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Chapter 114 Ranking

Tianbaoxing walked away very peacefully. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought that he just turned off his phone temporarily...that would be weird.

The Green Foresters only found one wreckage.

They were unable to conduct further searches and could only call Tianqiao and Dikui.

These minions were newly developed locally by the green forest tycoons. Some were captured from martial arts schools, some were transformed from local gangs and soldiers, and some were even soldiers of the patrons who had their brains taken out and released.

In the new body. (The reason why the brain must be taken out is because any hardware of the government may have problems, but ordinary people do not have high internal strength and cannot be on guard at all times.)

Of course, there are still some who were civilians just a few days ago.

There will be people like this in every settlement. As long as a green forest warrior walks into a small town or village, knocks down a few people with martial arts skills, and then raises his arms and says, "Follow us, we have a powerful prosthetic body."

"With unlimited electricity, you can become stronger", naturally some people will join voluntarily.

There may only be a few in each settlement, but the population of this generation is relatively dense, so it is still possible to gather a small army.

As long as Green Forest's collective memory is injected into them through the Yakuza Consensus Therapy, they will become loyal Green Forest and absolutely trustworthy figures.

Green forest tycoons don't have to worry about supplies or troops. They can conquer the world with power supplies and storage devices. They are not like knights who pursue the assassination of strong people and powerful people, so they have relatively little pressure to survive.

Once the collective memory is instilled, these minions will really be as numerous as they want.

If necessary, they can even forcibly capture civilians and turn them into their own army.

However, the cohesion of that kind of army is acceptable, but the combat effectiveness is very problematic.

It's okay to say that the gang members, the martial arts warriors lack survival experience in the wilderness, and lack other skills other than combat. The green forest transformed from civilians can't even fight. They can't form any cooperation with each other.

Chores such as sentry duty are fine, but more complex tasks cannot be completed.

But once they are transformed, they are truly "one of their own" - at least for the green forest tycoons they share memories with. Very few green forest tycoons can really use these "new brothers" as cannon fodder.

Because of the Yakuza consensus algorithm, if some cannon fodder really dies, those big tycoons will really feel heartfelt pain.

Therefore, the green forest tycoon will not easily convert his younger brother.

And those who can bear such "heartfelt pain" and let their brothers die are all ruthless among ruthless people.

Tianqiao arrived first, took a look at the scene, and was a little displeased: "These idiots... walked too close. Some traces were trampled."

"By retrieving memory, interference can be eliminated to a certain extent." The voice of Earth Star Nix came over the communication.

"Same." Tianqiaoxing Suzuki Yuyan nodded and looked around: "Which of you discovered this place? Has anyone been close to it?"

Since both Green Forest and Green Forest have the foundation of the Ultimate Consensus Therapy, they have a kind of understanding that is similar to a "common cultural background", so the difficulty of reading and memorizing is much smaller. In addition, Tian Qiao Xing has some inner strength foundation, so in Di Kuixing

Before arriving, she extracted the records of the scene discovery from the memories of the minions.

When "Dionysian Spirit" Nicks arrived, Suzuki Swift had already arranged for a drone to scan the scene and model it.

Knicks looked at Suzuki Swift: "What are your thoughts?"

"Well...congratulations on your promotion to the Tiangang ranking. The two of us have been promoted." Suzuki Yuyan said.

Tianqiaoxing is the thirty-sixth one in Tiangang, while Di Kuixing is the first one in Disha and the thirty-seventh one on the Tiger List.

The Sky Crying Star and Sky Burst Star are exactly at thirty-four and thirty-five.

If this news is released and the list is refreshed next month, Suzuki Swift and Knicks can fill their spots.

The Green Forest Tiger List is a regional list, and each district is calculated independently. The same is true for the Dragon and Phoenix List. The Dragon and Phoenix List where Master Black Hand is on and the Tiger List where they are on are both Earth-Moon ranking lists.

And because King Agni, the strongest among the kings, is on the moon, the light of the earth-moon warriors is dim. Without the struggle between the Jianghu people and the government, the survival gap of Green Forest is also smaller.

In such a list, the number of people is small, and the level is not high. Naturally, the levels of the first few rankings are quite similar, and there are mutual restraints. Therefore, some rankings will be specially awarded to those who are outstanding in a certain aspect.


For example, "Tian Su", if there is a green forest who has a particularly big advantage in speed and nerve reflexes, and is far away from others, then even if his actual level is seven or eight places lower or higher, he will be able to do it.

He was placed on Tiansu in the 20th place.

In the same way, the green forest that is the longest in an area with internal strength will be placed in the third place "Tianji", the green forest that is the longest in the sniper method will be ranked in the ninth "Tianying", and the green forest that is the longest in the medium and short-range gun fighting skills will be placed in the ninth place.

Then it is the sixteenth "Tianjie", and so on.

However, this kind of "technical adjustment" is also limited. It is impossible to say that a person who is actually only in the 70s or 80s will be ranked in the "Tianying" just because he knows sniping. He must be at least 20th in overall ability.

Within this period, you can rely on special skills to fill the position.

On the contrary, a high-speed warrior who can defeat the top three on the Tiger List will not be ranked as "Tian Speed", even if he is indeed much faster than others. The government will only rank him first and send out all the experts.

The team of rangers and senior military attachés went hunting.

This seems to be an adjustment based on some mysterious ancient culture, which allows people to quickly understand the strengths of some of the characters on the list.

Of course, if there are no such talents who are "particularly outstanding in specific aspects", then the ranking will naturally be based on hard power.

Neither Sky Crying Star nor Sky Burst Star require "specialties" in rankings. Tian Qiao Star prefers "one-on-one" and "sneak assassination", but Green Forest rarely does the latter, so this "technical adjustment"

"There are not many cases.

According to the understanding of the green forest, if the stars fall in this battle, the possibility of Suzuki Swift and Knicks moving forward in the rankings is really high.

Nix sighed.

Three years ago, the original Sky Speed ​​Star "Walking in the Dark" Dark Source Red was killed by the new Speed ​​Star Bor Technique. But within a few months, this Speed ​​Star disappeared. Neither did the Tian Meng Star who was in the same camp as him.

After receiving the slightest information, no one knew where the Sky Speed ​​Star had gone.

And this Tianqiaoxing is also a figure in the same village as Tianmengxing. It seems that she was very concerned about Tiansuixing who didn't have the nickname of Green Forest in the past. I don't know why, she also really wanted the title of "Tiansu", but because of the hard...

His strength was limited to Tianqiao's position.

"Let's divide it according to the occasion. It's really hard for me to understand why Tianji insists on finding an alliance with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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