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Chapter 185 The army attacks the city

At that moment, the protector outside the door, the local flag leader, Protector Zhi and others outside the window, as well as the Bai San people watching the surveillance, were all stunned for a moment.

The flag owner's mind was completely blank, and he even had philosophical thoughts such as "Who am I", "Where am I", "Who am I hitting", "Who is hitting me".

Then, chant repeatedly towards the mountain.

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"

"The Six Dragons Sect bears full responsibility for this incident. The Youhe Knights reneged on their deal with the Six Dragons Sect and allowed the Patrons to use space-based weapons to bomb the Six Dragons Sect's stronghold! This is revenge! This is divine revenge.


For a moment, Bai Sanren almost laughed out loud.

He really thought it was funny. Well, it was funny. An enemy of the Six Dragons Sect actually called himself the Six Dragons Sect. The purpose was probably to attract the attention of the government...

Then, a sudden burst of fire from above attracted his attention.

He stood up and looked back. The control room was directly below the satellite station.

The problem is with the satellite station.

Bai Sanren was stunned.

After a few seconds, he roared: "What happened?"

Lu K's trembling voice came down: "It's the Igni Seal... It's the Igni Seal!"

"Seal... Igni Seal?"

Bai Sanren's brain was in chaos, and his positional cognition function was almost occupied. At this moment, he felt that his voice was so far away, as if it was not his own voice.

——Ah...it's over.

This is what he is thinking now.

Lu K's voice was filled with horror: "Just now, the Igni Sign... started... uninstalling... self-uninstalling. A large number of variable codes were deleted at once. Then... some equipment began to spontaneously combust."

"Hurry up..." Bai Sanren patted his head: "Hell... what do you have in mind."

"...I'm sorry, sir, I'm afraid I don't have any ideas."

"Trash!" Bai Sanren cursed in a vented voice, quickly searching for countermeasures in his mind.

——Something must be done before King Agni’s attention is diverted...

But Lu K's voice continued: "I'm sorry, sir. I mean, I'm already dead, so I can't give you any advice."

Bai Sanren froze: "What do you mean...?"

"We, the internal warriors who guarded the satellite station, all died just now." Lu K's voice continued: "An AI read the records in my synthesizer and then started a conversation with you."

Bai Sanren quickly turned over, only to find that a bunch of people had fallen on the ground, and only Lu K was left standing, strangling his own neck with both hands, and it looked extremely weird with the face that had just been beaten flat by Bai Sanren.

The Bai San people were so horrified that they drew their guns and shot.

Lu K fell directly onto the control table, and the organic parts inside flowed out.

Bai Sanren visualized taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

——Too uncool...

He thought so.

Just now it was just an internal attack. Almost all internal attacks can be solved by changing the prosthetic body and cutting off the signal.

This guy can actually survive...

Bai Sanren picked up Lu K's body and looked at the console.

Part of this console is not connected to the Internet and can only be controlled using the local input interface.

There is a data cable connected to Lu K's body.

The mysterious master's purpose in forcibly controlling this guy was to use him as a springboard. And what Lu K just said was probably...

"To anger me and erase the evidence..."

The Bai San people asserted this.

He looked at the gun in his hand.

Then, one shot blew up the surveillance camera in the satellite station.

He took out a small incendiary bomb from his body and threw it towards the host of the satellite station.

The satellite station, which was already burning spontaneously, suddenly exploded and flames shot into the sky.

Bai Sanren rushed out quickly.

He had calmed down just now.

"All the satellite stations have been destroyed, leaving only two spare ones. But the Six Dragons Sect had done something in advance. Those two satellite stations will not go online directly...technical failure? Or will they be blown up directly?"

"It is impossible for the king to tolerate a person touching the Igni seal. The higher the internal strength of this guy, the stricter the investigation will be."

But the problem is that the Youhe Knights cannot withstand investigation.

An internal warrior who can attack the Igni seal can break through King Agni's blockade. This is already a major public security incident. Even if the relationship between King Agni and the Scientific Research Knights is not harmonious, he

An investigation team will definitely be forcibly dispatched at once... No, it is even possible that the airborne corps will be directly allowed to take over everything in Youhe City.

These are inevitable.

That guy also used the specious slogan "Long Live the Six Dragons Sect"...

"Youhe City cannot withstand investigation..."

Bai Sanren closed his eyes, found a closed line under the control room, and slowly conveyed an instruction.

[All brothers, blow up all surveillance equipment within your visible range as soon as possible. Remember to hide yourself.]

[Destroy satellite stations No. 2 and No. 3, destroy cultivation No. 6, and destroy tanks D and E.]

[Blow up the main parts of consoles 4 to 6 directly. Do not try to rescue the motherboard]

Finally, he hesitated.

[Unprotected protectors can try to use the slogan "Long Live the Six Dragon Sect"]

That's right, this battle was disguised as an "uncontrolled armed mass siege."

The information that "the Six Dragons Religion reached a deal with the Knights of Youhe and let them build a stronghold" is half true and half false. King Agni only needs to call up some satellite monitoring records to know that the members of the Knights of Youhe are indeed there.

This place has applied for construction activities. The area near that area was bombed by the Sword Envoy, and then the shocking internal battle broke out in that stronghold, and the Tiexin Dharma King was also involved.

Fortunately, according to the Six Dragons Sect's regulations, the scientific research knight who applied for construction has already left.

This is already a way to suppress losses to a minimum.

The Knights of Youhe cannot escape the suspicion of being "affiliated with the Six Dragons Cult" no matter what, and there are many problems within the Knights of Youhe, and many materials are different from the declared projects. All those things can only be destroyed, and then

A group of people were dealt with, creating a situation like "a small group of people colluded with the Six Dragons Cult and attacked the headquarters of the Scientific Research Knights".

This is the best...the best...

The Bai San people were so angry that they smashed their firearms on the ground.

Among the flying parts, he yelled: "Fuck!"


For a moment, several protectors approaching Xiangshan didn't know what to do.

Even the troops below were in commotion.

Until several explosions occurred all over the Youhe Knights at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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