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Chapter 178: The uninhabited land is much more difficult than this

This kind of fake temporary certification may be discovered at any time.

If you always rely on "I have a temporary certification" to act recklessly, something will happen sooner or later.

It is better to set a time limit and let this fake authentication be automatically deleted as the system refreshes, leaving no trace.

Xiangshan judged from the feeling that he had just quietly approached the Igni seal and then retreated completely, that there was no internal master in this city who could compete with him.

The strongest one has probably been killed by himself.

Moreover, judging from the other party's attitude of clinging to the Igni Seal just now, they will definitely not turn to King Agni for help.

The mysterious insider who came into contact with the Eighth Martial God eighty years ago may also be unable to come online due to various reasons.

——How many sentry posts are in vain...

Xiang Shan thought so.

It was different from when he sneaked into the Methodist Building. At that time, he obtained the memory of a noble scientific knight apprentice, entered through a secret passage, and the prosthetic body he used was not as conspicuous as now.

But at that time, he didn't have the internal strength that he does now.

If there are three steps, one sentry, five steps and one post along the way, and each sentry post uses multiple verification methods [especially including manual work], then he may only be able to use various forbidden techniques.

But the burning repair shop did cause some chaos.

And he acted too naturally.

Although some soldiers felt that his prosthetic body was uncoordinated up and down, unlike the government's standardized body full of design, there were many "compromises".

However, after passing the Identification Friend or Foe certification, they still did not take any more measures.

After all, the mysterious fire in the pits is the big deal.

Xiangshan walked into the Central Building of Youhe City step by step.

Xiangshan couldn't help but sigh, it's no wonder that the tentacles of the Eighth Martial God were involved in major scientific research knights, spread throughout the New World, and were able to collect various research and development materials and develop such unique skills.

If King Agni hadn't really dared to use EMP to wash the floor, I guess I would have had more "convenient doors" that I could use today.

[Speaking of which...didn't the Eighth Martial God hack into the Youhe Knights back then? 】

[It's darker than it is.] Xiaoba sank deeper into his memory, [but there is no relevant record. Moreover, the current leader of the Youhe Knights is not the one eighty years ago. Maybe the Youhe Knights are

He only joined the Six Dragons Sect within these eighty years.】

Because of King Tiexin's relationship, the Eighth Martial God was also aware of this huge force lurking within the government.

However, the Eighth Martial God did not discover that the Youhe Knights at that time had any connection with the "mysterious forces".

[That’s true. In eighty years, there are indeed too many variables.] Yuan Yu thought so.

According to public consultations, the leader of the Youhe Knights eighty years ago was promoted fifty years ago and became the knight captain of the Galapagos Temple. Among the three deputy captains under him,

One of them followed him and was promoted to the Galapagos Temple and now has the title of Knight of the Yangtze River. The other got the qualification himself and founded another knight order. The last deputy leader has been in the order for twenty years.

After growing up, he received the honorary title of Royal Knight, successfully retired, and is currently retiring on Mars.

The honorary title of Royal Knight is similar to the "Lifetime Achievement Award", which can only be obtained by old knights with outstanding merits. And many of the scientific research knights who have received this project have reached an age where their thinking has become rigid. Even if gene therapy is used to reverse the lifespan of nerve cells, it has already been

Mature neural networks are also difficult to change.

To put it simply, they are close to the "boundary of human cognitive ability."

The highest title of the Royal Knights is "Nine Heroes", which includes "Three Foundations", "Three Applications" and "Three Project Management". The honor of "Nine Heroes" has only appeared twice in a century. This kind of redundancy

Generally attributed to retired Grand Knight Commander.

In the next fifty years, the top leaders of the Youhe Knights began to appear one after another.

"The senior officials of Youhe Knights are very suspicious now." Xiang Shan judged.

You need to find someone to ask.

With Xiang Shan thinking this way, he arrived at the gate of the Central Building. The gate seemed to have a complex recognition mechanism.

But it does not include manual identification.

So, he turned sideways towards the mountain and walked in.

One of the guards felt that this guy with abnormally developed upper limbs did not look like a scientific knight, so he came over and wanted to ask some questions.

But Xiang Shan glared at him.

The guard had no vision, he just walked in and seemed to ask a few words in a low voice.

Then, he made a "no problem" gesture to his other companions and went back to stand guard.

Keep walking forward towards the mountain.

Of course, when the two of them got close just now, Xiang Shan did something else.

When this guard sees the "enemy", he will take out a grenade and rush towards him.

He held the grenade at brain level.

And something will definitely go wrong in the end, and the grenade cannot be thrown.

This will ensure that his secret will not be easily leaked.

Keep walking forward towards the mountain.

When approaching the elevator, two scientific knight apprentices also felt something was wrong. They came over and wanted to stop Xiang Shan.

But when they reached Xiangshan, they turned into eager and slightly bent down, leading Xiangshan to continue walking forward.

Although Xiangshan's strange physique often attracted attention, the attitudes of the two scientific knight apprentices seemed to have said it all.

The scientific research knights here seemed to be used to the sight of "strange prosthetics appearing inside the building", and one or two of them didn't even come to ask more questions.

Xiang Shan stood on the sign and took a look twice: "Deputy Commander's Office...Deputy Commander's Office. Ah ha, pass by the Fossil Hall and go up..."


On the other side, all soldiers who were fighting the fire at the fire repair station received instructions, requiring them to evacuate quickly after the fire went out.

Although this order is strange, it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. Those soldiers also know that there are some secrets at the top that must not be pried into.

The fire-fighting and evacuation efforts delayed Zhihu Dharma for a while.

Zhihufa walked in with several Six Dragon Cult masters.

"It's so tragic." Zhihufa saw something unusual at a glance: "Everyone here was restrained in an instant. There was no struggle. They had already lost the ability to move before they were burned to death.


Zhihufa waved his hand: "Everyone, collect evidence quickly. I hope there are still parts that have not been damaged by the water flow."

Several experts from the Six Dragon Sect dispersed silently, looking around.

——What a formidable opponent.

Zhihufa thought like this.

Maybe you will fail miserably the moment you meet his eyes.

Therefore, you must kill the opponent before he can use his internal strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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