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Chapter 58: Pay blood for tooth for tooth

At the moment when the alarm sounded, several accidents occurred in the base.

First, there is the location of the parking lot.

At the same time as the alarm bell rang, the flames of the explosion also appeared instantly.

Xiangshan had already hacked into the control parts of the two motorcycles and rewritten the safety protocols. After Xiangshan left, the engines continued to atomize ethanol, and then returned the evenly mixed atomized ethanol and combustion accelerant to the fuel tank.

.At the same time, metal batteries are constantly heating up.

The guards, who were fighting each other with Tetris, didn't notice.

So, explode.

One warrior was unlucky and his cervical vertebra was cut by a flying piece of metal, temporarily losing his fighting ability. Although the others were disgraced and did not save their local game consoles, they were still prosthetics and would not affect the battle at all.

But they had no time to worry about it. Because metal fragments penetrated the fuel tanks and batteries of other motorcycles, half of the garage began to burn.

Even the bullet was partially ignited.

There is no equipment to make fire extinguishing agents in the base, and metal batteries will release heat violently when exposed to water. A few people can only use sand and soil piled in the corner to put out the fire. But where can they put it out in a hurry?

At the same time, the guards who first discovered Ali and the other three bodies were waiting for help. A dozen guards were crowded in the corridor. They planned to exchange information for a while, and then conduct inspections in groups of seven.

Lu Lin, who first discovered the body, wanted to use the intercom to notify the control room. But at this moment, he suddenly heard a "pop" sound.

At the same time, silver light covered his vision.

The radio signal also suddenly deteriorated.

"Tiehua!" A green forest with a high transformation rate said in horror.

Of course, Xiangshan found this from Griad's body.

Not every warrior has a well-sealed shell like a welfare officer, and not every warrior can use evaporated coolant to maintain a relatively high pressure in the body like Xiangshan did that day.

The expert at the back instinctively stepped back, but bumped into his colleagues behind him. Under the congestion, several people were unable to dodge and were enveloped by Tiehua.

There was a crackling sound of electric sparks.

At this time, Xiang Shan had just put down his gun.

After several gunshots, there was no other sound in the entire monitoring room.

These monitors are specially left humans with a low transformation rate. Their hands, feet, and vocal organs are all biological, and the chips in their brains cannot interfere with their motor centers.

But on the other hand, such a person must be very weak, very weak.

If it were a natural person, even if he had achieved the level of a great master in martial arts, he would still be vulnerable. After all, a body of flesh and blood would be destroyed by a slight touch. Even Griad's armor was completely metal-based and almost entirely made of muscle.

The filled tentacles only take advantage of the fact that they will not be instantly crushed by high-frequency vibrations. In fact, after contact with high-frequency shock waves, the metal-based cells will still inevitably be crushed and necrotic, but

The soft tissue and abundant fluid act as a buffer to absorb energy, preventing it from collapsing like metal.

Even if the metal-based nerves allow their consciousness to catch up with the bullet, the muscles made of protein and the bones made of calcium phosphate cannot support evasive actions at the same speed.

But now, Xiang Shan has basically won.

A warrior with a low transformation rate will hardly play a big role in actual combat, while a warrior with a high transformation rate will be limited by his Gu.

As long as most of the warriors with high transformation rates in this area are restricted, Xiangshan will be able to enter an uninhabited land.

And the loudspeaker is still yelling: "Hey! What's going on? Talk back! Talk back! Hey! Hey! What's going on!"

"The village is in ruins." Xiang Shan sighed: "A century-old foundation has been destroyed in one day!"

"What? Who has sneaked in... No, who is Shiba?"

"Who am I? This is really a profound question. Is it just a philosophical question?" Xiang Shan replied while staring at the surveillance camera and constructing a manpower distribution map. At the same time, he replied slowly: "A passing... Avenger?


"Young special mother is pretending to be a ghost!" the little poisonous insect said angrily: "You are just...wait, the eldest brother has not returned for several days, could it be said..."

The second-in-command suddenly changed his tone and said solemnly: "That 'mountain'? Who are you?"

Xiang Shan slapped him casually, cutting off the conversation.

"To be honest, I really want to know who I am." Xiang Shan shrugged, then took out the two walkie-talkies he had just found and adjusted the frequency slightly.

He mostly won.

In other words... if the opponent did not form a dense formation or firepower position to surround him before the poison took full effect, then the opponent would have no chance of victory.

The largest server in the cottage is in his hands. And most of the broadcast system that can issue orders has been destroyed.

What we need to do next is called "eliminating all evil".

Before he came, he actually wanted to believe that there were still individuals in the green forest who had just debuted and had not yet committed any murderous crimes. He didn't have the time to identify them one by one, but he still had the intention to "keep a hand".

But after downloading the information from the Gliad server, he no longer had this idea.

The only shortcoming was that the "Blue Steel Vulture" didn't seem to be in the lair. But he really didn't have the patience to wait, so he simply waited while killing.

"The next step is to create panic..." After Xiangshan adjusted the frequency, he casually pulled out a section of wire from the control room and tied a walkie-talkie and microphone together.

