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Chapter 227: Out of sight

"This is……"

It was really no joke. Lu Xuanyu saw the remaining snow on the roadside melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The most suitable temperature for metal-based organisms." Xiang Shan said: "It is over fifty degrees. For Homo sapiens, this temperature is a little hotter than bath water. On the earth today, only the middle areas of the great deserts have

It has this temperature."

Lu Xuanyu's wife couldn't help but take a half step back.

"If you want to go in, please wear protective equipment - insulating clothing, ice patches, etc." Xiang Shan said: "Of course, I don't recommend that you go in now. This park is for those who have completed genetic modification surgery.

Prepared by people.”

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers and the door closed.

Xiang Shan said: "That's it."

Lu Xuanyu said: "You have made a lot of...metal-based creatures? But, won't they escape and have any impact on the earth?"

"This question is a little strange." Xiang Shan said: "A species can invade another ecosystem only if the local environment is suitable for their survival. But metal-based organisms are not suitable for the earth's environment. Even in the middle of the Sahara Desert,

Or the hottest places like Death Valley in California, for them it just feels like "summer is here". And the temperature difference between day and night there will kill them. Even in the Mesozoic Era, the earth has not been this hot.

to a certain point.”

"Under the natural environment of the earth, metal-based organisms have no competitive advantage. Unless they are genetically modified to acquire hibernation-like abilities, they can find some living space in the desert."

Lu Xuanyu and his wife were silent.

"Now you should be able to understand the weight of 'species change' more intuitively." Xiang Shan shook his head: "There are still about two weeks of preparation before the official operation. You can withdraw at any time before the operation begins.

But I must remind you that once the operation begins, there is no turning back. There is currently no way to reverse this operation, and giving up halfway will only kill you."

Lu Xuanyu was silent for a few minutes before saying, "Thank you, Mr. Xiang. I will consider it carefully."

The couple watched for a few seconds outside the greenhouse. The monkeys inside were happily eating fruits with strange colors. No one could have imagined that they actually lived in temperatures where eggs and even meat could be cooked.

Lu Xuanyu's wife asked: "Then if our old Lu wants to go out in the future..."

"Then you have to wear thicker clothes. Carrying an electric heater is also a good choice." Xiang Shan said: "I have entrusted a third-party organization to develop special electric heating clothing, which can allow baseline people to go shopping in seemingly light clothing. Industrial

In this era, there is always no shortage of electricity.”

The group then set off to the next place. Lu Xuanyu turned the wheelchair by himself, but found that his wife was a little behind. He stopped, looked back, and found that his wife was still looking at the greenhouse, with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xuanyu asked.

The wife shook her head: "I seem to have only now understood what 'changing species' means...it's a bit...a bit scary."

Lu Xuanyu was a little worried: "You don't want me to continue...well, it's true."

"No, this is an opportunity." The wife shook her head, "I just need a little mental preparation. The key is still you."

His wife pushed onto Lu Xuanyu's wheelchair and caught up with Xiang Shan and Florence who were waiting in front.

The group of people continued walking forward. Suddenly, a loud sound echoed in the empty corridor.

Lu Xuanyu was a little strange and didn't know what happened.

After a while, several people in formal clothes walked through the corridor. When they saw Xiang Shan, they were stunned for a moment, then nodded and walked away against the wall.

Lu Xuanyu noticed that most of them were in their fifties or sixties. They were well-maintained and had gray hair. But for some reason, they all looked worried.

Xiang Shan also nodded to them and moved on.

Lu Xuanyu asked curiously: "Who are these people?"

"Maybe it's from the Ministry of Health, or maybe it's from the Ministry of Science and Technology." Xiang Shan sounded as if he had long been used to strange things. "Some people often come to inquire about the progress of research, or try to find various channels to sneak themselves into the volunteer pool.

There are many types of people, so it’s not surprising.”


"Remember what I told you last month? The Security Council passed a special resolution that prohibits benchmark people from becoming electees of any government agency and prohibiting them from serving in the government system before 2055." Xiang Shan said:

"This is actually the result of compromise. By 2055, the old men can eliminate all young competitors and can pave the way for future generations with peace of mind."

"And young dignitaries can resign from their political positions and wait to undergo this surgery to gain a longer life."

"It's just that the group of people caught in the middle are in a dilemma. They no longer have much ambition to climb up. They live a comfortable life, but they really feel the decline in physical fitness. This kind of people are the most afraid of death. Now

There is a chance to gain a longer life. But this requires them to put down what they have worked hard for all their lives to obtain. This group of people like to come here most to inquire about the progress of research." Xiang Shan said: "Then, these people

You are also very shy about talking to me. If you are accidentally accused of wanting to secretly transform into a benchmark person, then you have made a principled mistake."

They would only dare to talk to Xiang Shan in completely public situations or completely private situations.

Lu Xuanyu said: "I remember you said that some conservative people don't want this change, right? Not all young people are open-minded..."

"But as long as he is a young man, he will be suppressed by the old man for such reasons. The reason is that he is still young and may resign at any time to have surgery." Xiang Shan said, "It is not easy for young people to get promoted now. These are all public.

Of course, no country will officially recognize the existence of the 'old faction' and the 'youth faction'."

Lu Xuanyu felt a little heavy again. The invisible conflict between "old people" and "young people" seemed to be none of his business. But this matter fell in his heart.

Even after reading the information Xiangshan gave him before, he doesn't seem to have a perceptual understanding of "changing species". He just knows "Oh, there are such consequences."

But now, this fact has really hit him.

Florence put a hand on his shoulder: "You don't need to be confused about this matter, Mr. Lu. It's the boss who needs to worry about this matter."

Lu Xuanyu looked at Xiang Shan's nonchalant back and sighed: "This is really something only a big shot can worry about."

This chapter has been completed!
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