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Chapter 159 Departure and Deception

Xiang Shan did not agree with what Tianji Sanren said.

However, he is willing to admit that this fallacy contains some "correct" parts.

Humanity's "modernization" is supposed to be a groundbreaking process, cutting off the gloom of the past, bringing the light of reason and civilization, and allowing more people to live in a happier environment.

At least that's what people like Xiang Shan who have certain beliefs in "modernity" think.

"Modernization" should be something groundbreaking.

However, Xiangshan knew that this was not actually the case.

Human modernization is great, but that doesn’t stop it from being a piece of shit.

"Modernization" is in collusion with capitalism. Science and imperialism help each other, and the ghosts of the past quietly blend into the foundations of society. Mistakes that have lasted for thousands of years remain uncorrected.

This society is even more incompatible with human instincts than "Pastoral".

Human beings have obtained material resources, but spiritual alienation is even more intense.

Human beings, hunter-gatherers who should have roamed the grasslands, are now trapped in the reinforced concrete cages of their own creation.

However, this by no means means that it is really "bad".

It is "not good enough".

Xiang Shan knows very well that some processes in the world are irreversible.

After human beings have experienced modernization once, they can never go back to the original point.

Even if "modern society" collapses, mankind will not return to the pastoral pastoral that contains longing for the future, but will become another state of fear of "civilization."

It is not a good idea to let humans return to the state of hunter-gatherers and develop again.

Moreover, human beings cannot truly abandon advanced production methods. From the beginning of the agricultural era, human beings have lived a life that is incompatible with their instincts. However, human beings have not abandoned the development of civilization because of this.

Xiangshan looked in the direction of Dai Jiutai.

After all, Tianji Sanren is still a member of the Six Dragons Sect. The memory just now only contains that one story. A lot of details have been deleted. Xiangshan doesn't know what Tianji Sanren looks like when he is still a natural person, and he doesn't know his real name.

I don’t know which one the “space city without a story” is.

The only certain name is the number of the AI ​​"Orda Sixty-Two". But this number is also very vague, and part of it must have been omitted.

In such a large project, the beta branch of the core AI will definitely be more than two digits. And each branch will definitely be used by more than one user group.

Xiangshan could hardly deduce from this information.

Even "between the orbit of the Earth and the orbit of Mars" is determined based on concepts such as the social form in memory, the length of day and night, and the annual cycle.

If this memory hadn't been able to bypass these things, Tianji Sanren would have blurred this detail.

But Tianji Sanren also revealed a lot of things.

Memory files are difficult to edit accurately. The Scientific Research Knights spent a lot of manpower and material resources to "remove all non-objective factors" and create a pure "knowledge chip".

There must be impurities flowing in unconsciously in those memories.

And this memory is the most critical period in the process of forming Tianji Sanren's personality.

This memory was actually put into the depths of memory by Tianji Sanren for a time.

However, his years in the green forest strengthened his understanding that "modern society is also a kind of hell".

This memory was beaten by various technical means and became a very critical part of his mind.

Tianji Sanren's thoughts in the last moments of his life also revolved around it.

There are countless regrets and thoughts of Tianji Sanren in it.

And these "impurities" can also become the personality profile of Tianji Sanren.

Xiang Shan can guess how Tianji Sanren will choose under certain circumstances. He can imagine the style and preference of Tianji Sanren's internal and external skills.

This is already quite useful information.

not to mention……

Xiangshan has another plan.

A signal was transmitted into Xiangshan's receiver.

That was the secret message sent by the Solo Killer King.

The solo kill king went to the coordinates given by Dai Jiutai'a, and found the aircraft that had crashed for no apparent reason. Uncharacteristically, the soldiers did not immediately destroy the supplies or establish a defense line, but quickly evacuated.

The knight Fang successfully obtained the contents of the flying vehicle.

It does include a small refrigeration unit.

During the fall, the refrigeration equipment was slightly damaged, the refrigerant had leaked, and some parts were damaged. However, these were still within the "salvageable" range.

At the same time, another team of knights also contacted the local burrowing dragon community and informed them to evacuate quickly.

Xiangshan said to Dai Jiutai: "You are quite decisive. But have you really not thought about the possibility that I will not let you go after taking the goods?"

"I said, this is not a transaction, but a show of goodwill." Dai Jiutai said: "It doesn't matter even if you kill me. This is an expression of respect for you on behalf of the Six Dragons Sect."

Xiangshan waved his hand: "Goodbye, I feel sick."

"I still have to remind you that the countdown has begun. Disaster may strike at any time."

Xiang Shan looked at Dai Jiutai'a, as if he was weighing the pros and cons. But he finally shook his hand: "Go away."

Dai Jiutai'a said, "I won't sell this pair of scrap metal before senior leaves. Senior, you just pretended to be 'hesitant' because you were trying to trick me into leaving."

Anyway, now that Tianji Sanren is dead, no one believes that Dai Jiutai is here to save a green forest. He is not afraid of people investigating.

He has nothing to lose by staying here.

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "Okay. If you don't leave, I will leave."

After saying that, he turned and left.

About half an hour later, the prosthetic body controlled by the personality mask knocked on the damaged outer armor of the tank and said: "Main body, that old man is indeed gone."

Dai Jiutai felt relaxed and almost fell to the ground exhausted.

He was actually under tremendous mental pressure.

Although he was willing to die for the great cause of the Six Dragons Sect, the Six Dragons Sect is not an organization that believes in the "other shore" after all. Dai Jiutai's heroic sacrifice was not to live a prosperous life on the "other shore".

It is best not to die if possible.

He said to the outside: "Keep an eye on it...wait for a while before leaving."

Dai Jiutai'a doesn't dare to perceive the outside world at all now, so he can only rely on personality masks to investigate.


After Xiangshan passed through several mountain roads, he took a route that Dai Jiutai could not discover.

He let Dai Jiutai go, not because he was "short of people".

And the short-term hesitation just now was not to make Dai Jiutai feel that "the martial arts god decided to let him go after long consideration."

But to make Dai Jiutai feel that "the purpose of the God of War is to make Dai Jiutai feel that the God of War decided to let him go after long consideration."

This chapter has been completed!
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