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Chapter 165 Incomprehensible Action

"A member of the Scientific Research Knights came forward to apply to build a signal base station in the wilderness."

"However, during subsequent investigations, it was discovered that the actual project they completed could not be built with the declared materials."

"Moreover, this base station was robbed by a person suspected of being a disciple of Zhu Xinyu."

After looking at the satellite images and the information compiled by Fihelt, King Agni fell into silence for a long time.

Tiexin Dharma King continued: "The member of the Scientific Research Knights who originally applied for this base station had already applied for field research two months ago, and the most recent online record was half a month ago. He has not used it with his true identity for at least half a month.

We control the public network."

King Agni asked: "A member of which knighthood?"

"The Knights of Youhe."

The member of the Knights was not silenced, but was temporarily transferred to a "dark" life in accordance with the established procedures.

The Six Dragons Sect keeps records for all kinds of accidents.

"Youhe..." King Agni was a little annoyed: "It's them again..."

The relationship between the Youhe Knights and King Agni is quite bad. Eighty years ago, King Agni used EMP to sweep the ground in order to completely cut off all the back-ups of the Eighth Martial God.

This sweep also caused the destruction of network services in the New World and the disappearance of a large amount of data.

All scientific research knights suffered heavy losses.

The Youhe Knights suffered particularly heavy damage.

Metal-based creatures will also be harmed by EMP. However, creatures have a higher "error tolerance" than machines, so ordinary people will only feel severe pain.

However, there are a large number of metal-based single-cell organisms created by technical means in the Youhe Knights. These small organisms are too fragile to escape from the laboratory environment. However, they carry very important scientific research tasks.

King Agni's EMP caused mass death of gadgets in their laboratory.

The Youhe Knights also lost a large amount of data at the same time. Some of them even included some that had not had time to be uploaded to the Mars Temple for backup.

The Youhe Knights hate King Agni to their core.

If King Agni launches an investigation into the Youhe Knights at this time, there will inevitably be backlash.

The Knights of Youhe may not dare to openly defy his will, but they can still do it openly and covertly.

"In addition, according to surveillance satellites, there were signs of several units leaving near the satellite station. But their disguises were very good, so we lost them." Fichert continued: "And the satellite station also exploded.


"They don't want us to find any clues." King Agni asked: "What do you think their purpose is?"

Fihelt hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and said: "I don't know, Your Majesty. This matter does not seem to be of any benefit to the actions of the knights... Although the internal master has been poisoned in many satellites.

, but now we also know that there are poisons in the satellites he invaded, and we can take certain countermeasures."

"Is his goal to force us to change a batch of satellites and then consume our resources?" King Agni thought: "No, we have a lot of resources. Even if all the satellites in the earth's orbit are changed to one side, it will not be enough.

We are stretched thin. Simply destroying industrial products makes no sense to the knights. Do you want us to have defense loopholes in the process of replacing satellites? But in this case, those knights can't predict the time and place when the loopholes will appear. For them,

It makes almost no sense to say that.”

"Perhaps..." Fihelt said: "They just want to divert our attention? Make us pay too much attention to this matter and ignore the stolen supplies?"

King Agni's camera stared at Fihelt: "Would you detonate a nuclear bomb just to cover up your mistake of lighting an open fire by mistake?"

There is a set of refrigeration equipment that can be used to maintain the working environment of quantum chips, which is indeed a very important material.

But this material is definitely not worth "alarming half of the solar system" to obtain it.

King Agni had no idea before that there was such an internal master operating on the earth who could compete with him.

Such a strong man must have some purpose for sneaking into the earth secretly. And there is no way a person at this level would expose himself for a mere refrigeration equipment.

There must be a deeper conspiracy.

Fihelt immediately lowered his head: "Yes, Your Majesty. I was thinking too little."

Although the Six Dragons Sect had made plans for various situations a few months ago, who could have imagined such a situation?

Fihelt really didn't understand what the "unknown hero" was up to.

Even if the "Unknown Hero" hates the Six Dragons Sect so much that he sets "the destruction of the Six Dragons Sect" as his top priority, he should have taken the refrigeration equipment and honestly made a breakthrough.

There is absolutely no benefit in exposing your shocking level of internal energy to King Agni.

The reason why the Six Dragons Sect is willing to make a compromise that is almost "capitalizing the enemy" is because they hope that the "Unknown Hero" will not interfere with the Holy Aunt. Even if they really want to kill the Six Dragons Sect, they have to leave with the refrigeration equipment first and wait for their skills.

Come again at a higher level.

——I just hope that after he does such stupid things, he will achieve his goal and leave quickly.

Dharma King Tiexin prayed like this.


"What? You actually...you actually faced Aqi...'the God of Fire'?" Mr. Kane exclaimed: "With your internal strength, can you really escape from under his nose?"

Although Kane had heard before arriving that this "unknown hero" planned to use his internal power to do something, he only thought he was going to secretly hack one or two satellites, but he didn't expect it to be such a big deal.

The single-killing king Jadel huddled in the corner, saying nothing, and seemed very calm.

But his "talkativeness" without saying a word means that he is very uneasy inside.

"That God of Fire", the strongest among the kings, the monster who killed the God of War more than once, the nightmare of the whole world, that King Agni!

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "In fact, there was no fight. As soon as he came online, I found the ultimate goal and withdrew."

As Hartman said many years ago, small hackers can intrude by studying the paths of big hackers.

His current goal is to follow the greatest hacker in the world - Zhu Xinyu.

The Eighth Martial God was born based on Zhu Xinyu’s memory of Xiang Shan. Part of his thinking angle is exactly the same as Zhu Xinyu’s. So when he sees codes with obvious Zhu Xinyu style, he will feel that these codes are as familiar as if they were written by his novice.


The code that Zhu Xinyu manually obfuscated is also something he can read.

Therefore, Xiang Shan found the backdoor left by Zhu Xinyu and could use it directly. And he did find it.

This chapter has been completed!
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