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Chapter 203 Nine Sons

"Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style, Yazhen!"

A thread connected the two Yuanyang Yues. The magnetic field of the Ziwu Yuanyang Yue pulled out a small part from a large cloud of aerosol around Zhili Rapids and dragged it, forming a winding trace like a dragon.

The two dragons roared and danced, accompanied by the impact of the Zhili rapids.

Mukayama should have retreated. His outer armor was damaged, and entering the aerosol would have had "unpredictable" consequences for him.

However, he rushed out contrary to common sense!

——Can it last... for a few seconds?

The temperature inside Xiangshan's body is much higher than that of the outside world. Whether it is the power of the nuclear fission reactor that continuously radiates outward, or the "waste heat" generated during movement and calculation, it is much higher than that of the "energy-saving" body of warm-blooded animals.

generated body temperature.

The air pressure inside his body is much higher than the outside world.

Metal aerosols near the damaged areas of his outer armor will be blown away within a short period of time.

Martial Ancestor even has some tricks to make the cooling system in designated areas of his body "leak" a little - just like the weapon-breaking technique, he only needs to strike at the right angle and strength. But doing so is tantamount to inflicting damage on himself.

The prosthetic body has added a "downtime countdown". Xiangshan will not consider doing this until the critical moment.

Xiangshan raised the hilt of the Shenzi knife blade and knocked a mandarin duck axe.

The magnetic field on the Yuanyangyue suddenly disappeared. The metal aerosol originally trapped by the Yuanyangyue's magnetic field continued to impact due to inertia, turning into a ring expanding in front of Xiangshan - it was a stable vortex ring, and it was flying straight.

Xiang Xiangshan’s wound.

Zhihufa did not give Xiang Shan a chance to control his weapon. The automatic reel in the middle of the Yuanyang Yue quickly rotated to recover this piece of Yuanyang Yue.

The other mandarin duck suddenly changed direction and danced sideways, heading towards Xiang Shan's prosthetic eye.

This can be regarded as one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body to be damaged. Although the prosthetic eye is much more powerful than the naked eye, scratches on the surface of the eyeball will still greatly affect the warrior's vision.

Xiangshan lowered his body, dodged the move with a diving movement, and then spun around to bypass Zhihufa's defense line.

The retrieved Yueyang Yue stuck to Zhihufa's forearm with the help of magnetic force. Zhihufa pulled his hand behind his back, adjusted the magnetic field of his arm to the maximum, and struck out with all his strength.

Xuanwu Zhengang, Snake Pose, Big Body Dragon King (Manasvati)

The fist moved the entire metal aerosol mass, almost engulfing Xiangshan.

Shihufa is not the kind of idiot who forgets the snake pose just because he performs the dragon pose!

"Not bad." Xiang Shan blocked the blow with his left forearm and punched twelve consecutive punches with his right hand.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Zhihufa was punched continuously, his body shook, and his balance was almost destroyed.

The reel was started again, causing the Yuanyang Yue on the other side to drag a piece of metal aerosol back. No matter how small Xiangshan's "wound" was, and no matter how high the internal air pressure was, it would be useless if the Yuanyang Yue directly poured the aerosol into the wound.

Dodge sideways towards the mountain.

Zhihufa seized this moment. He threw the mandarin duck ax in his hand and reorganized his posture with a little reaction force. The two mandarin duck ax collided in mid-air, and the two aerosols turned into a spreading "plane"

”, and then disintegrated into countless vortices, rolling towards Xiangshan’s lower belly.

Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style, Pulao.

This is a desperate counterattack move in the "Dragon Style" created by Zhihu Fa.

Xiangshan raised his arms, and the force disrupted the surrounding airflow again, and at the same time he punched Xiangzhi Protector with both fists.

Although Zhihufa was frightened, he felt courageous and shouted loudly: "Jiaotu!" The magnetic field of the two mandarin ducks and axes restarted and "bited" on Xiangshan's arms and wrists. Zhihufa pulled the thread, eliminating and beating at the same time.

The offensive was defused.

This is exactly the pepper picture of Xuanwu Zhengang·Dragon Style.

And what follows is a clever trick to turn defense into offense.

Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style...


In mythology, the earthworm is a dragon and resembles a turtle, and there is also a saying that it "takes off the turtle shell and transforms into the shape of a dragon."

The "Earthworm" in the Xuanwu Zhen Gang·Dragon Style can be connected from most of the moves in the "Turtle Style", and can also be used to connect the offensive and defensive moves in the Dragon Style.

The magnetic field around Zhihufa was shut down, and the metal aerosol suddenly lost control. At this moment, Xiangshan was unable to predict Zhihufa's movements through the flow direction of the metal aerosol. More energy was allocated to his fists and feet.

Shihufa's fist passed by the phonon sword scabbard, and sparks ignited a piece of metal particles. But the explosion was only momentary. Although about one-fifth of the metal aerosol was burned, the built-in metal aerosol of Shihufa's prosthetic body

The release mechanism immediately filled the gap.

After that……

"Dragon style, Suanni!"

The setting of the Suan Ni in mythology as "happy to smoke and to sit" often appeared on incense burners in ancient times in the Central Plains. The Suan Ni in Xuanwu Zhen Gang·Dragon Style also used dense attacks to make the metal gas

The sol mass expands rapidly.

Several Six Dragon Cult guardians watched all this nervously.

Xuanwu Zhengang, who was determined to protect the law, galloped freely, forcing Xiangshan to dodge and retreat several times. But this also blocked their sight and hindered their support.

They could only see two figures exchanging attacks at high speed in the thin silver-gray haze. The fists, scabbards and mandarin ducks were almost beyond their reaction, and the occasional flash of fire marked the intensity of the battle. They even

It is impossible to capture the full picture of this battle.

In the eyes of these guardians, Protector Zhi and the knight were fighting like dozens of people in a melee!

——No...that's not right...

The gunman Taoist priest suddenly realized that this was not "a melee with dozens of people."

"The footsteps have indeed increased!" the gunman shouted loudly.

But at this moment it was already too late.

Several footsteps sounded at the same time. Several sounds of piercing the air followed.


On the contrary, Shihufa was the last person to realize this. It seemed that Mingshan deliberately used the sounds of his own battle to cover up those false sources.

Even when Xiangshan turned around and left, Zhihufa fired several moves into the air.

--That's too late……

The Zhihu method opens the magnetic field to the maximum, uses the dragon style "Taotie" followed by the turtle style "spiritual turtle sucks all the blood of the golden crow" to re-adsorb the aerosol clumps, and then redistributes it with the mandarin duck and Yue, turning most of the metal aerosols into

Long and narrow turbulence sweeps around.

Xuanwu Zhengang, Dragon Style - Chaofeng!

This move will make the user's defense empty, and it is a first-class risky move.

——Which side...Which side...

Zhihufa gritted his teeth and focused his attention in the direction of the cannons and guardians, and chased the footsteps on that side.

On the other side, in front of the guardians holding mandarin ducks and axes, a huge and terrifying figure stepped out of the gray mist.

This chapter has been completed!
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