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Chapter 252: Wavering and Unchanging

"Congratulations on completing the genetic modification surgery, Mr. Lu." Xiang Shan said to Lu Xuanyu, "How lucky you are."

"I'm the fiftieth benchmark person, right?" Lu Xuanyu scratched his head, "I've had more than fifty surgeries without incident."

"What does N=50 mean... I mean, the number of samples is only fifty, and we can't say that this surgery is absolutely safe." Xiang Shan shrugged: "Although many unscrupulous scientists have research with N=2 and N=5

Water is meaningless thesis, but we hate this practice. All we can say at the moment is that this operation is not necessarily safe."

Lu Xuanyu scratched his head: "I just think your words are quite scary. It's obviously nothing, but you have to pretend that it's something."

"This is science." Xiang Shan said this, pulled up a chair and sat down, "I'm sorry to come to congratulate you now. I am indeed... quite busy these days."

Lu Xuanyu lowered his head in embarrassment: "Well, I saw what happened to your friend from the news. I'm sorry...please express my condolences."

Xiangshan looked as usual: "You know it too...that's right. It was all a few weeks ago."

"That Japanese man is a good man." Lu Xuanyu said, "I only saw it on the news, but I admire him very much."

Xiangshan moved his eyes upward, and after a few seconds, he suddenly said: "These Japanese are fucking sick. After this incident, I finally understand. I can't get along with those Japanese."

This sentence is very emotional. Lu Xuanyu rarely sees such an intuitive reaction from Xiang Shan - although every sentence of Xiang Shan is full of emotion, it also gives people a feeling of "restraint".

Lu Xuanyu felt that this sentence should not be sincere.

He could only say: "At least he realized his own value..."

"His value..." Xiangshan sighed: "This guy Kanhara...tsk. Forget it, I don't want to say it anymore."

Lu Xuanyu said: "I'm sorry, I made you feel uncomfortable by saying this."

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "Where is this talent? It's a pity for me. He is a first-class scholar. We all think he can make a great contribution. As a result, he was lost in a game that had nothing to do with him.

In the midst of the dispute... there are so many damned guys in this world, but this undeserving person died."

Lu Xuanyu considered his words and said carefully: "I can't speak, so don't worry about what I say wrong. But I feel that this person has made a choice that is worthy of his conscience. He will live in your heart forever.


"Conscience..." Xiang Shan looked at the ceiling: "Old Lu, Old Lu... you know, when I was in the peacekeeping force camp, I saw Kanhara's body. At that time, I had a little wavering... some thoughts, just

Not very conscientious."

"Ah?" Lu Xuanyu consoled him, "It's human nature to have hatred towards enemies who kill their friends."

"I was thinking about why I worked so hard to let all mankind enter the new world...some people should not enjoy the benefits." Xiang Shan still had the same expression, but he showed a "not angry but self-defeating"


Lu Xuanyu heard Xiang Shan mention that Xiang Shan and Yawgmoth's ideal is to promote the "baseline human transformation surgery" to the world, so that humans can enjoy longer lifespans, stronger physical fitness and omnipotent "transformability".

Although Xiang Shan had never said such a big word as "all mankind" before, Lu Xuanyu did hear Xiang Shan use "all people" as a prefix several times.

Lu Xuanyu said: "Indeed. There are some scumbags..."

"There are villains, hooligans, scum, bad guys in the world... There are always a lot of people who are so bad that they bleed." Xiang Shan said: "But the problem is that I don't have the power to screen humans. There are some people who are so bad that they shouldn't live.

But whether they can survive or not should not be decided by me, but should be left to people like the judiciary. I should not have this power."

Xiang Shan lowered his head and looked at his hands: "Only the crowd can decide the crowd - this has always been my credo. Therefore, I will choose to let everyone enjoy the new technology without any screening. Perhaps the official who will finally implement this plan will

The organization will screen people, but they are representatives chosen by the people. That is their responsibility. I have always thought so."

Lu Xuanyu was a little puzzled: "I think...ahem, this may be a bit harsh. But I think many officials are not as good as you."

"This is not the same thing." Xiang Shan shook his head: "It is easy for a person's thinking to slip. Today I can rule that someone who killed someone is not worthy of using new technologies, but tomorrow I will think that a group is garbage...

What about the future? But a group of people who influence each other and are influenced by the wider people..."

Xiang Shan suddenly put a hand on his forehead and dug his fingers into his hair: "I always thought so. But at that time, I was really shaken, and I haven't fully recovered yet - you see, what you just said made me suspicious.


Lu Xuanyu scratched his head: "Maybe... the group is just ignorant."

"Don't think so." Xiang Shan smiled: "It is true that people sometimes show fanaticism and ignorance - they are not Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. But at the same time, they support them smoothly most of the time.

The process of history. Instead of blaming them for being fanatical, we should first think about why they became ignorant and crazy."

"Someone explained this to me very early on. So I decided on my career very early. I will never change my ideals easily. To take a step back, I will do it for a handful of scum.

It would be stupid to deny the belief that I have held for more than ten years. However, I am indeed a little shaken. I may need some time to adjust."

Lu Xuanyu looked at Xiang Shan and felt respect from the bottom of his heart for the first time: "Mr. Xiang... I think you are a high-level person."

"A high level... A high level person like me?" Xiang Shan shook his head, waved his hand, and patted Lu Xuanyu on the shoulder, "Take good care of yourself. There is still one more level to pass in a few months."

There are also differences between the baseline humans who have just been transformed from Homo sapiens and the baseline humans who have lived as metal-based creatures for a long time.

It is the latter that is truly suitable for prosthetic transformation.

Lu Xuanyu still needs to wait for some time for some "changes that accumulate with age" to occur in his body before he can proceed with the next step of transformation.

When Lu Xuanyu heard this, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

The reason why he participated in the Superman Enterprise project and the reason why he was willing to take the risk to become the first batch of benchmark people was for this reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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