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Chapter 191 The ambition to protect the Dharma

——What a terrifying level of external skills...

——Flag Master!

——Damn it, the incision is not deep enough...

——Can’t win!

Zhihufa's mind jumped back and forth between several thoughts.

Then, he heard the sentence: "Times are indeed moving forward. It's good."

The other party didn't even feel that he was in a desperate situation, nor did he regret that he "didn't use all his strength just now."

At this time, Zhihufa even wanted to turn his head and take a look at this respectable opponent.

This was something that made him feel a bit regretful. The internal strength of this unknown knight was so strong that if he looked at him, he would be doomed to failure.

Then, an idea appeared in Zhihufa's mind.

——I am actually facing off against such a great warrior.

——The tactics I formulated actually left scars on such a warrior.

If you have actually fought against this warrior, you will know that his so-called "third-rate warrior" may not be a deliberate insult. Compared with this warrior, the guardians of the Six Dragon Sect are all "third-rate". Apart from the conditions of the prosthetic body

In addition, this person's martial arts level is at the level of the "kings" in Zhihu Dharma's fantasy, both internal and external!

Far better than myself.

Thinking of this, "fear" and "will to fight" turned into flames, burning brightly.

The "regret of missing the fighter plane" and the "sadness of the loss of colleagues" were all turned into fuel and burned blazingly in it.

Now, there is only a breath of anger in this man's mind.

Flaws have been left on the "behemoth" and its "minions" have been removed.

Zhili Jiliu shook the mandarin duck ax slightly and threw it to one of the guardians. He also had a pair on him.

The Guardians of the Six Dragon Sect immediately understood and began to shake gently.

The scope of application of the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue is too narrow. In this era, it is a weapon specially designed for the phonon knife. And the prerequisite for this weapon to be effective is that the conditions of the two prosthetics are not much different.

If one side's prosthetic body has an absolute advantage in performance, then Yuanyangyue will never be able to catch up with the Phonon Knife, let alone the so-called "lock".

There are very few people who specialize in learning this strange weapon. On Earth, there are not many people who know about this weapon.

This weapon was born in the gravitational circle of Jupiter. This area is where the Fourth Valkyrie fought. It is also the fusion fuel mining area that the government values ​​most, and the location of the large network server in the solar system.

In the asteroid belt area, the forces of knights have a slight upper hand, so sending support from the area within the orbit of Mars to Jupiter is a huge challenge for the government. However, the power of the patrons accumulated in Jupiter's gravitational circle is also very terrifying.

The chivalrous power of the distant planet cannot penetrate at all.

According to legend, Wu Zu's closest comrades once appeared here. Kings who were enemies of Wu Zu also often gathered here.

In this place, the government suppressed the knights with great intensity, and the knights would also fight back with great intensity.

Phonon knives are not uncommon in this area.

In the battles with the government from generation to generation, the knights developed strange weapons with "magnetic trap" properties such as "Ziwu Yuanyang Yue" and "Zimu Dragon and Phoenix Ring", specializing in fighting phonon knives.

The cost of phonon knives is high, and the production conditions are strict. Only the knights of the Far Sun planet have the ability to produce small quantities. Governments use this thing more often. Among high-level cold-blooded knights, this thing is even optional. One of the equipment. But even if the knight captures the phonon knife, he cannot obtain the most important blade stably.

In comparison, the manufacturing costs of magnetic trap weapons such as "Ziwu Yuanyang Yue" and "Zimu Dragon and Phoenix Ring" are much lower.

As for this martial arts, even if it is learned by the government, it will not help. In most cases, knights do not have a phonon knife to restrain them.

This is a martial art that is unilaterally beneficial to the knight.

In a sense, it is also very close to Wu Zu’s thoughts.

It is true that people in the government will not study this martial arts specifically.

The guardian who currently holds the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue is officially a "follower" or "private property" of a certain scientific knight. He was born on Earth and practiced martial arts on Earth, so naturally he does not understand this martial arts.

In a sense, Zhihufa was even an accident.

At first, the "magnetic trap" type of strange weapons came from the collective creation of knights in Jupiter's gravitational circle. But soon, some knights started a sect with this kind of strange weapon as the core to explore the "Ziwu Yuanyang Yue". The fighting methods and tactics of the two weapons "Mother, Dragon and Phoenix Ring".

Zhihufa liked this kind of "martial arts seminar" sect very much, so he also joined it as an "independent mercenary".

Later, this sect was wiped out in a joint cleaning operation by all the kings, and several martial arts experts, including the sect leader, were captured alive.

Zhihufa even used the Six Dragons Sect's connections to "visit" these people.

When he went to visit his fellow disciples, he would bring a mandarin duck ax or a dragon and phoenix ring, as well as a set of phonon knives, and tell these former fellow disciples that he was actually an undercover agent of the government.

Zhi Hufa has never been an undercover agent for the government. He really has not betrayed this sect. He just thinks that if he says this, these knights will use their full strength in the following activities.

After that, Zhihu Dharma will give the phonon sword to those knights, and then use the mandarin duck Yue or the dragon and phoenix ring himself.

Those knights are the ones who know best how to use the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue and the Zimu Dragon and Phoenix Ring. Zhihu Fa wants to see how such people can use the phonon knife to break the magnetic trap.

Of course, there were also one or two knights who attacked the floor first after getting the phonon knife. It took Zhili Riliu a lot of effort to make them realize the reality.

Zhili Riliu stayed in that sect for three years, and the activities continued for another four years. In these four years, he became the person in the solar system who best understood the magnetic traps and strange weapons.

And this is just a small episode in his life.

It was only through those four years of hard training that he was able to seize the weapon of this terrible enemy.

And now, he is eager to show more martial arts...

Presented in front of this master!

The container embedded in his body opened, and the metal aerosol sprayed out like spray paint.

Xiangshan saw that "Mirrors of Iron and China" appeared on the enemy's vest, back of his head, shoulders, forearms, waist on both sides, and calves.

These mirrors adjust their size slightly, continue to expand and contract, and there are signs of rotation.

"Oh, I can actually do this trick." Xiang Shan nodded.

It seems that David or whoever wants to name this move "Nebula Air Flow" to show the power of offense and defense. But Xinyu feels that it should reflect the characteristics of the "mirror", so he suggested calling it "Mirror Halo" or "Mirror of Defense"

.Then Yingjia felt that it would be best to call it "Chakra"/"Chakra" based on this shape.

——Who picked the name in the end? Was it me?

This chapter has been completed!
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