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Chapter 193 Dragon Style

Xiangshan is still a little confused about the question "Who are the eight major dragon kings" in Xuanwu Zhengang and what moves do they correspond to? He just feels a little embarrassed to ask.

Besides, this question doesn't seem to be that important. After all, you have created hundreds of thousands of martial arts and refined them one by one over the long years, so that you can handle almost all battlefields. Do you still care so much about one of them?

Is this a "naming" of martial arts?

——And Yingjia’s suggestion is very unfriendly to a science and engineering guy like me, right? Naming rights, an important part of reflecting personal taste, cannot be shared with others.

In this way, Xiangshan skipped the criticism of the guardian "Dragon King" and "Dragon King".

"What is your swordsmanship, it's really good", this says "What is your divine power, it's not bad"], I just smiled, and said, "Why don't you attack? At this time

Are you overheated, or are you still calculating your next moves?"

Xuanwu Zhen Gang is a martial art that controls metal aerosols. The background of its birth is that "the old army installed electromagnetic pulse weapons and the most powerful laser weapons that are most suitable for fighting prosthetics." All humans have transformed into baseline humans.

After that, traditional bullets and explosives rapidly declined in the proportion of weapons. The old tyrants thought they had found the only way to deal with the early knights.

At that time, the system of internal strength had just been established. At that time, the network environment was not like it is now - after being ravaged by the inhumane hacker group for two hundred years, people of this era had no interest in the technology of "network".

The concept is very different from the original. At that time, hackers were not as capable as they are now.

Xuanwu Zhengang, an early martial art, was born under this background.

The state of "metal aerosols arranged to form a mirror" ensures that it can effectively refract laser weapons. And "metal aerosols forming a Faraday cage" can also defend against electromagnetic pulse attacks.

Metal aerosols will indeed be evaporated by lasers. However, "replenishing metal powder" is much cheaper than "replenishing the reflective coating of outer armor". Moreover, "reflective coating" and "hidden layer" are not compatible yet.

Of course, the most important thing is that the first version of Xuanwu Zhengang was designed to deal with tanks and large four-rotor drones. The heat dissipation vents of these machines are much thicker and more conspicuous than those on today's warrior prosthetics, and they themselves are not

It can move at supersonic speeds, which makes it much easier.

But even so, Xuanwu Zhengang also has great demand for local computing power.

And it must be local computing resources. After Xuanwu Zhengang is fully activated, the warrior is wrapped in a Faraday cage made of metal aerosol. Electromagnetic pulses cannot penetrate, but the same goes for wireless signals. The warrior in this state has no help.

Remote computing resources.

Every time Lao Chen or Yoge got angry and rushed out with Xuanwu Zhengang, they would inevitably burn some of their computing components. Then David, who was in charge of maintenance, or Xinyu, who was in charge of getting resources, would complain.


It was quite difficult at that time, and resources were not available.

For a moment, Xiang Shan felt a little nostalgic.

Of course, the chip of the Six Dragon Sect protector in front of me must be the one used by Xiangshan and others when Xuanwu Zhengang was born. This is also a matter of course. The computer prepared by NASA for the moon landing during the United States' "Phoenix Project" period

, purely in terms of computer power, it will be crushed by the civilian smartphones of the early 21st century. This is the case with technological progress.

But in that era when chivalry was just born, "supersonic speed" was only a field that the best masters could touch accidentally, and subsonic speed was not even needed for conventional combat. In that state, the calculation of airflow was much simpler.

But now, the master can exceed the speed of sound with just one movement, and then the humanoid prosthetic body stirs the atmosphere, forming some supersonic turbulence.

Xuanwu Zhengang has evolved to the point where it even makes use of these turbulent flows.

Turbulence is a chaotic system. The Navier-Stokes equation (NS equation) marks its nonlinear nature. The "existence and smoothness of the solution to the NS equation" itself is a terrible mathematical problem and is included in the list.

It is one of the "Seven Millennium Prize Problems". So far, humans have continued to add various "special solutions" to this equation, but know very little about its essence.

But the warrior is so crazy that he uses "finger wind" to shoot such a thing, and then hopes that such a supersonic turbulence can be shot into a small gap and trigger a chain reaction in the enemy's body.

Every time he thought of this, Xiang Shan wanted to sigh that "martial arts" had really developed to an inexplicable height.

But in the face of Xiangshan's question, Zhihufa just smiled and said: "If you are an enemy of a master like you, you will definitely want to show everything you have learned!"

"The next martial arts is indeed very complicated. I need to calculate various parameters in advance and establish various calculation models in order to perform it well. Since you don't know Ziwu Yuanyangyue, then you must not know the next martial arts either.

So, please meet the unknown strong man."

The Zhihu method slightly lowered the body, and the trajectory of the mandarin duck also began to change. Under the influence of the magnetic field, the metal aerosol cluster began to shrink.

"Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style..."

"Oh, there's actually a Dragon Style!" Xiang Shan felt a bit "brightened".

At this moment, a violent flash of light came from the distant underground.

Big explosion. There was a big explosion on the edge of the city.

The protector army that was originally gathered under the central building of Youhe City was somewhat shaken. The continuous fighting in the building also made them feel uneasy. However, the order their commander received was only to "surround this building."

Building, let the security forces inside the building deal with it."

But now, the explosion behind them made the officers unable to sit still.

Xiang Shan recognized that it was the direction where the single-killing king Jadel was. Although he didn't know how the other party did it, he still gave his comrade a thumbs up in his heart - this is what a knight's war is like.

The other side's military stronghold triggers major incidents.

He even teased the protector: "Wow, do you think your Six Dragon Sect has gone a little too far? Just to hide your whereabouts, you actually go to this step?"

But Zhihufa could no longer listen. He didn't care about big explosions at all, and the "great cause of the Six Dragons Sect" was also something the leader should worry about.

Now he just wants to kill the person in front of him.

"Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style, Yazhen!"

This chapter has been completed!
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