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Chapter 52 Escape

Ali and Andy, the green forest brothers, did not know that Xiangshan had already seen them through a drone before they saw Xiangshan.

Xiangshan would not take the initiative to attack and seize the vehicle. But since the opponent took the initiative to attack and showed a deadly posture, he would naturally give a counterattack of the same level.

Ali has begun to be afraid. Yes, afraid. He no longer has the emotion of "regret".

He felt the guy pick up Andy's body with his own weapon and put it behind him. He also confiscated Andy's weapon.

Andy's motorcycle continued to move forward like this. This motorcycle has a low center of gravity and can continue to move forward even without a rider. If you need to turn, Xiangshan only needs to use a long stick to press down the handle.

Ali heard a sound of metal hitting behind him. Through some means, Xiangshan first destroyed the screws that fixed the outer armor.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of a sharp knife cutting flesh, and the sound of flowing water.

There might be blood splattered on his back. Ali thought that it was his brother's blood.

The smell of blood couldn't keep up with the speed of the motorcycle, so Ali didn't suffer any olfactory torture.

But he started to cry.

"Oh, I'm crying." The terrifying voice came from behind him: "Do you feel it? The feeling of being treated with violence..."

"Are you a knight? What good will it do you to do such a thing..."

"What are you talking about..."

A hand pressed on the back of Ali's head. Ali thought he was dead, and his vision went dark - fear completely covered the visual signals.

He then heard: "Have you seen the bloody spine behind your brother? What good does this do to his original owner, and what good does it do to you? What good does that do to you, and what does this do to me?


Ali trembled. He realized that even if he did as the knight said, the other party would never let him go. Despair had overtaken all thoughts - he could not even muster the courage to "die together".

Xiang Shan cut open Andy's body.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, 'Dragon's Breath'...it's okay."

"Dragon's Breath" is the first generation of artificial prosthetic lungs for athletes. The special feature of its design is that it imitates the "air sac system" unique to Sauromorpha-Avian, and adds a group of air sacs to the rear part of the lungs.

, to ensure that whether you are exhaling or inhaling, the air in the lungs is flowing at a high speed, unlike mammals, where the air in the lungs cannot flow between exhalation and inhalation.

According to research, this structure of the lungs supported the terrifying movement ability of dinosaurs, so this artificial prosthetic lung was named "Dragon Breath".

"Tsk, tsk, this prosthetic structure is still in use today... Yes, if the transformation rate is full, the lungs will be a burden. It is good to have the ability to supply oxygen to the brain. I remember from the first session of prosthetics... what kind of sports activities...

…It only took ten years to reach the full transformation rate?”

In this era, artificial prosthetic lungs are only provided to some people with low transformation rates for periodic use.

However, artificial lungs are always better than biological lungs. After all, prosthetic lungs do not need to consider rejection reactions.

This way Yuki will be saved.

"Speaking of which, 'Dragon's Breath'... is it some kind of Japanese brand? It's hard to describe the naming taste."

While Xiang Shan was thinking, he took out the battery from Andy's body.

The battle with Griad and the welfare officer consumed his battery too much. And the "donkey" carrying the spare battery was lost again, and the energy had to be shared with Yuki to maintain his life. Now he is indeed a little short of energy.


At this time, he suddenly raised his head, then casually slapped Ali on the elbow, and at the same time used a long stick to change the direction of Andy's motorcycle.

The drone sent back a signal.

"Donkey" was found.


With a "pop", Grand Doug stepped on the small flame under his feet.

This is spontaneous combustion of a metal battery. Another booby trap.

Grande Doug realized something - he was facing a veteran.

That "mountain" has a strong sense of anti-tracking. This amnesiac guy seems to be aware of the existence of his "pursuing soldier", so he arranged these devices that have no lethality and can only broadcast a weak signal at a relatively close distance.

"Booby traps" to remind you of your location.

All "flavorful" places have this kind of small mechanism.


Granddog ran along a sinusoidal trajectory in the direction marked by the three mines he triggered.

Soon after, he stopped and took a quick sniff at the ground.

It was a series of footprints and two sets of tire tracks. It looked like they were a person on foot and two thugs on motorcycles. The person's footprints disappeared at a certain point.

The wind and sand almost destroyed these footprints. He could not see any more information. But he was a little concerned about one thing - was the owner of the footprints kidnapped and put on a motorcycle, or was it his own goal to rob the motorcycle?

