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Chapter 55 He sneaked in

Within the Z organization, there are two warriors known for their internal strength, Jin Bao Kui and Xiao Du Chong. Naturally, they will not be defenseless against internal strength masters.

For example, closed line cameras at each entrance of the tunnel.

These cameras are purely optical signal collection props and cannot be hacked. After the signal is sent to the monitoring area in Dazhai through a closed route, it will be taken care of by a few members with a very low transformation rate - they are specialized in doing this.

.The hands of these people are made of flesh and blood, and the chip in their brains has been reduced to one, and they have no function to control the movement of their limbs. In this way, even if someone releases "talismans" and "curses" through the screen, they will not be immediately


At hand, these members have purely mechanical alarm devices.

Yes, this can be regarded as a great spectacle. After reading the memories of several Green Forest people, Xiang Shan remembered that such a thing did exist - in order to defend against internal strength masters, there are a few places where "difference machines" are simply used

"As the control system of the equipment.

The Difference Engine can essentially be regarded as a type of computing prop for the Turing Machine. That’s not to say that this thing can’t be hacked, but it obviously doesn’t accept electronic signals. If you want to hack into the Difference Engine, you have to find a way to jam its specific

Gears and the like.

In addition, Dazhai also has a defensive measure.

About 30% of the personnel's chips are not connected to Gliad's exclusive LAN server.

Only about 70% of the members are directly connected to Gliad's server.

The remaining 20% ​​belongs to the little poisonous insect of the second master, and the remaining 10% belongs to Daniel, the "Blue Steel Vulture" of the third master.

In addition, the stormtroopers directly under Leif and Mad Kui also have separate sequences.

This was to prevent the entire village from being destroyed after Griad was attacked and killed by an internal martial arts master.

Griad could usually give orders to his direct subordinates at the drop of a thought. But if he wanted to notify several other heads, or give instructions to everyone in the village, he had to rely on the primitive broadcasting system.

Of course, there is a nice name called "Jianghu Etiquette".

In this era, there are many "etiquettes" that are essentially useless and may still reduce work efficiency. They are actually used to defend against masters of internal skills.

In other words, even if Xiang Shan could follow Gliard's server and bewitch the entire village, he still wouldn't be able to wipe out the entire village in one fell swoop.

At least two leaders and a small number of elite stormtroopers need to find other methods.

In addition, gangsters with low transformation rates may not be restrained.

But it doesn't matter much.

The underground network is intricate. The underground tunnel is not a straight one, but has many turns and forks. And there are also forks within these forks.

"Following the camera's cables" is also not a good idea. Sometimes, the camera's RF feeder layout is very strange, and there are several misleading points along the way. Some fake wiring even intentionally goes in the wrong direction.

There are also fake footprints and tire tracks on the ground.

There are even EMP mines buried in some dead ends.

Although "Tie Hua" and others can resist EMP to a certain extent, the EMP attack that erupts from under your feet will not give you time to release Tie Hua. You can only rely on the electromagnetic resistance of the prosthetic body to resist it.

But Xiangshan dug the map directly from the minds of Leif and Griad, so naturally he wouldn't get lost.

Although Organization Z has a monitoring system, it has limited manpower and cannot cover everything. Moreover, in the eyes of most people, as long as there are no problems with the monitoring at the entrance, then the problems inside will not be too big.

Soon, Xiangshan stopped at an intersection without a camera. He shook the back of the motorcycle and put the disciple down.

Youki wanted to make a sound, but Xiangshan covered his mouth and shook his head: [Don’t you know the echo? In this kind of tunnel, any sound will travel far. 】

Youki covered his mouth and tried hard to get used to typing in his head: [Then Master, we should now...]

[You are hiding here.] Xiangshan pointed to a fork in the road: [This fork in the road connects two commonly used roads, but there are not many people walking on it, and there are enough corners. You can hide in the first one.

Corner, do you understand?】

Yuki nodded excitedly.

This place is only a few hundred meters away from Z organization's Dazhai, and Xiangshan has already received the signal sent by a certain server.

It's just that this signal is one-way. Ordinary members can only download specific data from this channel - including monitoring content in the base, material distribution, personnel transfers and leader instructions. They have no right to upload, and do not need. Certain communications

For chatting, there is "radio" to take care of it.

This also prevents some members from becoming the puppets of the "gu master" when surfing the Internet, quietly bringing the "gu" into the village, and then bringing out certain information, and eventually selling the secrets of the entire village.

——Although Xiang Shan feels that there are quite a lot of hidden plots in Griad.

What Xiang Shan has to do now is to enter the range where he can display his internal strength - that is, the distance where the signal from the signal transmitter can reach the Zhaizi server.

