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Chapter 107 Is this a coincidence?

Master Blackhand actually named himself not Blackhand.

On the day when he gave up his old name and became a knight, the master gave himself the name "Haoyan" and inherited his mother's surname, which was called ND Haoyan. In addition, when he was young, he also tried to name himself "Heaven".

Famous names such as "Punishment Gun" and "Heavenly Punishment Gun" have not spread.

As for the name "Black Hand", it was a joke among friends later. What Master Black Hand is best at is traveling thousands of miles alone, fighting with the government and the green forest, and the government and the knights in the melee, shooting chestnuts from the fire, shooting government warriors, green forest tycoons, and often can kill them all in one go.

He hits the target, and even kills two birds with one stone. Friends say he is "cruel-hearted", and of course the kinder ones say he is "kind-hearted but evil-handed" - in short, he can't live with "black-handed".

Many years ago, when someone actually called him "Brother Black Hand" to his face, he reluctantly said that his nickname was "Black Hand".

So the title spread like that.

Many years ago, Master Black Hand could hunt down Rangers and obtain radioactive isotope batteries. Of course, over the decades, Master Black Hand had only seized a dozen of them. Some of them were used by himself, and the others were distributed to others.

A knight in need.

Others also owe Master Blackhand some favors.

If the life of his isotope battery is exhausted and he doesn't find a ranger to kill him, then other knights will naturally seize a battery for him and use it.

This is everyone's respect for the Black Hand Master.

When Master Blackhand became a chivalrous man, it was a few years after the death of the Eighth Martial God. The failure of the Seventh Martial God made the base of the Far Sun planet a little quieter. In the rocky planet zone in the solar system, more people were confused about chivalry.

And the news that "'Turing' recognized a man as a god of war" is like a thunder, reminding mankind that the glory of chivalry will never be extinguished.

However, after so many years, Master Black Hand also noticed that his reactions were gradually failing to keep up, and his martial arts progress also gradually slowed down.

This is "aging".

Although the father of all machines' original genetic modification surgery on benchmark humans gave humans a longer life span as a whole, the human neural network structure, other rhythms, etc. were all modified in accordance with the requirement that "the average life span should not exceed fifty years."

Designed by Yawgmoth, he reconstructed this piece of genetic information, but did not change the overall human structure much.

Compared with Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens has a long prime period and a long aging period.

For completely prosthetic modified humans with only the nervous system left, the enzyme can actually "reverse the life cycle", but to some extent the risk is too high and the price is too high.

For example, you have a skill that took you three or four years to practice. Then after using Danzyme to reset part of the nervous system, the skill lost one or two years of practice, but only gained a few months.

Lifespan - Of course, this is just an example, and there will not be such an accurate number in actual applications.

At this time, it is necessary to use gene therapy or epigenetic therapy to adjust the state of life.

Standardized anti-aging treatments occur only two to three decades after the birth of baseline humans.

But for modern people, there are other problems.

The first generation of reference humans were all transformed through standardized surgeries. Everyone was Homo sapiens in the past, and they were all transformed by the same surgeries, and some of their genetic information was highly similar.

But over the years, the situation has long since changed.

Natural mutations, the sequelae of nuclear radiation, leaked viral weapons, chemical substances, and unregulated genetic modification surgeries on the black market have caused slight changes in everyone's genes.

These changes were so small that even today humans have a unified blood type.

However, when it comes to "whole body life cycle adjustment", it is still necessary to carefully design a personalized plan.

Otherwise, you may encounter a "backdoor" in genetic information.

Master Blackhand went to the Arctic to recuperate a few years ago. There he compiled his experience of fighting over the years, reflected on what he had learned, educated his disciples, and waited for the completion of the gene therapy plan.

However, he heard that the "Unknown Hero" might need a powerful gunman, so he came himself.

Master Blackhand always acted alone. He had an isotope battery, so he brought a small unmanned vehicle to replenish parts and elixirs, and two small multi-functional engineering robots on his body. In this way, he broke through the northern protector's defense line.

, moving toward the Pacific Coast Mountains.

In the wilderness, he decided to take a short rest.

After driving for several days in a row, I was inevitably mentally tired.

Master Blackhand dug a hole in the ground, not very deep, and then lay down in the hole, letting the engineering robots bury him, and tried his best to disguise himself.

At this time, there were no conspicuous plants on the ground, and there were no root systems in the soil. If you didn't look carefully, it was hard to tell whether a piece of land had been disturbed recently.

Then, those multifunctional engineering robots left like spiders and found a place to hide themselves.

Master Blackhand was originally planning to sleep for more than ten hours.

However, ten hours later, he was awakened by a loud noise.

The automatic alarm sounded almost simultaneously. The system detected human voices in the surroundings.

Master Blackhand was very confused. The location he chose deliberately avoided the main roads where people came and went. It was far away from various wilderness settlements, so there was no need to worry about anyone passing by. The government would not dig around everywhere without any trouble. This should be

It's a safe place.

——The government? It seems not...

Master Blackhand didn't move.

Then, his prosthetic ear picked up the vibration.

Through the dirt, he heard the conversation.

"...Why not use direct wireless signal connection?"

——It looks like they are discussing secrets, but why don’t they use wireless signals to connect directly?

Master Blackhand also wants to ask this question.

"Are you really willing to contact me directly? Sword Envoy."

"It's okay." The other person's tone was a bit mechanical, but you could still hear his reluctance.

"Forget it, my madness is really contagious. And the place you chose is not bad. Really, it's far away from the settlement. Even if some residents see your aircraft, they won't have time to come over and check it out. And you can also follow it.

Say, 'I saw a green forest and cut it down'. Forget it, let's make the story short. What's the situation now? The Vulcan King is still angry, so it's not easy to say anything."

"The holy aunt came over from Mars with a batch of genetic data. Since that 'Indra' is still going crazy, there is no safe channel, so I can only fly over with a storage device. But I received news that there is a batch of genetic data.

The knights are operating nearby. Some people suspect that the news has been leaked."

This chapter has been completed!
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