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Chapter 221 God and Bad Tribulation

"Xiaoba"'s internal strength is stronger than that of "native". At the moment when the opponent is too surprised, it can control the enemy at no cost, and even reversely interfere with the biological brain to a certain extent.

Xiangshan just wanted to take a gamble and see if he had a chance to keep Kanyuan Yanye.

Yanye Kanhara seems to be a middle-level and high-level member of the Six Dragons Sect. This is the most likely channel to obtain specific information about the Six Dragons Sect, other than "the mysterious master on the moon."

If it weren't for a Six Dragon Sect protector who decisively used the power-off command to cause a drone above to lose power and crash down directly, blocking Xiang Shan's sight for a moment, Xiang Shan might have succeeded.

And with the external skills that "Xiao Ba" can exert, it is impossible for him to overturn.

Overall, the risks are small and the benefits are huge.

But on the other hand, the overlay of "Xiaoba"'s personality makes Xiangshan more sympathetic to the encounters of the Eighth Martial God.

After Kanhara Yanye mentioned "the same mistakes he made eighty years ago", the emotion of "you have to escape and cannot be exposed at will" began to grow faintly, alternating with the emotion of "Tianye has become a bad guy".

Xiangshan estimated the condition of his prosthetic body and found that what Kanyuan Yanye said was indeed true.

His upper limbs were strengthened according to higher standards, but his lower limbs were "make do". It was destroyed once in Youhe City by the guardian of the Six Dragons Cult called Zhi Li Riliu and others. It was under emergency repair.

Afterwards, Xiangshan's lower limbs regained movement ability, but this was only a stopgap measure.

The series of movements just now put a lot of pressure on this leg.

Moreover, the fission furnace itself put huge pressure on his cooling system. From the beginning of the fierce battle with Green Forest to now, in less than a day, he has fought many fierce battles in succession. He barely managed to replenish supplies in Youhe City.

After a wave, they relied on Xuanwu Zhengang to break out of the siege at a relatively small cost.

Considering that there will be a breakout battle later, the current situation of the prosthetic body can be considered not optimistic.

If this group of Six Dragon Cult members no longer focused on the single-killing king, but instead took turns taking cover and focused on escaping for their lives, he would only be able to kill three to four of them at most.

Xiangshan didn't know the difference in status between Shen Yuan Yanye and these people. If these people could sacrifice their lives to cover Shen Yuan Yanye's escape, then Shen Yuan Yanye would definitely be able to escape.

Furthermore, Xuanwu Zhengang does have the flaw of "being used in the wilderness and easily locked by satellites". King Agni's orbital airborne army is already on the way.

Xiang Shan is not in full condition right now, and he is not fully confident in defeating this army.

As soon as Xiangshan's thoughts changed, his movements were slightly delayed, and Kanhara Yanye distanced himself.

"It's just that the bully master doesn't have a big sniper." Xiang Shan put the Shenzi sword back into its scabbard and shouted loudly: "Yan Ye! You didn't learn well. I feel sorry for your father. Next time we meet, you can help me follow him.

He should apologize. Count me as sorry for him twice."

With that said, he turned to Shanshan and dragged the Single Killer King along to gallop on the ground.


After hearing Xiangshan's words, Kanyuan Yanye's movements were slightly deformed. But she quickly regained her composure.

Uncle Xiang is such a person. He is such a person in most situations.

Tens of seconds later, after confirming that the place was far away, Ambassador Tao asked in the team channel: [Holy Aunt... I have a question.]


[Is your real name "Shenyuan Yanye"? One of the earliest disciples of Wu Zu Xiangshan? 】

Kanyuan Yanye, one of Wuzu Xiangshan’s early disciples, is known as the “Flower of the mouth” in the world. During the Secret War, she appeared in front of the public with her true face, conveying the truth and gathering people.

The fire of resistance.

Earlier, she was an assistant to the Pioneers group, handling some daily affairs.

Ambassador Tao said: [According to the rules within the sect, I shouldn't have asked this question, but this time we were targeted by King Agni's elite troops. Whether we can escape is still a matter of doubt. So... I'm sorry,

I went beyond.]

Kanyuan Yanye shook his head silently: [It is no longer a big deal. That is indeed the name my father gave me. 】

Some inexplicable emotions grew within the team.

Ambassador Tao was a little excited: [If you are of this status...then...were you the new generation of "God of War" just now?]

The criteria for "God of War" have always been ambiguous. "Self-identification as Xiangshan" and "recognition by people who knew Xiangshan in the past" can be regarded as a God of War. The former one is very free to confirm, while the latter one has no standard at all.

For example, how should we judge the situation where "some of Xiangshan's friends approve, but other friends of Xiangshan do not?" How should "only one of Xiangshan's former acquaintances approve" be settled? Are "people familiar with the God of War" qualified to judge?


No matter which standard is used, the person "Kamihara Yanye" is qualified enough to make a judgment.

[Expedient measures in battle...Other old friends may not recognize it. 'Uncle Xiang' may not recognize it either.] Shenyuan Yanye shook his head: [I can only say that in my eyes, that person is covered by

His 'personality' is exactly that of Xiangshan back then.】

[Then, we must escape alive.] The gunner said, [It is very possible that I suppressed a god of war! This will be the glory of my life.]

Another protector also said: [I survived the battle with the God of War...how could I die to someone so young? That would bring shame to martial arts!]

[Before spreading this glory, I absolutely cannot die here!]

Looking at the subordinates of the Six Dragons Sect who were inexplicably enthusiastic, Kanyuan Yanye had very complicated emotions.

But she couldn't think more about it.

The few bolides in the sky that fell in different directions and gradually became huge have separated into several small fire points that moved faster.

That's a missile.

For prosthetics, the damage range of bombs is not large, let alone pure kinetic energy weapons. Space-based weapons are loud and move forward long. Knights moving at supersonic speeds have a chance to dodge.

Of course, if a nuclear bomb is thrown and exploded indiscriminately, the EMP caused is another matter. But firstly, satellites show that the person with the highest martial arts below uses Xuanwu Zhengang, which is a Gangqi martial arts that can build an aerosol Faraday cage. Secondly, the

, if King Agni does this kind of thing near the Scientific Research Knights now, the Scientific Research Knights group may join forces to fight with him.

In this case, the most suitable thing to use is the orbital troop transport module.

It can quickly create an encirclement on the ground and continuously call for support.

When Kanhara Yanye and his party were suppressed by the blast, Kanhara Yanye took one last look in the direction of the mountain.

——I'm sorry, Uncle Xiang. I'm afraid you can't understand us either.

——In the tragedy of history, human beings have sacrificed too much. In the bad catastrophe of history, before the catastrophe, we must find a way to transcend the cycle of tragedy.

--Feel sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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