According to the agreement, Yuki has to wait here first.

[Remember? What if you are discovered...]

【Just avoid the auxiliary line!】

[Shit! What did I tell you! If you are discovered, just say, "I am a disciple of Xia Ke. The master has sneaked into your village. If you don't want to bet on whether there is a poison on you, please arrest me and come to me."

"Master, you can exchange for the opportunity to remove the poison" - the auxiliary line system is to prevent you from being killed in one blow! That thing is just a tool for introductory training!]

Yuki looked hesitant: [Is this betrayal?]

Xiang Shan emphasized again: [Remember, just say that! Now, go and hide from me!]

Yuki obeyed obediently.

After Xiangshan realized that Yuki was indeed invisible visually, he nodded; [Hide it, I'll be back soon.]

After saying that, he and Ali's body, which was under his control, started their motorcycles at the same time and headed towards Z Organization's Dazhai again.

After just a few minutes, he saw his destination - a parking lot.

This is a place where motorcycles are parked. There are several rows of weapon racks on the edge of the site. There are also three bullet boxes stacked under the weapon racks, providing three commonly used caliber bullets.

A few minions gathered here. They gathered in a corner, holding homemade game consoles, playing Tetris there.

"Games" should be one of the few cultures that have continued from the old generation to the present. According to a certain theory, when a newly initiated warrior performs external skills, the activity of his brain nerves is similar to that of a game. Whether it is "anticipation, planning"

The degree of consistency between the way of thinking and the emotion about "win or lose" is very high.

It's just that in this era, no one dares to download resources from the Internet casually. Even if there are only a few dozen lines of code, it may contain malicious poison. The few games here are all by-products of the warriors in the village training their internal skills.


Certain classic designs are passed down through word of mouth and are then repeatedly produced by generations of internal strength practitioners.

Someone said hello to Xiang Shan and Ali's corpses from a distance. Xiang Shan put his arm around Ali's shoulders and waved to them, while playing a piece of laughter that was temporarily recorded before subduing the green forest brothers.

This sound has been processed by Xiangshan's technology to eliminate the background noise. Although it sounds a little weird, it can still be deceived.

"Come on, come on! Let's play two games!" A man shouted: "If you lose, you will be punished with a shot of ethanol."

"No, no," Xiang Shan said vaguely. After all, Ali is not a warrior with a full transformation rate. After being dead for a few days, his body will inevitably have some abnormalities, and cheap chips cannot write anything too complicated, and his body movements will look very strange to ordinary people.

It's stiff.

The poison has not been planted yet. Xiangshan's own internal strength has not been fully recovered. Even a Z organization server, which in his opinion is completely undefended, will consume a certain amount of his energy. If he is discovered too early, he will be trapped in the outside world.

Under the constant siege by the warriors, he might never find a chance to release the poison.

So it cannot be exposed yet.

Fortunately, the green forest over there didn't force it and continued to concentrate on playing the game.

Xiangshan carried some supplies and headed towards the collective warehouse of Organization Z. Every time they came back from looting, the minions of Organization Z would go there to hand over their earnings to maintain the operation of their organization. This action would not trigger any


Xiangshan secretly scanned the ceiling with his prosthetic eyes, marked the positions of all cameras, and silently calculated their monitoring range or rotation frequency, and then compared them with the memories of Griad and Leif.

To be fair, the cameras in this green forest village are not too dense. Only some key intersections and key areas such as warehouses, computer rooms, and power stations are densely populated.

Xiangshan dragged Ali's body like this and walked in the long, dark corridor.

Soon, two greenwood thugs came towards me.

Xiangshan carefully adjusted his pace. He ensured that the two sides met head-on in a darker section of the corridor.

The two gangsters looked at Ali's strange steps and Xiang Shan's slightly unfamiliar face with suspicious expressions on their faces.

Xiang Shan passed the two of them very naturally.

The two gangsters were still thinking whether one of their brothers had taken too many drugs and planned to turn around and take a look.

But at this moment, there was a sound like a gunshot.

Xiangshan's arm grasped Ali's steel rod, and then he shook his wrist violently.

The end of the steel rod hit the two green forest gangsters. Before they could turn around, they were hit in the back of the head by the end of the steel rod. The strong vibration penetrated into the medulla oblongata, and the two gangsters lost control of their bodies for a moment.

Turning towards the mountain, holding the backs of the two people's heads, a high-frequency shock wave was emitted, destroying the vertebrae, crushing the main nerves in the spinal canal, and then destroying the brain.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the miscellaneous materials on the ground and quickly left the scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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