Judging from the direction indicated by the booby trap, it should be impossible. Because this line of footprints is not the same as the direction of the "mountain". But if the owner of the footprints is a robber motorcycle, it will require very high martial arts. This is basically

It fits the characteristics of "mountain".

After all, there aren't many people with that kind of martial arts.

Granddog ran a few steps in the direction of the tire tracks and then saw blood on the ground.

He sniffed it. It didn't smell like "mountain".

It seems that the owner of that line of footprints must have been killed.

The dark-brown dog thought so and continued to chase in the direction he determined.

The wind and sand soon completely erased the footprints and tire marks.


At dawn, Xiang Shan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Yuki lying on the ground and grinned: "Tsk, tsk, luckily I also know a little bit about medical skills... Then again, why do I know everything? Who am I?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Mr. Ali did not escape with his life in the end. After finding the "donkey" and no one needed to drive the motorcycle, Xiangshan sent him on the road without any pain.

Xiangshan, who learned about the green forest ecology from Leif's memory, has no sympathy for all green forests.

They are not worthy of being called human beings if they are capable of such evil things.

Andy's prosthetic lungs were placed in Yuki's body. The artificial plasma, water, and food carried by the two motorcycles were all sent into Yuki's body.

The disciple's life was probably saved.

In addition, the pursuers seemed to have been misled in other directions.

After the first booby trap arranged by Xiang Shan was triggered, the fourth and sixth booby traps were triggered one after another. The pursuer did not seem to realize that he was walking in circles in this area because he was looking for a "donkey".

I thought he was running for his life, so I chased him straight away.

This is why Xiangshan dared to stop and perform an operation on Youki.

The enclosed space surrounded by half of the tapestry barely blocked the wind and sand. This was the operating room. The scalpel was also used by Longconi's knife. The sutures were made using wires.

Xiangshan remembered that all pathogens from the old era were unable to infect metal-based humans. But he also heard that Yuki's father and Enoch had both been sick.

This was not a good sign. This should not be the result of natural evolution. He really couldn't figure out why someone would want to upgrade the pathogen to this new version.

But there is really no choice but to do this. Mingshan now only believes in metal-based humans... there is a racial name... this new type of humans are resistant to mechanical damage.

"But...what exactly is it...the species name..."

When Xiang Shan was studying the Griad chip, he occasionally thought about such questions.

Then, the sun and moon move forward, and day and night change.

In the past two days, Xiangshan continued to send water and nutrients into Youki's body, and then waited quietly.

On the third day, Yuki finally woke up.

"Huh... kid, you are lucky. Thank you to the person who developed that genetic modification therapy." Xiang Shan said: "If you were still homo sapiens, you would have become an idiot long ago."

Yuki wondered: "ho...mo...sapiens?"

"The species name of 'Old Human' is binomial. 'Homo' is the genus name, Homo. sapiens, the species of Homo sapiens." Xiang Shan pondered: "'New Human' should be named 'homo vexillues' according to binomial naming.


Yuki was puzzled: "What... does this mean?"

Xiang Shan looked around: "Well, indeed, you may not see the significance. After all, I haven't even seen a blade of grass recently."

As for taxonomy, its necessity can only be highlighted when there are enough species.

Yuki has basically seen few species that can be used for classification.

Although the boy didn't understand what his master was talking about, judging from his teasing tone, he was probably telling a joke. He tried hard to squeeze up his facial muscles, trying to put on a smile.

But the tears still flowed down.

"Woo...wuwuwuwu..." Yuki wiped away his tears with his hand. His prosthetic hand had been replaced not long ago, and he had not yet mastered the strength, and a bloody streak was scratched under his eyelids. Xiangshan pressed the button immediately

Holding Yuki's hand: "I'm not changing your prosthetic body to make you kill yourself."

"I know...wuwuwu...I know..." Yuki whispered: "But my mother...my mother...mother, she..."

Xiangshan let go of Yuki's hand, and then patted his head gently: "Well, Ms. Yulia is an amazing person. Remember your current feelings, Yuki - never forget your current feelings.

Pain, carve it into your heart.”

Yuki sniffed: "Then what."

"Then, it depends on what you think." Xiang Shan looked at Yuki: "You can think it's my fault. If I had left earlier, maybe this matter would not have affected your mother. If you think so, you might

It will feel better..."

"This is impossible!" Yuki shouted: "I saw who did it... the person who killed my mother, I know who it is!"

"Very good. Since you have abandoned the path of self-deception, you are qualified to continue on 'this path'." Xiangshan looked at Yuki and said seriously: "If you keep preparing, we will go for revenge."

This chapter has been completed!
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