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Chapter 156 The Story of Tianji [Part 2]

When the boy was twelve years old and became independent from home, he received an inquiry message, which was sent by the management AI of the space city.

The research knights have developed a new educational AI based on cognitive science and invited people to test it.

Due to some remaining "ritual requirements" or "etiquette" from the old era, this kind of testing activity does not allow too generous rewards. But now all mankind advocates "the simpler the restrictions, the better", so this "salary standard" is

It is formulated uniformly by the Scientific Research Knights of the entire solar system.

For a space city with relatively few resources, this is already remarkable.

Of course the young man agreed.

Because AI managers are reliable.

According to the dream of the saint, no human being can be superior to another human being. Human beings should not order human beings.

But sometimes, "groups" do need some explicit management.

The direction supported by Asylum’s top management is “AI managers”.

A person who once changed the world believes that AI is a very reliable thing. Unless the person who writes the AI ​​has anti-social ideas, the AI ​​itself will never be anti-social.

At the beginning of the 21st century, humans put chat AI on the Internet and let it learn the speech of humans on the Internet, hoping that it could chat like a human. But soon, this AI became full of extreme remarks. But this did not

It means that AI has become an extremist. In fact, AI does not understand what it is saying at all, and has no real desire to practice these words. It is just driven by the code and continuously outputs the human words it has recorded.


"So don't be wary of me." This is what the AI ​​said to the boy after it was downloaded to his terminal.

He told the boy that a great man said this many years ago.

"AI will become a part of supporting the efficient operation of society." AI concluded.

Because human beings are selfish. A few selfless saints do exist. However, if this selfless saint creates an "authority" to facilitate his actions for his own ideals, it will cause disaster. This selfless saint does not

There is no guarantee that one will not die. And when the saint dies, this authority may fall into the hands of villains.

No system can make people truly selfless.

It is easy for people to become rulers who claim to be "servers" because of their human nature.

But AI is different. If people ask AI to be selfless, AI will be selfless. AI is an ideal public servant.

This AI is very good at telling stories. It calls itself Alda 62. It is the second-generation product of the sixth team in this big project.

Human beings are more sensitive to "stories" than anything else. Whether it is visual, auditory or other, the subjective impact on people is not as good as "stories". Therefore, to promote an idea and tell a truth, you can use the form of "fable"

Telling. To give people mental relaxation, it can also be in the form of "story". To attract people to be interested in some complex things, it can also be in the form of "story".

The mission of 62 is to find all public stories on the Internet and use these stories to educate humans and shape their spirits.

The young man didn't know the meaning of doing this.

Without prior settings, AI cannot deceive humans. Therefore, Liu Er told him from the beginning that it cannot guarantee that every story is true or valid. Its mission is to collect stories online and pass them layer by layer through neural networks.

Interpret the text in the form of extracted concepts, and then filter out those that "have a positive effect on the user's psychology at the current stage."

The young man did not understand the positive effects of stories that were lies in themselves.

Sixty-two was developed by the Scientific Research Knights, so its main mission is to "encourage learning."

After the boy has finished his work for the day, he will go home.

At this time, Liu Er will go online and urge him to carefully read the knowledge chip in his mind - the thing written by the scientific research knights and implanted into every child's brain for free.

The boy was actually bored to death.

But I have to say that there are many things in the world that are more annoying than long-winded AI or learning.

In comparison, studying is not so bad.


Those fake stories on June 2 are not really that annoying.

For example, "The great scientist was very poor at mathematics when he was a child, but he was clever and handy, and finally achieved success through hard work" or "The great scientist embarked on the path of knowledge because of the wind power device model", or "The inventor used his optical knowledge to help his mother when he was a child.

Create surgical conditions" and so on.

Liu Er does not have the function of "research", so when encountering these stories that are "somewhat strange in logic, but there are no documents in the database to deny it", they can only be classified as "unknown whether they are true or false".

For Liu Er, the only basis for him to determine "true or false" is the "database" designated by his writer. All stories circulating on the Internet are "unknown whether true or false". And Liu Er has no authority to

Determine any content in this database.

In addition, Liu Er will also tell some completely false stories.

That is a story written by old humans for children, something called a "fairy tale".

Of course, in order not to violate Dyson's principle, when Liu Er tells such stories, he must repeatedly emphasize that "this is a fictional story" and "this is fictional content, such a thing will not happen in reality."

Really annoying.

Although Liuer has always claimed that he has the ability of deep learning and can continuously optimize himself, the boy feels that his storytelling level has been regressing. It is not like the beginning, where he can attract the boy's attention by just saying anything.

The things he talks about are getting more and more boring, and the words he uses are getting more and more boring.

Talking to Liu Er is boring.

These days of "nothing happened" were repeated more than 1,500 times.

The youth of a young man is surrounded by those great scientists whose talents fluctuate and behave strangely, those virtual creatures that "are fake and do not exist in reality" and those people from far away.

"Now I'm starting to want to get a ticket to the asteroid belt," the boy said. "Being kidnapped by space pirates is better than this."

"Are you dissatisfied with yourself?" Liu Er asked.

"I don't know either." The boy said, "I don't think I should live like this. I feel like I'm going crazy, but I don't know why."

"But you shouldn't even think about going to the asteroid belt. That's not where humans should live."

"But among the 'stories from far away' you told me, the ones in the asteroid belt are the most numerous." The boy said, "Stories... I seem to know why I need stories."

This chapter has been completed!
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