——If you don’t let these scum repent in fear and humiliation, how can you be willing to do so!

Then, he kicked open the door, raised his gun and shot, smashing two heads that were pointing the gun at the door.

Since the warning was received but there was no order, not every green forest person knew what happened. Most of them were just on alert and raised their weapons.

A small number of people rushed toward the warehouse and parking lot corridors in a noisy manner.

Not many people have noticed this side yet.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Jump up the mountain and reach the top of the steel beam again.

While he was walking quickly, a loudspeaker sounded: "Brothers, that person is monitoring..."

With a "bang" sound, Xiangshan blew up the speaker.

At the same time, all lighting routes that can be cut off by remote control are turned off at the same time.

Xiang Shan raised his walkie-talkie and said: "Heroes of Green Forest, you have been surrounded!"

In an instant, there were random shots and shouts. Several warriors who looked like small bosses began to try to gather some of their subordinates and kill them in the direction of the control room.

Xiangshan turned off the walkie-talkie and sighed: "Oh my god, who am I... This skill is pretty good."

At this time, another loudspeaker was turned on and shouted: "Brothers, give it to me quickly..."

Xiang Shan raised his hand and shot again, blowing up the speaker.

Doing so undoubtedly exposed their position. However, there was a delay of about 0.4 seconds between their perception and reality. At the same time as Xiang Shan fired, he turned over and kicked the ceiling with both feet.

0.4 seconds later, a series of bullets were shot past Xiangshan's position just now.

At this moment, Xiang Shan had already arrived at the side of a warrior with full transformation rate.

He pulled the warrior's body back with his backhand. The 0.4 second delay allowed him to start to resist, and his center of gravity had already been destroyed.

Xiangshan's right hand holding the walkie-talkie fixed the little boss's shoulder, and his left hand used Mr. Andy's pistol to lower the back of the little boss's head while turning on the walkie-talkie.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of gunfire and screams of pain spread throughout the base through the public address system.

"How does it feel to be ravaged by violence, gentlemen!"

He lowered the body of the little boss toward the mountain and swayed his body downwards, avoiding three long sticks.

He now has full vision throughout the base.

A group of furious bandits surrounded them. Some of them may have realized that there was something wrong with their perception, but Xiang Shan's attitude really angered them.


Xiang Shan commented in his heart.

The best way now is actually to have one or two close combat experts entangle him, and then the gunners and artillery warriors can calmly arrange the firepower positions. These green forest bandits only know the "concentrated formation restraint fighting skills", but they have completely forgotten "

"Concentrated formation" also requires coordination. A group of people swarming together will only interfere with each other.

——To add to the fire...how can I be so good at it? Who was I before?

Xiangshan dodged like a leisurely stroll while humming into the intercom: "Who am i? [Who am I] am i not unique? [Am I not special enough?] may be i'm not here at all [Maybe I

It doesn’t exist here at all]”

The remaining right hand held the middle part of a long stick, and with a flick of his hand, he took the owner of the long stick forward three steps and blocked three sticks for him. The guy's neck was directly knocked down by his companions.

He screamed and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

Xiang Shan quickly added a kick and kicked the guy's head.

At the same time, he fired three shots at the top with the rifle guarded by the guard in the control room, destroying three Gundo warriors who secretly set up fire points.

The field of vision left by Mr. Griliad is very broad. It is expected that he will not give the enemy who enters the stronghold any chance to use his weapon.

"Look, the fakers blinding us with lies the breakers of us all"

The unprecedented humiliation blinded the minds of several warriors. They really couldn't stand such ridicule - an enemy... just an enemy dared to insult them like this! How dared to sing and ravage their dignity on the ground like this!

And it seems that he pays more attention to singing than to fighting!

However, they did not see that Xiangshan was shooting frequently, but he was killing the Gundo warriors. No matter who wanted to use thermal weapons on him from a high place, he would give priority to him - or shoot him directly.

Kill him, or use bullets to disrupt the balance and make him fall.

In the blink of an eye, fourteen warriors fell at the foot of the mountain.

Together with the five Gungundo warriors he shot and killed, plus the two he killed when he came in, the five who died at the door of the monitoring room, and the three who died in the monitoring room.

There are probably about a hundred people left.

"Get out of my way!" came a powerful voice.

It was a warrior whose lower body had been replaced with a tracked vehicle. The Griad was just as burly, but it had a row of high-frequency blades on its chassis.

He slammed into him, and at the same time a bunch of arms wielded giant axes, trying to limit the dodge route towards the mountain.

But what he was trying to limit was actually "Xiang Shan 0.4 seconds ago".

Xiang Shan jumped directly behind him and hummed softly: "oh, it's useless [Oh, it's useless]"

At the same time, without stopping, he raised his hand to handle the imitator of Griad just as he did with Griad.

***The author has something to say***

The song Xiangshan hums is called "wake up, get up, get out there". Of course, this chapter is also great when paired with the BGM "Last Surprise" from the same series.

In addition, continue to ask for recommendation votes.

This chapter has been completed!
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