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Chapter 201: Luring the wolf into the house

Soldier Lusago is very happy now. He is shooting at enemies of the Six Dragons Sect... or something, so he is very happy.

The superior explained that they are currently implementing a tactic called "encirclement and reinforcements", so there is no need to rush to defeat the invading enemies in one go. But the soldier Lusago doesn't care very much. In this state, he doesn't even care much.

What is "encirclement and support".

The activity in some areas of his brain was temporarily suppressed by the chip. Some neurons could not be activated during the war, and the devices that activated them had been blocked or antagonized.

Many soldiers will undergo such brain surgery, which can give them more opportunities to perform meritorious services.

This also caused them to look like two people when fighting and usually.

Once this function is activated, they will become a completely different person, acting like a perfect soldier, more willing to fight and more obedient to orders.

And this transformation even supports custom settings. It can make the machine gunners love the shooting feel even more, and it can make the sword and shield players crave more exciting games.

This is quite imitating the way some masters think when facing a battle.

Soldier Lusago always thought this was good. He liked it very much, so he didn't think about changing it.

Once he enters this state, all he can think about is "pick up the guy and shoot his mother."

"Haha...hahahahahaha!" Soldier Lusago laughed.

"Keep your voice down!" said a comrade next to him: "This will reveal our position."

"Those! Six Dragon Sect! or other idiots, will never do such a thing! They have been completely surrounded by us! It's called 'encirclement and rescue'. They will only rescue the people inside."

Soldier B whispered: "I think there may be something wrong. Don't you think the reaction of these guys is a little unusual?"

"I don't think so." Lusago said.

The soldier wanted to say something else.

At this moment, "something" exploded behind the two of them.

The silvery gray haze spread rapidly, blocking the sight of several soldiers. Even ground communications were subject to various interferences.

But what shook the soldiers the most was not this.

The metal aerosol was detonated directly in their position.

——An enemy has already touched it!

Soldier Lusago quickly turned his gun and pointed it at the direction of the aerosol explosion vigilantly.

But this is actually a sign of inexperience.

After all, if it is a bomb now, it can actually be delayed to explode.

Almost at the same time, several signal bombs were rising in the distance.

Almost all the soldiers who were not in chaos were distracted by this thing.

At this moment, a knight appeared behind soldier Lusago.

It's the instant explosion single kill king.

Jardel locked onto this small team located on the periphery of the position. The aerosol just blocked the sight of the asylum seekers and cut off the connection between the asylum seekers' command system and the soldiers.

And now, it's time to add fire to that "friendly match".

Jardel quickly knocked down the soldiers around him, and then solemnly shouted: "Long live the Six Dragons Sect!"


Hearing the shouts from outside, the deputy flag master was stunned.

"There really are such ignorant guys..."

A member of the Six Dragons Sect listened intently, and then whispered: "There is indeed a ball game outside. That brother is not bad, but he is too brave and foolhardy. He is actually fighting those protector armies."

The deputy flag leader was going crazy: "How could there be such an idiot..."

The member of the Six Dragons Sect who was blind in one eye whispered: "Are you going to save me? Or..."

He made a "sniper" gesture.

For the Six Dragons Sect, "concealment" is the first secret of survival.

And "silence" is the easiest way to maintain concealment.

The deputy flag leader fell into deep thought: "It depends on whether this guy is one of ours... Although we all use 'Long Live the Six Dragons Sect' now, this is not our original slogan, nor is it our incision. This is that

It was brought up by an unknown knight. The purpose of that knight was to provoke conflicts between us and the imperial court..."

One person said weakly: "But now we really have to pretend that we really have conflicts with the imperial eagle dog..."

"But we just have a different stance from the Imperial Eagle Dog..."

The deputy flag leader ignored these two sentences and said: "So, the guy outside is not necessarily one of our own. He may also be an accomplice of the knight, coming to destroy our F2 tactics."

Someone said: "But, it's unlikely. How long has it been since this order was issued? Why do knights come to the door? Their intelligence capabilities are so strong? But this order was issued to the Guardian site through single-line communication. Knights

You came to your door so quickly? You can’t say it’s luck, right?”

"There is a lot of movement here. If there is a knight nearby, it is natural for him to be attracted." The deputy flag leader said: "I think we should go out and catch that guy first and find out the truth. If that guy is us

Those who belong to the Six Dragons Sect should be dealt with according to the canon rules. If not, it would be a good time to interrogate what these knights are trying to do."

The deputy flag master made the decision.

Several members of the Six Dragon Sect didn't object much. Judging from the action of the battle, the guy outside was really powerful, but that was all.

Jader broke into the enemy's position, shouted "Long live the Six Dragons Sect", then killed the enemy and threw bombs. He performed very smoothly, and for a moment he actually interrupted the protector's fire suppression. The six figures were like six arrows leaving the string.

, the sound wave broke through the metal aerosol, and the deputy flag master and another Six Dragon Cult warrior directly grabbed Jardel's arm and held on.

At this time, the deputy flag leader felt an extremely powerful and ingenious force coming from the target.

"The external skills are really good..." said the deputy flag master, "but he's a little worse than me! Let's go!"

With that said, he took Jardel and ran towards the supply station.

The remaining four people cooperated with each other to attack and kill the nearby protectors.

Anyway, there are a lot of asylum seekers, and if this group is killed, the next group will always come to help them implement the F2 plan.

After entering the shelter, the deputy flag master smiled coldly, threw Jadel to the ground, and said: "Hey, let's verify, 'Six dragons are coming back to the sun'..."

Before he could finish speaking, his eyes met with Jader's.

Then, he had the last thought in his life.

--How can this be……

——Why...there are such internal skill masters, the first move is to throw iron shells...

Jardel stood up instantly and kicked the deputy flag leader out with a horizontal kick similar to a hip-hop move.

This chapter has been completed!
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