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Chapter 207 Upgrade

The whole process is actually not long.

Although Xiangshan suffered some trauma, he "modified the environment" so that the enemy could not use the weapons that threatened him the most.

As long as you don't get carried away by a rocket because you didn't dodge in time, then everything is fine.

In battles where only small-caliber long-range weapons are allowed, the advantages of "internal strength" are further amplified.

Ten minutes later, Xiangshan limped toward the building with several large modules and Zhihu Dharma's prosthetic body.

While walking, he hacked into the building's security system and lowered the partition doors in each area. This could hinder the arrival of reinforcements to a certain extent without blowing up the walls and breaking down the doors.

"It's a pity that Brother Kane didn't follow, otherwise he could have helped set up some mines." Xiangshan shrugged and approached his destination.

That is a maintenance instrument.

This place is the preparation area and supply point for the security weapons in the building. There are some ammunition and parts inside.

According to the pre-planning, if a battle breaks out nearby, the building's armed security will rely on this supply point to attack.

Knights are good at assassination. Many knights are very good at sneaking in without anyone noticing.

However, there are no living people here now - although no knights have sneaked in here, the security forces here are still dead.

Judging from the traces, they were probably unprepared and suddenly attacked at a very close range.

In this situation, it is possible that an extremely skilled stalker breaks in silently and the center blossoms.

But the more common situation is...


Look around Xiangshan.

The Six Dragons Sect is a well-hidden reactionary force. In order to keep it secret, they will not blindly expand the number of people in the team, so not everyone in this building is a member of the Six Dragons Sect.

Then, in order to create the illusion that "external armed forces are attacking here", the Six Dragons Sect will of course take action on these people.

Xiang Shan shook his head, and then looked around. He found the universal maintenance instrument, then limped over, sat down, and used the repair tools he brought with him to disassemble Zhihufa's prosthetic body.

He just used the "Invincible Hot Wheels" trick to roll down from above, hitting Zhihu Dharma's head every time just to prevent the prosthetic body from being damaged.

This is a prosthetic body equipped with the Gangqi weapon system, which can be stripped out of the complete Gangqi weapon system. In addition, its other properties are also excellent.

Xiangshan lacks this kind of thing right now. He has a burning fission furnace in his body, so he doesn't have to worry about energy, but he just lacks a module that can convert this energy into damage.

The Gangqi weapon system suits him very well.

Not to mention, this time he also gained... or rather recovered another martial art that he used to use frequently.

Xiangshan created many categories of martial arts for different situations. Different martial arts have different application scenarios. And he himself also has his own preferences.

The one he uses most easily is the Mecha Steel Fist. The Black Tortoise Zhen Gang can be regarded as one of his "personal preferences".

There will be other martial arts that will use "Gang Qi" in the future. [For example, David later created a "Star Chip Rotation Kung Fu"] But Xiang Shan still feels that Xuanwu Zhen Gang is easy to use.

At that time, internal strength was being created, and the first people to learn this skill were not the great hackers who won the name of "Vulcan", but also people close to them. Agni was one of them. The "Country Stealer" also won over the third

Three generations of "Kagutsuchi" and others.

At that time, Xiangshan did not have the time to "use medicine to cleanse himself again."

If he meets a hacker of this level, he is accustomed to starting with Xuanwu Zhengang.


What's a little troublesome is that Shihufa's computing unit seems to have been seriously damaged.

After all, the series of collisions just now almost knocked Zhihufa's brain into a tofu brain - the astrocytes in Zhihufa's brain were modified and specialized, and were by no means as fragile as ordinary people.

This kind of brain is almost broken, and it is understandable that the computing unit is damaged.

"Fortunately, it's not a big problem." Xiang Shan sighed.

In fact, when it was first born, this martial art was not as... morbid as it is now.

To be honest, if someone told Xiang Shan two hundred years ago that "Xuanwu Zhengang needs to use a black technology knife to make a hole in someone else's outer armor, and then use shock waves to wrap the turbulent flow, and the turbulent flow will carry the aerosol and send it into the wound", then

At that time, Xiangshan would only think that this man was crazy.

The original purpose of Xuanwu Zhen Gang's existence was to "fill metal aerosols into the air inlets of the heat dissipation modules of large weapons and general military prosthetics." At that time, the air inlets of the weapon's heat dissipation modules were still very obvious, and there were no

Such strict protection.

Even if someone was aware of this at that time, they would not be as guarded against it as they are now.

In people's perception at that time, "martial arts" was not what it is now.

"Unknowingly, martial arts have become like this." Xiang Shan sighed: "Fortunately, the prosthetic bodies of low-level soldiers are not as abnormal as those of warriors."

Xiangshan can effectively kill soldiers approaching him at a very low cost and with extremely high efficiency. The constantly changing magnetic field around his body can also quickly magnetize, deflect and even capture some bullets.

None of this requires too much computing power.

The Gangqi mass that moves with the main body can also cover up one's own figure, effectively avoiding snipers hiding in the dark.

This will further strengthen the advantage of "elite soldiers".

Xuanwu Zhen Gang is a martial art that is very suitable for "attacking the crowd with a few".

After seeing Zhihufa's prosthetic body, Xiangshan abandoned his original escape plan.

That escape plan might make people aware of some unique characteristics of his internal strength. The price is not high and is within an acceptable range.

But Xuanwu Zhengang can let Xiang Shan kill him directly.

Of course, before that, the lower body of his prosthetic body must be repaired.

Xiangshan quickly disassembled Zhihufa's limbs.

Then, he turned to the universal preparation instrument. This preparation instrument looked a bit like a medieval torture device called the "Iron Maiden", or like a pharaoh's golden coffin placed vertically. He walked around to the back of the mountain and took apart the control part of the chassis.

After tinkering for a while, I pulled out a module from inside.

Xiangshan's palm was on the sensing area in front of the instrument. The instrument flashed twice and then put down a screen.

Xiangshan entered some instructions.

At this time, the ground shook slightly, and some wall fragments rustled down.

Xiang Shan was a little surprised: "It seems like the fighting outside is... quite lively?"

Xiangshan didn't stay long. The partition door he put down was not enough to stop the enemy for a long time. He had to seize the time to repair himself and complete the upgrade at the same time.

Xiangshan stood inside the universal maintenance instrument.

This chapter has been completed!
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