However, he could not remember "what specifically happened" between the two.

And "Xiaoba" is the legacy left by the Eighth Martial God to "another Martial God". In the view of the Eighth Martial God, the person who inherits this legacy must have a relatively complete memory of Xiangshan - this is the basis of the personality cover. So.

Xiaoba doesn't have a complete memory either.

But the Ninth God of War is a serious God of War. At least Xiangshan's memory is relatively intact. Even if his memory is defective, it is still to the extent of "Ah ha ha ha ha, so this kind of thing happened back then" when drinking and chatting.

As long as you rush into Paradox City and get the memory of the Ninth Martial God, all these doubts will be solved.

Xiaoba disappears again.

Xiangshan returned his attention to the present.

After Takahashi Ziyi brought the information back to the North Pole, several sects in the North Pole knew that his "Unknown Hero" needed refrigeration equipment. And they also told Xiang Shan about this line of the Youhe Knights.

Naturally, they also made some preliminary preparations.

The port of Youhe Knights is about 500 kilometers away from the headquarters of the Knights. When the specimen is taken out from the submarine, it will be put on the aircraft, and then the aircraft will be accelerated to supersonic speed. In this case, in

Within half an hour, the aircraft can arrive at the headquarters of the Youhe Knights.

The Knights of Yoho headquarters also has a gene bank defense force. But unlike Jayhawk City, the Knights of Yoho headquarters does not have excess foreign population gathering. The protectors simply set up a cordoned area and did not allow ordinary people to enter it.

In this era, people want to live in cities, and a considerable part of the reason is that "there will be no green forests in the city."

Within urban areas, patrons are very dense. In this environment, it is very dangerous to kill people in violation of Dyson's principles. Even gang activities are controlled at a relatively low intensity.

"Cities" in this era have no obligation to provide living places.

Since there are no residents, it is more difficult to "sneak in".

It’s not that it’s “impossible to infiltrate”, it’s that there’s no way to retreat when exposed.

In Jayhawk City, Xiangshan sneaked into the Research Knights' station. Even if he was exposed, he could escape as long as he escaped from the super building and blended into the residents.

But if Xiangshan is exposed at the Youhe Knights' station, he will have to escape from the encirclement of the entire army.

In addition, the benefits of infiltration are not that great.

Without detailed information, let alone papers or equipment, even helium cannot be stolen.

Helium is indeed a commonly used gas in laboratories, such as as a carrier gas for gas chromatography or as a protective gas. But other gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, and argon can also play similar roles. In view of the excellent performance of helium in refrigeration

Performance, and the significance of high-quality refrigerants to knights, so modern scientific research knights will also try to avoid using helium.

Even if it has to be used, it will be stored dispersedly. Helium will be broken down into smaller packages and stored scattered throughout the warehouse. It will be managed by robots. Every time it is taken out, it will be individually reviewed by internal skill experts and will not be used centrally.

If you want to steal something there, you need to be well prepared.

The gene bank defense force of the Youhe Knights headquarters also has a stronger affiliation with the Youhe Knights.

The cadre who protects the armed forces is also a warrior who has transcended the world.

Although Xiangshan's current internal strength can kill this person, the opponent has a chance to kill Xiangshan before the internal strength hack takes effect.

During the Tao Enhai breakout battle, Xiang Shan faced Feisha, but there was also Bai Man who had also broken through the first level of heaven and earth to hold him back.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to seize things within the Youhe Knights.

The best time is during the five hundred kilometers of transportation by this aircraft.

The Arctic Heroes have found a suitable location.

This chapter has been completed!
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