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Chapter 146: Unknown charge

"Chaotic system", or "nonlinear system", was first proposed by a meteorologist.

When people calculate future atmospheric conditions based on the initial state of atmospheric motion, small differences in the initial state will make the subsequent evolution results very different. This phenomenon can be called the inherent randomness of the atmosphere.

In the unique vision of a sniper, the world is shrouded in "chaos." The world is covered in fog called "randomness" and "uncertainty." These fogs are even imperceptible. And the essence of "sniping" is,

It is to find a path that bullets can pass through in these fogs.

And "information" is used to eliminate uncertainty.

The information flow collected by drones can disintegrate the fog called "uncertainty".

For snipers, drones are the foundation of extreme sniping.

Normally, the distance between the drone group and the target will not exceed three hundred meters.

It can be considered that the "special vision" of a single drone to break through the "fog" can only go so far.

However, this creates a huge problem.

Drones are afraid of internal strength.

Drones are cheap consumables. No one will accumulate too many resources on drones - otherwise there will be no point in using machines like "drone".

However, due to limited functions, if the drone signal wants to reach the remote controller, it needs to jump through other drones.

Each jump will cause a slight delay.

If the drone is too close to the target, it can easily be hijacked.

There are even more extreme ones. Some masters of internal skills can quietly hijack a drone and then order the drone to send wrong parameters to the sniper.

In this way, the sniper will miss several shots even if he fires them. And he may not be able to notice it himself.

And now, Tianji rushes towards the end of the drone group.

Considering the level of internal strength shown in the opponent's patch, Xiangshan controlled the drone to retreat rapidly.

The movement of the drone itself will also have an impact on the observation, but at this time we don’t care about that much.

Tianying's finger pulled the trigger and fired three shots in one second.

Xiangshan was prepared to miss these three shots. But these three consecutive shots would force Tianji to the position of Xiangshan's fourth shot.

——At this time, as long as...

Xiangshan suddenly felt creepy. If he still had hair, he would probably have "the hairs standing on end".

——This feeling is...radar wave...

A radar wave swept over Xiangshan.

Xiangshan's receiver directly poured the signal into the circuit related to "fear and trembling".

A place like the Highlands is indeed condescending and has great advantages. But it also means that it is easier to be discovered.

Tianying uses an electromagnetic coil to excite it, which is faster than gunpowder. Each bullet can also omit the chemical gunpowder part, and there will be no gun flames. However, the sound generated by the bullet tearing the atmosphere, the bullet and the atmosphere

The tracks caused by friction and heat cannot escape the eyes of others.

But the question is, who would use such a powerful active detection at this time?

Active detection is equivalent to "shooting a light towards the opposite side". While seeing the enemy clearly, it also tells the enemy "I see you". Even this process can be easily seen by a third party. Knights rarely use this skill in the wilderness.

Green Lin almost doesn't know how to use it.

When Tianying fired the fourth bullet, Xiangshan couldn't help but turn his head and look over.

It was an all-terrain tank. There were three pairs of insect-like mechanical legs on both sides of the tank. There were also tracks on the sides of the mechanical legs. It could also switch to normal tank mode when encountering flat ground.

The two-meter-tall metal insect crawled around the mountain like a cockroach. The radar wave was obviously emitted by it.

When Xiang Shan saw him, the top of the metal insect spurted out several tongues of fire vertically upwards.

"Medium and short-range tactical missiles...the warhead charge is unknown..."

Xiang Shan was stunned: "It's just a fight in the green forest. Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Unknown warhead charge" even means "possibly a nuclear warhead." Xiangshan has experienced worse times, and he knows that when confronting some crazy guys, "unknown charge" is best treated as a nuclear warhead.


Isn't a guy who can make a deal with Green Forest and use active detection equipment and missiles in the wild "crazy"?

This short-range missile can accelerate to supersonic speed within ten seconds, and the terminal speed may even reach more than Mach 20. And the place where the guy launches is far enough. By the time the bullet flies past, the rocket has already accelerated to the point where the bullet is chasing it.

Not as good as that.

And take advantage of the missile to enter the effective range of the sniper rifle to snipe it...

It's a little too exciting.

Xiangshan knew he still had a few seconds. He turned his attention to the other side.

Tianji is not dead yet.

Tianji dodged two shots in a row, and then managed to have his arm broken by the third bullet. He crossed the route estimated by Xiang Shan and continued to approach the drone.

"Some tricks..."

At this moment, he was very close to the drone.

At this time, the parameters returned by the drone may no longer be trustworthy.

Xiang Shan made a quick decision and fired the last two shots with Tianying, then jumped down directly with Tianying's torso.

Tianying's body hit the ground like a flea, her limbs absorbed the rebounding force, stored it in the joints, and then jumped high.

Three small flying-wing drones approached, like hawks. The lines of fire extended from under their bellies.

Several muzzles popped out of Tianying's torso, exploding these small missiles and destroying the drone.

Xiang Shan continued to run forward for two steps, then patted his head: "Ah, I forgot..."

After the storage device was removed from Tianying's head, Xiangshan casually placed it on the ground.

Now it seems that there is no need to look back.

Amidst several almost overlapping screams, the missiles fell in succession.

In an instant, the surrounding area around Xiangshan became a hundred times brighter than daytime.

——Conventional explosives...but the power is really good...

The high ground and the surrounding stone walls collapsed at the same time, and the mountain collapsed like building blocks under the power of explosives.

Hundreds of tons of rocks rolled down like water.

If these tens of millions of kilograms of dead objects are smashed down, even a cyber warrior would be unable to bear it.

But Xiangshan jumped flexibly between rocks.

The acceleration due to gravity is only 9.8 meters per second squared. Most rocks slide down slowly enough for him.

He can flexibly jump between rocks, and even control Tianying's body to jump in different trajectories and ride down landslides to charge downwards.

He saw two black shadows flashing on the ground.

One is running towards Tianji, and the other is running towards oneself.

Xiang Shan smiled: "Well done!"

This chapter has been completed!
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