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Chapter 110 Encounter

Master Blackhand's prosthetic eye automatically started fast photography the moment the bullet appeared.

With the help of the knight's brain, which has developed various magical powers due to his internal strength training, the program instantly locked two frames in a scene.

Those were the moment when the rock was shattered and the moment when the knight was shot.

Master Blackhand's prosthetic eye emits a beam of pulses to quickly measure distance.

Then, a model appeared in the master's mind.

The knight was suspended in mid-air, and fragments of the rock had just begun to fly.

——So...the trajectory of the bullet...

The black hand master calculated the trajectory.

His prosthetic eye automatically marked the extension of the short trajectory.

But, it's not enough.

These data are too little.

Master Blackhand lacks data on atmospheric flow, so he cannot directly determine the enemy's location.

The only thing that is certain is that the enemy is using a powerful sniper rifle with a caliber close to that of a "small artillery".

A bullet with such a large caliber may even have a secondary guidance function.

Experts can use such bullets to create very weird paths.

Master Blackhand wants to go out and help. If no one saves this knight, he will definitely die.

But Master Blackhand also knew very well that if he went out rashly, he would just die together.

——The sniper must be found.

Several grooves on Master Black Hand's back opened. A long and narrow metal object like a gun barrel slid out and fell into Master Black Hand's hand.

Master Blackhand quickly assembled it behind the rock.

This is his favorite gun, a non-standard model, modified by himself based on the classic "Ice Storm III". In the past, gunners could only adapt their technology to their own firearms, because at that time,

Thermal weapons are all factory-made assembly line products. However, 3D printing technology allows everyone to become a full-professional craftsman. Some martial arts masters can also adjust their own weapons on the premise of fully understanding the operating principles of the weapons.

Master Blackhand set up the sniper rifle and pointed the muzzle in the direction of the bullet.

Although he didn't know the specific location, he could still guess the general direction.

After confirming the target coordinates, the muzzle only needs to move a few centimeters.

At the same time, the armor on Master Blackhand's side and abdomen separated, then unfolded and deformed, slowly rising into the air. They turned out to be two disc-shaped drones.

Master Blackhand's special bullets and drone swarm are all in his small vehicle, and it's too late to call now. He only has one hundred sniper bullets and five smart bullets with secondary guidance functions in his hand.

He also couldn't set an object for the smart bullet before confirming the target.

The key now is to find the sniper.

The knight was stunned for a moment after one of his legs was broken, then he lay down on the ground, squirmed slowly, and retracted behind the vehicle.

The surrounding rocks cannot provide cover in front of bullets of that caliber. In comparison, the wreckage of this vehicle is actually safer.

He was also thinking about ways to escape.

There was another gunshot. The huge vehicle shook and shook.

It should be a sniper rifle.

However, the vehicle's bottom armor was not damaged.

——Can’t they see it from this angle...

Master Blackhand's mind is spinning and he controls the movement of the drone.

Then, his two prosthetic eyes moved independently and aimed at the two drones respectively.

Master Black Hand's internal strength is quite famous, it is called "Fan Wo Liuli Gong". Through technical means, he can suppress the activity of the corpus callosum and weaken the connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. At the same time, he can control the "left and right fighting" technique and output two different styles at the same time.

internal attack.

This is not the feeling of "using two internal skills at the same time", but the feeling of "one application opening two windows and switching back and forth".

Master Blackhand's prosthetic eye emits a laser signal to contact his two drones.

Although his drone swarm is not here, the sniper does not necessarily need his own drone swarm.

Other people’s are fine too.

The powerful internal force flowed into Master Blackhand's two drones along the laser signal, and then was converted into radio signals, which exploded in mid-air.

Master Blackhand's consciousness quickly rushed into another space.

For the Black Hand Master, this feeling is like reaching out to touch the air with your eyes closed, and then suddenly touching a wall.

--very good.

The data quickly flowed into the Black Hand Master's consciousness. The flow of the atmosphere, the specific terrain...

And most importantly...the other party's position...

Only then did the sniper react.

——What a strong internal force!

Master Black Hand exclaimed in amazement. In order to use more computing resources of his brain, his Saussure domain also connected the touch center. It was as if he was holding down a small freighter with a pair of invisible hands!

After several rounds of internal fighting, Master Blackhand suddenly adjusted the muzzle of his gun.

At this moment, the enemy's drone swarm predicted that a calm air with no high or low pressure clumps would appear between Master Black Hand's muzzle and the enemy.

Master Blackhand captured this moment. He moved the muzzle of his gun half an inch to the left and fired.

Within a time difference of almost tenths of a second, he saw the faint light of fire on the opposite side.

The other party must have used a flame suppressor or something like that.

One of Master Blackhand's drones was destroyed.

Master Blackhand's bullet penetrated the rock and hit the enemy.

After the rock shattered, Master Blackhand confirmed the enemy's identity.

"That guy is... Diweixing?"

Although the Green Forest Tiger List is a list issued by the government to guide uncontrolled forces to fight among themselves, the information in it is still true.

Although the knights are opposed to competing for rankings, they will still read the list - because there is indeed a lot of information in it.

Diweixing, Chestnut from the Fire, and Xia De, a green forest shooter who likes to use large-caliber sniper rifles.

Master Blackhand is a knight, and is not on the Green Forest list. But if you want to compare, he should be at a lower level in Tiangang Star, about twenty-seven or eight.

There is no essential difference between it and the top ranked Earthly Power Star among the Earthly Evil Stars.

Master Blackhand breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that by luck, he was able to kill the enemy with just one shot.

It's good in every sense of the word.

Then he slowly walked out and approached the knight.

The knight also discovered Master Black Hand. The gunfire just mentioned made him aware of Master Black Hand's existence.

The knight exclaimed: "Master Blackhand...that's not right! Be careful! There are others!"


Master Blackhand was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the rumors he had just heard.

There is a force driving Green Forest to attack the knights...

At this moment, his second drone was also destroyed.

At that moment, the drone captured a nearby shadow.

This chapter has been completed!
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