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Chapter 139 Be careful

"Find Nia Guti...find her..." Xiang Shan whispered, "She is a biologist at the same level as Yawgmoth... No wonder it is like this. Doctor Tao asked me to find Nia first..."

There are so many things that you cannot get the truth by just thinking about them.

Xiangshan put this matter aside for the time being and picked up the second head again.

That's the head of Dihuixing.

Dihuixing and Tianqiaoxing are the only two former knights among this group of green forest who were forced to work in a copycat village by the Jida consensus therapy.

Xiang Shan asked the question again according to the process he and Tian Qiao Xing had.

This is a standard drawn up by Xiang Shan.

If a person is forced to undergo Yakuza Consensus Therapy not of his own free will, then he has lost the ability to control himself - he can be considered "crazy".

Mental illness is not something people suffer from voluntarily, nor can they fight against it. Therefore, on this basis, the guilt of Green Forest who was forced to be baptized should be attributed to the person who forced them to be baptized.

Therefore, under the most ideal situation, all green forests who are forced to be baptized should receive treatment.

But that's the most ideal situation.

Xiang Shan doesn't think that today's knights are qualified to do such a thing.

But Xiangshan didn't want to give up completely. He also had related thoughts deep in his heart - if he had gone to help Borshu with such thoughts three years ago, the outcome might have been very different.

In the green forest where people were forced to be baptized, there must be people like Borshu who are still struggling. If one such knight could be saved, Borshu's struggle would be meaningful.

Now Xiangshan needs to find a way to identify "those who can be treated" and those who are "difficult to treat".

This is the screening issue that Xiang Shan is thinking of right now.

"What would you think of a chivalrous person among the friends you share collective memory with?"

The ultimate consensus therapy purely connects the group emotionally. Its biggest side effect is that it causes the hostility of individuals within the group to be infinitely amplified towards individuals outside the group. "Collective memory" blocks the empathy of individuals within the group towards individuals outside the group.

Therefore, it does not make much sense to ask a green forest whether he will feel sympathy for non-green forest. Because this is where the Yakuza Consensus Therapy is most distorted.

If you want to accept that "Green Forest who is forced to be baptized is equivalent to a mental patient", then you must accept that "lack of empathy is one of the symptoms". Otherwise, setting up this screening mechanism is of little significance.

Xiangshan changed his approach.

He brought out the story of Borshu and directly penetrated these green forests through the direct connection of consciousness.

How would you feel about someone "who is supposed to empathize with you" if he or she acted chivalrously?

For Green Forest, who is in the same village and shares collective memories, everyone in the village is a family member.

They may not like each other much, but they are both members of the same family - family members who are closer than blood.

——If ‘outsiders’ make you hostile regardless of whether they are justified or not...

——What about our own people?

Xiangshan is looking forward to the answer to this question.

Green Lin is by no means an idiot who can't think. It's just that the premise of their thinking has been replaced. They will only instinctively think on the side of "copycat".

But what if there is a chivalrous person in the village?

Since a technology requires you to obey a group and have a sense of belonging to this group above all else, then when there is a little kindness in this group, will you, as a green forest, have a positive impression on this kind-hearted companion?

What about your emotions?

Suzuki Swift's deepest thought is "Although I am weak, I am still yearning for it"

The thoughts of Di Huixing are "traitor" and "murderous intention".

This is an interesting difference.

However, the only thing worth worrying about is that this method may only be used by "Tianmeng and its directly affiliated Green Forest".

Because Lu Lin may not have empathy for Lu Lin.

For a green forest, "the green forest in the cottage next door" may not be considered a person.

Fortunately, in the Green Forest that has been captured now, this situation of "knights being forced to be baptized" is concentrated among the Tianmeng family.

Moreover, according to the memories of those people, Tianji Star jumping up and down is also engaged in something called the "King of Heaven Project". Therefore, all the green forests in this mountain range have exchanged part of their collective memories.

For now, this method is sufficient.

Xiang Shan decided to do a pilot test this time.

It is precisely because of this that Xiangshan did not kill Dihuixing immediately.

He still has to wait for Tianmengxing's answer.

If Tianmengxing's answer is even worse, then Dihuixing may become "the standard at this stage."

If the malice in Tianmengxing's answer is less than that of Dihuixing, then Tianmeng will become that standard.

Including Tianmeng, there is no need to save the green forests that are worse than Tianmeng.

Unless chivalry prevails.

Xiang Shan thought so, and the next step was the last step.

He slowly wiped his hand over his face, giving a self-suggestion.

Personality overlays have been replaced.

Xiang Shan immediately changed his perspective.

He began to examine a patch common to these green forests.

For Xiang Shan, "reading other people's memories" is also a very laborious task. The essence of human perception of the outside world is to extract corresponding concepts layer by layer through neural networks. To accept a large amount of "information understood by others" in a short period of time requires Saussure

God's Domain mobilizes all the resources of the brain to participate.

But now, he has to do another thing.

"The level of this patch is extremely high. It was definitely not written by these Green Lins themselves. If it was written by Tianji himself, then his level would be quite terrifying... Of course, it is also possible that his theoretical level is very high?"

"Programming ability" is an important part of "internal strength", but the two cannot be equated.

An insider must be a powerful programmer.

But a person with a high level of programming may not necessarily be an expert at home.

Internal strength is "the level of controlling machinery" and emphasizes offense and defense in a short period of time.

Of course, in this era, there are really very few people who become god-level programmers based solely on theoretical skills. Among other things, internal strength training builds Saussure's realm. The improvement in thinking brought about by this process is really important to the improvement of programming level.

It's very big.

Due to the presence of King Agni, Tianji may really have a high level of programming, but he does not dare to use online meditation to improve his internal strength.

——It seems that you have to be extra careful when facing Tianji.

The parts of the whole body have almost recovered, and the subtle deformations and accumulated stress have gradually recovered.

Xiangshan extracted the martial arts of these green forests, extracted part of their memories, and also extracted recent intelligence.

He's going to find trouble with those green woods.

Xiang Shan stood up and looked at the sky. The east had turned slightly white.

"About four hours." Xiang Shan nodded, "Let's set off."

This chapter has been completed!
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